Video Evidence of aggressive/dangerous driving

Ah, so the driver of the van was there. So he knows what is right and safe to do? Change lanes without checking mirrors/blind spot and brake check someone after they honk at you for almost causing an accident. That's some messed up logic.

Don't tell me my driving isn't safe just to prove a point. Tell me its not safe on its merits. If you can't see the traffic behind me or in my blindspot, then butt out and keep your ill informed accusations to yourself.
So you are saying you did the right thing by cutting across 2 traffic lanes?

..and my logic is messed up lol
So you are saying you did the right thing by cutting across 2 traffic lanes?

..and my logic is messed up lol

Who the **** stops and signals twice before changing two wide open lanes??? Who brake checks and tries to cause an accident on purpose?? Which is worse? I think you just like to argue for arguments sake. :D
There is a huge difference between things that are against the rules "just because", and things that are going to get someone killed.

At the moment I am operating on the assumption that Bike Cop is legit and is offering this as a service to help keep us safe, and for that, I welcome the initiative.

But it is not in anyone's interest to waste the time of everyone involved by complaining about someone who used a HOV lane without a second person on board, or made a right turn at an intersection at 9:01 AM when it is only allowed from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM, or travelled at 121 km/h when the rest of the traffic was travelling at 120 km/h (still in violation but within range of normal practice) ... or for that matter, for minor low-speed lane-splitting or filtering that would be completely legal everywhere else in the world except Bantario.

Well there's really only one place in North America where that's legal, and that's California where it's legal simply because it isn't explicitly illegal.

But you're right in that this sort of thing isn't what I would think is worth reporting, unless it creates an actually dangerous situation. For example the rider splits between the curb and a school bus/TTC bus/streetcar. Other than that it might be dangerous for the rider, and has already earned someone a cite under HTA 172, but it's only worth reporting if you think that being ****** off that someone else is getting somewhere faster is dangerous.
So you are saying you did the right thing by cutting across 2 traffic lanes?

..and my logic is messed up lol

Given the dangers inherent in merging at 50% of the speed of traffic on the road that you are entering or making a quick double lane change, I'd say the first is the more reasonable course of action.
Given the dangers inherent in merging at 50% of the speed of traffic on the road that you are entering or making a quick double lane change, I'd say the first is the more reasonable course of action.
He was going at 70 km and Hr, since when the speed limit is 140? plus this is pure assumption, how do you know the van wasn't going to speed up at the end of the on ramp? Have you never been behind a car that takes the on ramp very slow and does not start accelerating until the end of the merging lane?

Of course people do what the Video Poster did all the time even though is illegal, I do it all the time, you guys are missing my point, but hey, I will leave you here in this circle jerk thread.

I am out vigilantes! lol
He was going at 70 km and Hr, since when the speed limit is 140? plus this is pure assumption, how do you know the van wasn't going to speed up at the end of the on ramp? Have you never been behind a car that takes the on ramp very slow and does not start accelerating until the end of the merging lane?

Of course people do what the Video Poster did all the time even though is illegal, I do it all the time, you guys are missing my point, but hey, I will leave you here in this circle jerk thread.

I am out vigilantes! lol

Like i said, brake checking someone is a HTA 172 charge. That trumps improper lane change, regardless of how I might feel about the stunt driving law.
So you are saying you did the right thing by cutting across 2 traffic lanes?

..and my logic is messed up lol

I don't think I said I "cut across two lanes", I made two safe lane changes in quick succession, after i checked mirrors and my blind spot.

He was going at 70 km and Hr, since when the speed limit is 140? plus this is pure assumption, how do you know the van wasn't going to speed up at the end of the on ramp? Have you never been behind a car that takes the on ramp very slow and does not start accelerating until the end of the merging lane?

Of course people do what the Video Poster did all the time even though is illegal, I do it all the time, you guys are missing my point, but hey, I will leave you here in this circle jerk thread.

I am out vigilantes! lol

He was going 70km/h until he brake checked me. He should have been going at least 100km/h as he came out of that first merge lane and into the the two lanes that you asserted that I "cut across".

If you wait until the end of the merge lane to accelerate to highway speeds, you are a ****ing idiot. The merge lane is to get up to highway speeds smoothly and quickly so that you can match traffic speed and merge safely.

We can always let you back in the circle should you change your mind...
Haters gonna hate..

i personally wouldnt have filtered THAT far, but i would have done the red as well. its not right, but you take your chances.

There is a sign that says no turns on red lights. I thought filtering was not allowed? Or am I confusing that with lane splitting?

How is that even remotely dangerous or aggressive?

