Video Evidence of aggressive/dangerous driving

it was my opinion that it wasn't bad enough for ME to call police.

that opinion is still not wrong and its stupid to even contemplate telling me that i am wrong.

maybe the video was bad enough for others to call. but not ME

but thats their opinion.

please read until you get it. get it ?

Here is your original post. Your words above in bold cannot be found in the quote below.

and this is where the problem lies.

I stated my case, and explained why.

then you responded by adding a little jab at the end about me being wrong.

and you are supposed to be a moderator on here ?

how on earth do you wipe your *** when the pedestal/toilet you sit on seems so high ?

ive never claimed anything other than i dont think its bad enough to report to the police ?? How the **** can THAT be a wrong opinion ?

Had you said...

ive never claimed anything other than i dont think its bad enough for me to report to the police ?? How the **** can THAT be a wrong opinion ?

I would have agreed.

I did not see you addressing my complaint against the person that posted the video - Did he not go across 2 lanes? isn't that against the hwy ACT?

Did he not create the situation himself he is complaining about by going across 2 lanes and trying to cut ahead the white van?

My point is, if people are going to put video evidence against others, ensure your house is in order because the police can use it against you.

I'll address it. I am trying to merge onto a 400 series highway. I am trying to match the speed of traffic currently on the highway. If I don't I will cause them to slow down unnecessarily. Yes I crossed two lanes, because I signalled, checked my blind spot and moved over when it was safe to do so.

I was not trying to cut ahead of the van. I was trying to pass a slower moving vehicle in the left lane. (aka the passing lane) My speed is posted in the top left corner. Merging on to the highway at 70km/h is bad news.

There are dozens of other videos on my channel. Take a few hours, watch them all - record all my mistakes and send it to the police. I will end up being a better driver for it.
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I didn't expect to get so much commentary on this one, thanks everyone for posting, it's been interesting to read. I disagree with some of your perspectives but that's the beauty of free speech.

In the original video, I see the kind of driving that has caused collisions in the past. I recently dealt with a similar case of road rage that put a young girl's SUV into a ditch when she lost control as a result of a brake check. Partly road rage, partly driver inexperience, but that's the reality of our highways. We have new/old/experienced/unskilled drivers and our highway system has to be accessible to everyone.

Based on the video, I would like to contact the registered owner of the van and ask some questions. These questions would be under caution, meaning that the owner would be warned ahead of time that any statements he makes are ON the record and could be used in court. (for you conspiracy theorists, write this down) If you are giving a statement that is NOT cautioned, the police will have a very hard time using that statement against you in court.

I would never claim that my opinion is more important or more right than someone else's, but in this case it may be more informed.

Question for you: How is dashcam footage different than footage from CCTV downtown, or footage from a bank during a robbery? If police have knowledge of the recording, they can seek a warrant to obtain it (depending on the specific circumstances). With regard to dashcams, what I'm suggesting is that if you have seen something dangerous and recorded it, I am willing to review it. I am interested in bike-specific footage, only because that's where my interest lies.

I am not interested in suckering anyone in to give me video that incriminates them, again, that's not why I joined the forum. I fully realize that because of my chosen occupation, I will never be on some of your Christmas card lists, and I'm okay with that.

Thanks for doing what you are doing. We need more Police Officers like you. So sick of how many bad drivers are out there and the crap I see on the roads everyday.
This thread terrifies me... :)

To me, this is just a few steps removed from having "monitoring and control" devices installed in every vehicle. Why wait until a CITIZEN reports somebody when we BIG BROTHER can do it ourselves.....

Insurance companies are already using these devices in Quebec and are looking to move Into Ontario with this crap.
I'll address it. I am trying to merge onto a 400 series highway. I am trying to match the speed of traffic currently on the highway. If I don't I will cause them to slow down unnecessarily. Yes I crossed two lanes, because I signalled, checked my blind spot and moved over when it was safe to do so.

I was not trying to cut ahead of the van. I was trying to pass a slower moving vehicle in the left lane. (aka the passing lane) My speed is posted in the top left corner. Merging on to the highway at 70km/h is bad news.

There are dozens of other videos on my channel. Take a few hours, watch them all - record all my mistakes and send it to the police. I will end up being a better driver for it.
That is exactly my point, you think you did the right thing, because you were there and you analysed the situation and acted accordingly when you felt it was safe, I don't see it that way on the video, my perspective from what I am watching is that you cut across two lanes (I am not there to see if it was safe or not) and made an attempt to get in front of a vehicle.

...and let's cut the crap, you wanted to get in front of him and that is the reason why you went across two lanes, the guy saw it and got ****** off. You could have just waited for him to finish merging and pass him once you guys were fully merged into the HWY. It's like when an ******* drives 100 on the fast lane, leaving everyone to go around him and causing road rage, then blame everyone else for aggressively passing them, that is exactly what you are doing here.

So if someone was behind you recording, that person could have sent their video to the police for them to investigate you for an unsafe lane change, you would have argued you did nothing wrong.

This is why this whole damn thread is so stupid
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Insurance companies are already using these devices in Quebec and are looking to move Into Ontario with this crap.

