Video Evidence of aggressive/dangerous driving

I'd like to report an illegally parked vehicle on the shoulder at 1:48

oh wait a sec...

Its robs Opinion that his opinions are always right..and everyone else is wrong
So He is actually always right... how about that.
oh wait a sec...

Its robs Opinion that his opinions are always right..and everyone else is wrong
So He is actually always right... how about that.
he is factually wrong but not wrong or right on his opinion

But then he would argue this point and be wrong while doing it :)
Hey, Alvito, what camera are you using?

P.S. did you honk at him and that caused hime nearly going to a stop or he is just a dumb @$$?

itronics itv-100hd. I honked at him as he started to cut me off. I hoped he would jump back into his lane and stay there until I passed. Instead he brake checked me.

I'd also like to know. Looks like you have some kind of self-leveling setup too. What's the mount?

This was in my car. Not on my bike.

No Opinion can be wrong as per its own definition, and this is not my opinion, this is a Fact!


  • a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


Sativa Quemador said that this was not enough of a dangerous action to concern the police with.
BikeCop PM'd me and said he didn't like what he saw and would like to pursue the driver.
Sativa Quemador's opinion is wrong. Now that BikeCop has said he is willing to hand out a citation to the driver, Sativa Quemador's original opinion is wrong because a police officer has said that it is something that concerns the police.

Look at the second definition:

a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

Maybe there wasn't sufficient grounds before. But there is now that BikeCop produced certainty completely certainty in the belief that this concerns the police.
it was my opinion that it wasn't bad enough for ME to call police.

that opinion is still not wrong and its stupid to even contemplate telling me that i am wrong.

maybe the video was bad enough for others to call. but not ME

but thats their opinion.

please read until you get it. get it ?
When you're talking dangerous driving where innocent people could be killed it's a little more than a boat in a driveway. I usually agree with a lot of what you post but this isn't one of those times.

Please reconsider.
I didn't expect to get so much commentary on this one, thanks everyone for posting, it's been interesting to read. I disagree with some of your perspectives but that's the beauty of free speech.

In the original video, I see the kind of driving that has caused collisions in the past. I recently dealt with a similar case of road rage that put a young girl's SUV into a ditch when she lost control as a result of a brake check. Partly road rage, partly driver inexperience, but that's the reality of our highways. We have new/old/experienced/unskilled drivers and our highway system has to be accessible to everyone.

Based on the video, I would like to contact the registered owner of the van and ask some questions. These questions would be under caution, meaning that the owner would be warned ahead of time that any statements he makes are ON the record and could be used in court. (for you conspiracy theorists, write this down) If you are giving a statement that is NOT cautioned, the police will have a very hard time using that statement against you in court.

I would never claim that my opinion is more important or more right than someone else's, but in this case it may be more informed.

Question for you: How is dashcam footage different than footage from CCTV downtown, or footage from a bank during a robbery? If police have knowledge of the recording, they can seek a warrant to obtain it (depending on the specific circumstances). With regard to dashcams, what I'm suggesting is that if you have seen something dangerous and recorded it, I am willing to review it. I am interested in bike-specific footage, only because that's where my interest lies.

I am not interested in suckering anyone in to give me video that incriminates them, again, that's not why I joined the forum. I fully realize that because of my chosen occupation, I will never be on some of your Christmas card lists, and I'm okay with that.
I didn't expect to get so much commentary on this one, thanks everyone for posting, it's been interesting to read. I disagree with some of your perspectives but that's the beauty of free speech.

In the original video, I see the kind of driving that has caused collisions in the past. I recently dealt with a similar case of road rage that put a young girl's SUV into a ditch when she lost control as a result of a brake check. Partly road rage, partly driver inexperience, but that's the reality of our highways. We have new/old/experienced/unskilled drivers and our highway system has to be accessible to everyone.

Based on the video, I would like to contact the registered owner of the van and ask some questions. These questions would be under caution, meaning that the owner would be warned ahead of time that any statements he makes are ON the record and could be used in court. (for you conspiracy theorists, write this down) If you are giving a statement that is NOT cautioned, the police will have a very hard time using that statement against you in court.

I would never claim that my opinion is more important or more right than someone else's, but in this case it may be more informed.

Question for you: How is dashcam footage different than footage from CCTV downtown, or footage from a bank during a robbery? If police have knowledge of the recording, they can seek a warrant to obtain it (depending on the specific circumstances). With regard to dashcams, what I'm suggesting is that if you have seen something dangerous and recorded it, I am willing to review it. I am interested in bike-specific footage, only because that's where my interest lies.