Just someone breaking the law. There are no right turns on red lights. I think the rider was so focused on lane splitting, they didn't pay attention to the signage.
Just someone breaking the law. There are no right turns on red lights. I think the rider was so focused on lane splitting, they didn't pay attention to the signage.
Breaking the law isn't the problem on our roads today. It's people driving dangerously, and people who don't respect others' right of way. And then there's people who drive like they're afraid of their own shadow (but not much we can do about that).

Your video of the van showed a driver with all 3 of these problems. The biker did none of these.
Just someone breaking the law. There are no right turns on red lights. I think the rider was so focused on lane splitting, they didn't pay attention to the signage.

Once again ... "Breaking the law" DOES NOT EQUAL "About to kill someone".

Making a right turn on that red, if done in a safe manner, is no more dangerous than doing the same at any other intersection regardless of signage or legality. In some cases "no right on red" is because of inability to properly see the oncoming traffic and there is a legitimate safety-related reason for it. Other times, it's just another rule that makes no sense. (Case in point: Eastbound 5th Sideroad to southbound Hwy 25 in Milton. Yes, there's a hill on 25 on the southbound approach to that intersection ... but there is at least a couple hundred meters of visibility, plenty to make a safe turn!)
Once again ... "Breaking the law" DOES NOT EQUAL "About to kill someone".

Making a right turn on that red, if done in a safe manner, is no more dangerous than doing the same at any other intersection regardless of signage or legality. In some cases "no right on red" is because of inability to properly see the oncoming traffic and there is a legitimate safety-related reason for it. Other times, it's just another rule that makes no sense. (Case in point: Eastbound 5th Sideroad to southbound Hwy 25 in Milton. Yes, there's a hill on 25 on the southbound approach to that intersection ... but there is at least a couple hundred meters of visibility, plenty to make a safe turn!)

agreed.. jusdt becasue its illegal doesnt mean its unsafe.

i turn right on reds all the time that have a sign not to do it. If itys not bothering anyone, no big deal.

and no, i wouldnt cry if i got a ticket for it.
Breaking the law isn't the problem on our roads today. It's people driving dangerously, and people who don't respect others' right of way. And then there's people who drive like they're afraid of their own shadow (but not much we can do about that).

Your video of the van showed a driver with all 3 of these problems. The biker did none of these.

I would disagree about the breaking the law thing, as it's one of the reasons why we have such terrible gridlock in the GTA, but that's not the topic of discussion anyway.

Once again ... "Breaking the law" DOES NOT EQUAL "About to kill someone".

Making a right turn on that red, if done in a safe manner, is no more dangerous than doing the same at any other intersection regardless of signage or legality. In some cases "no right on red" is because of inability to properly see the oncoming traffic and there is a legitimate safety-related reason for it. Other times, it's just another rule that makes no sense. (Case in point: Eastbound 5th Sideroad to southbound Hwy 25 in Milton. Yes, there's a hill on 25 on the southbound approach to that intersection ... but there is at least a couple hundred meters of visibility, plenty to make a safe turn!)

There are other reasons to bar certain turns. In many cases it's done in areas of periodically or constantly heavy traffic flow, because someone stopping and waiting to turn so badly disrupts traffic flow. The many time based or universal bars to turning along Yonge, in the downtown core, come immediately to mind.
I never understood why Toronto has so many No Right On Red signs until recently when I started noticing so many people fail miserably at making a right on red in a safe manner. Like they will do it even though there is heavy, fast, traffic on the road they are turning onto nearly causing all kind of collisions or they'll wait until the other direction has a left turn arrow and then make a right on red right into the turning traffic.

So many morons on our roads. I really need to use my camera more often.
There are other reasons to bar certain turns. In many cases it's done in areas of periodically or constantly heavy traffic flow, because someone stopping and waiting to turn so badly disrupts traffic flow. The many time based or universal bars to turning along Yonge, in the downtown core, come immediately to mind.

Sure. And making that prohibited turn might add to the congestion or otherwise be a d__khead move, but if done in a safe manner, it's still not going to kill someone ... This isn't worth reporting.

Someone who changes lanes and forces someone off the road is quite another matter.
Sorry, rules are rules. What's safe for Michael Schumacher might not be safe for Pegasuss. OK, bad example.
Sure. And making that prohibited turn might add to the congestion or otherwise be a d__khead move, but if done in a safe manner, it's still not going to kill someone ... This isn't worth reporting.

Someone who changes lanes and forces someone off the road is quite another matter.

Didn't say it was. In fact I said that it wasn't ;)
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