Video Evidence of aggressive/dangerous driving


License Plate: 168 BYT or 168 8YT
April 26, 2014 @ 5:06pm
On Ramp to 400 at HWY 7

I was behind him, he was accelerating very slow. When I went to pass him, he cut in front of me. I honked at him and then he started to brake check me. I saw his old man face get very angry in his driver side mirror as he slammed on the brakes.

What's with the camera pointed so high... It's called a dashcam not a sky cam
This thread terrifies me... :)

I understand why people run dash cams as it can be very useful in a he said/she said situation in which an accident occurs. I even like what Rob does with his "bad driver" videos. They are very funny to watch, kind of vehicle satire if you will.

But, the idea of either giving the recording directly to a police officer, posting it on a "road watch" website or having the police ask for it on a forum is either getting very Orwellian or leading us down the Orwellian path. To me, this is just a few steps removed from having "monitoring and control" devices installed in every vehicle. Why wait until a CITIZEN reports somebody when we BIG BROTHER can do it ourselves.....

We do have these 'Road Watch' reporting applications, where I guess you can put in YouTube/Dropbox links of dashcam footage.
No one said run out and get videos to send in. If you don't wish to then don't. Remember this though. .... anyone and I mean ANYONE random can have a camera at anytime. If they think you ride like a twat and send it in there's no difference. All comes down to time and a place. I wouldn't think twice about sending one in if some fool was driving like a retard nd if I actually had a camera. Nanny state nothing. Some of us have had some very close calls and this is not a big brother vs citizen debate.
This thread is a fine example of why you should never talk to cops under any circumstances. Uneducated high school fools looking to grandstand their egos. As if any JP would prosecute based on video evidence from a motorcycle forum. This cop would be laughed out of court by the JP, Lawyer, ex-coppers and the like and likely reprimanded. Bad / dangerous driving videos taken by the public have no more value than entertainment. And you should be thankful for this as it's your civil liberties at work protecting you from becoming a Mexican!

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The whole **** the police I rule the world and I have rights attitude blows too. Everyone feels so entitled here its silly. If someone shot a video like the cool guy doing the wheelies down the 403 we all saw on the news and his plate is shown then he deserves what he gets. Don't ride like that and here wouldn't be a problem :dontknow:
Mladin - you realize by not talking to the cops under any circumstances, that you're never going to give them your side of the story and they're only going on what they already know. Sometimes if you've done nothing wrong, it's better to talk to them and explain your side of the story. Just don't incriminate yourself!
Mladin - you realize by not talking to the cops under any circumstances, that you're never going to give them your side of the story and they're only going on what they already know. Sometimes if you've done nothing wrong, it's better to talk to them and explain your side of the story. Just don't incriminate yourself!

Its depends on the situation. If your talking to one as a witness for something or as a victim sure.. but if its a criminal matter you are being questioned about for your possible involvement i'm with Mladin on this i would stay mum until my counsel arrived
Its depends on the situation. If your talking to one as a witness for something or as a victim sure.. but if its a criminal matter you are being questioned about for your possible involvement i'm with Mladin on this i would stay mum until my counsel arrived

I've talked myself out of more than one situation, I'm speaking from personal experience here. One incident, I was target shooting in the middle of a forest where hunting is legal, and I was called out of the forest by sirens and a loudspeaker only to be harassed by two OPP officers - I had permission to be there (from the MNR who said that exact location was FINE for target shooting), but since it wasn't in writing, according to them they could seize my firearm, charge me with reckless discharge, blah blah not going to get into the story, but I ended up walking away, with my rifle slung over my shoulder with no charges or anything bad happening, because I simply talked to them and gave them my side of the story. Funny part is, they never even walked out to my shooting location - it could have very well been dangerous, I could have been hunting out of season, but they were too lazy to even walk back to look! They walked back and forth looking at the signs on the road to see if they could find anything about hunting or firearms to see if they could come up with a bogus charge but.... nothing. It was annoying to stand there and talk to them when I knew I didn't do a thing wrong, but in that situation it was better than the alternative.

So I agree that it depends on the situation, sometimes it's better to say nothing, sometimes it helps to fill them in, they only know what they've been told.
I've talked myself out of more than one situation, I'm speaking from personal experience here. One incident, I was target shooting in the middle of a forest where hunting is legal, and I was called out of the forest by sirens and a loudspeaker only to be harassed by two OPP officers - I had permission to be there (from the MNR who said that exact location was FINE for target shooting), but since it wasn't in writing, according to them they could seize my firearm, charge me with reckless discharge, blah blah not going to get into the story, but I ended up walking away, with my rifle slung over my shoulder with no charges or anything bad happening, because I simply talked to them and gave them my side of the story. Funny part is, they never even walked out to my shooting location - it could have very well been dangerous, I could have been hunting out of season, but they were too lazy to even walk back to look! They walked back and forth looking at the signs on the road to see if they could find anything about hunting or firearms to see if they could come up with a bogus charge but.... nothing. It was annoying to stand there and talk to them when I knew I didn't do a thing wrong, but in that situation it was better than the alternative.