I am not interested in suckering anyone in to give me video that incriminates them, again, that's not why I joined the forum. I fully realize that because of my chosen occupation, I will never be on some of your Christmas card lists, and I'm okay with that.

Thank you for being a nice person.

...I hope the rest of this community will treat you with respect.
油井緋色;2164028 said:
Thank you for being a nice person.

...I hope the rest of this community will treat you with respect.

I saw this play out in a biker movie once. It took a while but at the end there was respect all around. Well, almost. There was that brooding hold out.
I'd like to report an illegally parked vehicle on the shoulder at 1:48


heh.. the press would have had a field day with that video if it was around the time they nailed that guy in BC.. Rob Ford keeps them busy these days...

Interesting to see what 300km looks like! my god! and a wheelie at 150km?? man..

btw - I sincerely hope you have a great riding season BikeCop.
I saw this play out in a biker movie once. It took a while but at the end there was respect all around. Well, almost. There was that brooding hold out.

I get where the hate is coming from though; the only good encounter I've had with a cop was when I told her she was too sweet looking to be a cop (mid 20s blonde hair woman while I was working at Starbucks). She came back the next day and said "I started noticing how mean everyone else is after you told me that comment ytd".

....every other encounter has been from random pull overs (and them not telling me wtf they are pulling me over for).
Really like the idea of this . I don't usually ride on city streets .. If I ride to work in newmarket i'll have the cameras on, but most of the time for me I'm against traffic and don't really experience bad drivers. Thank god !

But I will definitely keep his in mind!
油井緋色;2164039 said:
I get where the hate is coming from though;

It's not hate, it's a weariness.
Really like the idea of this . I don't usually ride on city streets .. If I ride to work in newmarket i'll have the cameras on, but most of the time for me I'm against traffic and don't really experience bad drivers. Thank god !

But I will definitely keep his in mind!

holy crap.. i can see it now.. Rob and his gang of Freedom drivers patrolling the roads,
cars and bikes decked out with cameras, setting up scenarios to see how drivers react... then send the evidence to the cops...

just like that dude who tapes hookers and johns and puts it on youtube.. bah ahahahaa
MR Bike Cop, I will like to report the driver taking this video, he was doing 67km an hr on the off ramp - also at second 37 he crossed two lanes at the same time, doesn't that fall under unsafe lane change? - please use video as evidence. Please go ahead and waste your time with this report instead of being on the road enforcing proper lane discipline which would help traffic flow and the horriboe traffic situation in this city (this is ridiculous)

..and by the way, the behavior of the minivan driver was caused by the person taking the video attempting to go across 2 lanes and get ahead of him, if the person taking the video had correctly changed one lane, follow traffic flow for a few seconds to determine if it was safe to do a second lane change, he would not have been able to try and get ahead of the white minivan and the entire situation would have never happened.

I didn't expect to get so much commentary on this one, thanks everyone for posting, it's been interesting to read. I disagree with some of your perspectives but that's the beauty of free speech.

In the original video, I see the kind of driving that has caused collisions in the past. I recently dealt with a similar case of road rage that put a young girl's SUV into a ditch when she lost control as a result of a brake check. Partly road rage, partly driver inexperience, but that's the reality of our highways. We have new/old/experienced/unskilled drivers and our highway system has to be accessible to everyone.

Based on the video, I would like to contact the registered owner of the van and ask some questions. These questions would be under caution, meaning that the owner would be warned ahead of time that any statements he makes are ON the record and could be used in court. (for you conspiracy theorists, write this down) If you are giving a statement that is NOT cautioned, the police will have a very hard time using that statement against you in court.

I would never claim that my opinion is more important or more right than someone else's, but in this case it may be more informed.

Question for you: How is dashcam footage different than footage from CCTV downtown, or footage from a bank during a robbery? If police have knowledge of the recording, they can seek a warrant to obtain it (depending on the specific circumstances). With regard to dashcams, what I'm suggesting is that if you have seen something dangerous and recorded it, I am willing to review it. I am interested in bike-specific footage, only because that's where my interest lies.

I am not interested in suckering anyone in to give me video that incriminates them, again, that's not why I joined the forum. I fully realize that because of my chosen occupation, I will never be on some of your Christmas card lists, and I'm okay with that.

I did not see you addressing my complaint against the person that posted the video - Did he not go across 2 lanes? isn't that against the hwy ACT?

Did he not create the situation himself he is complaining about by going across 2 lanes and trying to cut ahead the white van?

My point is, if people are going to put video evidence against others, ensure your house is in order because the police can use it against you.
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