It's great being old and close to death, saves me the trouble of dropping out. Things are going in the wrong direction.Fast.
That is exactly my point, you think you did the right thing, because you were there and you analysed the situation and acted accordingly when you felt it was safe, I don't see it that way on the video, my perspective from what I am watching is that you cut across two lanes (I am not there to see if it was safe or not) and made an attempt to get in front of a vehicle.

Or the officer would look at the video, see the driver in front brake check the driver who made the double lane change, twice, and conclude that it was the van driver he needs to talk to.
itronics itv-100hd. I honked at him as he started to cut me off. I hoped he would jump back into his lane and stay there until I passed. Instead he brake checked me.

Well, the guy in the van was obviously a duche....

Back to the camera, is it this one?
Too bad it has power cord ;((
My wife had an interesting experience last year, and I'm not sure how/if footage could have helped.

She was doing her normal commute home and a grey honda started riding inches off her back wheel and shifting back and forth, pushing, swerving. All the while talking on her phone. At each stop sign this chick would push and roll up to the side trying to get beside the motorcycle at the stop line so that she could go first. The car would back off a tiny bit before the stop trying to have my wife on the bike stop first so she wouldn't be blocked from maneuvering and trying to "shoulder" beside at the 4 way stop. The woman was visibly aggressive, and you could see in the mirror her mouthing "fu**ing motorcycles, blah blah" to whomever she was talking. The wife just got out of the situation as best as possible, but it happened for 5 stop intersections. Without a rear camera as well I don't see how footage could have really helped..

Karma kick back happened the next day though, I suspect. I saw in the same area a grey honda of matching description pulled over by a bike cop ahead of her car , mostly leaning into her window and he seemed quite animated. I think she pulled the same stunt not knowing it was a cop. This is why I'm glad there is at least some percent of police who know and experience riding a motorcycle.
My wife had an interesting experience last year, and I'm not sure how/if footage could have helped.

She was doing her normal commute home and a grey honda started riding inches off her back wheel and shifting back and forth, pushing, swerving. All the while talking on her phone. At each stop sign this chick would push and roll up to the side trying to get beside the motorcycle at the stop line so that she could go first. The car would back off a tiny bit before the stop trying to have my wife on the bike stop first so she wouldn't be blocked from maneuvering and trying to "shoulder" beside at the 4 way stop. The woman was visibly aggressive, and you could see in the mirror her mouthing "fu**ing motorcycles, blah blah" to whomever she was talking. The wife just got out of the situation as best as possible, but it happened for 5 stop intersections. Without a rear camera as well I don't see how footage could have really helped..

Karma kick back happened the next day though, I suspect. I saw in the same area a grey honda of matching description pulled over by a bike cop ahead of her car , mostly leaning into her window and he seemed quite animated. I think she pulled the same stunt not knowing it was a cop. This is why I'm glad there is at least some percent of police who know and experience riding a motorcycle.

I run fore and aft cameras, for just that reason. If you don't, then you miss things like this:


There have been times I wish that I had 4 cameras, like the odd time that someone tries to push me into a guardrail.
I run fore and aft cameras, for just that reason. If you don't, then you miss things like this:


There have been times I wish that I had 4 cameras, like the odd time that someone tries to push me into a guardrail.

Missed me by 6 inches. I shoulder checked to move back to the #2 lane, after passing, and found a truck beside me in the lane.

Straight up: improper lane change, dangerous driving
That is exactly my point, you think you did the right thing, because you were there and you analysed the situation and acted accordingly when you felt it was safe, I don't see it that way on the video, my perspective from what I am watching is that you cut across two lanes (I am not there to see if it was safe or not) and made an attempt to get in front of a vehicle.

...and let's cut the crap, you wanted to get in front of him and that is the reason why you went across two lanes, the guy saw it and got ****** off. You could have just waited for him to finish merging and pass him once you guys were fully merged into the HWY. It's like when an ******* drives 100 on the fast lane, leaving everyone to go around him and causing road rage, then blame everyone else for aggressively passing them, that is exactly what you are doing here.

So if someone was behind you recording, that person could have sent their video to the police for them to investigate you for an unsafe lane change, you would have argued you did nothing wrong.

This is why this whole damn thread is so stupid

Ah, so the driver of the van was there. So he knows what is right and safe to do? Change lanes without checking mirrors/blind spot and brake check someone after they honk at you for almost causing an accident. That's some messed up logic.

Don't tell me my driving isn't safe just to prove a point. Tell me its not safe on its merits. If you can't see the traffic behind me or in my blindspot, then butt out and keep your ill informed accusations to yourself.
In other news...


New Brunswick, to be specific. I move a thousand miles away and someone from back home still tries to kill me.

Hahaha, reminds me of the saying: 'It is a small world'

There is a huge difference between things that are against the rules "just because", and things that are going to get someone killed.

At the moment I am operating on the assumption that Bike Cop is legit and is offering this as a service to help keep us safe, and for that, I welcome the initiative.

But it is not in anyone's interest to waste the time of everyone involved by complaining about someone who used a HOV lane without a second person on board, or made a right turn at an intersection at 9:01 AM when it is only allowed from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM, or travelled at 121 km/h when the rest of the traffic was travelling at 120 km/h (still in violation but within range of normal practice) ... or for that matter, for minor low-speed lane-splitting or filtering that would be completely legal everywhere else in the world except Bantario.
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