So I agree that it depends on the situation, sometimes it's better to say nothing, sometimes it helps to fill them in, they only know what they've been told.

Sure i have spoke to cops when i was protesting stuff and explained stuff and its been fine. Its all dependant on the situation. Of course always being polite helps.
Video all behaviour at all times. Send videos to proper authorities. Boat in driveway? Send video to City Hall. Yelling at rugrat? Send video to Childrens Aid Society. Install wrong screw? Send video to Ontario College of Trade. Water on floor? Send video to Ministry of Labour. MM pulling pecker on bus? Send video to Transit Weenies. Go down slippery slope? Send video to 1984. Ya, this is going to be awesome. Because it won't be abused. Every authoritarian entity needs a renegade cruising the forums.
When you're talking dangerous driving where innocent people could be killed it's a little more than a boat in a driveway. I usually agree with a lot of what you post but this isn't one of those times.

P.s. nice of you to include mm in there lol

Hey, Alvito, what camera are you using?

P.S. did you honk at him and that caused hime nearly going to a stop or he is just a dumb @$$?


License Plate: 168 BYT or 168 8YT
April 26, 2014 @ 5:06pm
On Ramp to 400 at HWY 7

I was behind him, he was accelerating very slow. When I went to pass him, he cut in front of me. I honked at him and then he started to brake check me. I saw his old man face get very angry in his driver side mirror as he slammed on the brakes.
Video all behaviour at all times. Send videos to proper authorities. Boat in driveway? Send video to City Hall. Yelling at rugrat? Send video to Childrens Aid Society. Install wrong screw? Send video to Ontario College of Trade. Water on floor? Send video to Ministry of Labour. MM pulling pecker on bus? Send video to Transit Weenies. Go down slippery slope? Send video to 1984. Ya, this is going to be awesome. Because it won't be abused. Every authoritarian entity needs a renegade cruising the forums.

pretty soon everyone will be walking around with go-pro's on their melon with a live web cam hooked up to some government agency.. lol
pretty soon everyone will be walking around with go-pro's on their melon with a live web cam hooked up to some government agency.. lol

Ever driven a nice car or bike? I had a really custom old school bug slammed that people used to hang out of their windows to get a shot of. People have been taking photos since I can remember while driving down the highway. It's just that in today's times everyone has a video recorder.
Under advice from another member, I'm posting in the general forum to reach a wider audience.
Here it is...

I'd rather have cops start setting up 'bait bikes' all over the place, that go after some old lady driving 80s car at 60km/h on 401, i know it needs to be done, but if we just look at the posts for the last month, there is 8 motorcycles stolen just at the end of April, that's just on here, and if we look at the traffic complaints, maybe one or two threads.
The opinion of an OPP officer trumps your own. I didn't call the cops for it. I posted a video in this thread to test the waters.

No Opinion can be wrong as per its own definition, and this is not my opinion, this is a Fact!


  • a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


  • o·pin·ion

    ] Show IPA

    noun1.a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

    2.a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

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Does anyone else see why this thread is absolute bunk?

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Yea, it is unbelievable how dumb people are
Video all behaviour at all times. Send videos to proper authorities. Boat in driveway? Send video to City Hall. Yelling at rugrat? Send video to Childrens Aid Society. Install wrong screw? Send video to Ontario College of Trade. Water on floor? Send video to Ministry of Labour. MM pulling pecker on bus? Send video to Transit Weenies. Go down slippery slope? Send video to 1984. Ya, this is going to be awesome. Because it won't be abused. Every authoritarian entity needs a renegade cruising the forums.

The slippery slope only exists if you believe that we are incapable of saying, "This far, but no further." Video has been used to catch armed robbers and shooters in this city. It has also been used to capture possible police abuse. In all the cases that you've stated a phone call could easily be used to report. Video is simply another form of evidence that wrong doing has, in fact, taken place. Sure, it can be taken too far, but in a public place there is no implied right of privacy.

What we are talking about here is video that shows patently dangerous and illegal behaviour. People who are a danger to the public but, by virtue of how large an area police must cover, may never be caught while behaving in a dangerous manner. In my time commuting from the 'burbs to downtown T.O., over the last 16+ years, I've had drivers lane split me, pass me in my own lane while half in the breakdown lane, nudge me, throw things out the window in front of me while travelling at 100 Kmh, make lane changes into the space I'm occupying, push me into the curb, pull the "u-turn of death", and many, many other patently dangerous moves. You're saying that people who do this sort of thing shouldn't be punished? I could actually charge them, myself, by swearing out an "information" on them. It doesn't require the intervention of an officer.
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