Video Evidence of aggressive/dangerous driving

Everyone travels at 100-110 in this section. We were side by side traveling at the same speed. There was a kid driving a red sunfure maybe 1 car length behind. Maybe your on a 250 but a 200hp bike drop a gear and crack it gets to 150 very fast. There are no videos from the plane to prove it. This is over and off my rrcord, but was not right

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I don't understand your reasoning.The speed limit is 80kph but you and everyone else want to go 100/110? What does this have to do with the ability to "crack it" to 150?
i think that brake check vid with the van isnt worthy of this kind of thread..

yeah it wasnt good driving at all, but you werent in any real danger there.

btw, if anyone is going to put there bad driving vids on here, can you please mute your horrible music ?

and i agree with the guy that mentioned on ramps and slow mergers also ppl that drive the same speed as the person beside them, or ppl that drive in your blindspots

Surely you're aware that brake checking falls under the auspices of HTA 172, aren't you?

I've had a dashcam/helmetcam for years and only caught a handful of egregious driving events (I don't mean stuff that just pisses people off like Rob makes videos out of, but imminently dangerous driving). I don't he's offering an outlet for people to vent our driving frustrations, but a solution to actually improve the safety on our roads.

Actually I've captured a couple of collisions and some very dangerous behaviour, in my videos. for example the clip where the contractor from New Brunswick passes me in my own lane and misses me by less than 6 inches. Or the number of times I've captured shots of people speeding in the breakdown lane. That last one may well be how an SUV took out several vehicles and people, including an attending police officer, at the site of a collision on the 403 recently.

What would you charge the cab driver with? Illegal braking?

"Impeding the flow of traffic" is a valid charge under the HTA.
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Yes, I am fully aware of that. Why would anyone question that ?

I feel the rider blew it out of proportion. its not anything bad enough for police to be involved

It has already been mentioned that most of these cameras have a very wide viewing angle, which tends to make it look like objects are twice as far away as they actually are. This is also a point at which people should be accelerating in order to match the speed of traffic, not dropping down to near zero speed. In other words it's pretty damned bad.
It has already been mentioned that most of these cameras have a very wide viewing angle, which tends to make it look like objects are twice as far away as they actually are. This is also a point at which people should be accelerating in order to match the speed of traffic, not dropping down to near zero speed. In other words it's pretty damned bad.

talk about blowing it out of proportion. holy crap jack !

dropping down to near zero speed ? were we looking at the same video ? look, im not going to say its good driving. because clearly it isnt.

but its not anywhere near bad enough to send in a video to the police. that was the point from the start.

if you feel differently, thats fine.
talk about blowing it out of proportion. holy crap jack !

dropping down to near zero speed ? were we looking at the same video ? look, im not going to say its good driving. because clearly it isnt.

but its not anywhere near bad enough to send in a video to the police. that was the point from the start.

if you feel differently, thats fine.

What I feel is that it's illegal and dangerous behaviour, that is deserving of punishment. If someone is kust getting under acceleration and the vehicle in front of that person brakes hard, then it is that much more difficult to slow down. If you think that dangerous and careless behaviour on the roads should get a by then that's your opinion. It's wrong, but it's your opinion.
What I feel is that it's illegal and dangerous behaviour, that is deserving of punishment. If someone is kust getting under acceleration and the vehicle in front of that person brakes hard, then it is that much more difficult to slow down. If you think that dangerous and careless behaviour on the roads should get a by then that's your opinion. It's wrong, but it's your opinion.

and this is where the problem lies.

I stated my case, and explained why.

then you responded by adding a little jab at the end about me being wrong.

and you are supposed to be a moderator on here ?

how on earth do you wipe your *** when the pedestal/toilet you sit on seems so high ?

ive never claimed anything other than i dont think its bad enough to report to the police ?? How the **** can THAT be a wrong opinion ?
OP - as long as you are on the lookout for dangerous lane changes, no signalling, blocking, etc., we don't need anything else from you. I hope your attitude robs off on other OPP officers.

I also wish street cops would start busting people for running red lights, especially when turning left. It's an epidemic.
i think that brake check vid with the van isnt worthy of this kind of thread..

yeah it wasnt good driving at all, but you werent in any real danger there.

btw, if anyone is going to put there bad driving vids on here, can you please mute your horrible music ?

and i agree with the guy that mentioned on ramps and slow mergers also ppl that drive the same speed as the person beside them, or ppl that drive in your blindspots

I posted the video on another forum as well. They don't take too kindly to swearing - so I used a youtube song to play over the entire audio in the video.

My car was in danger. If I didn't slam on the brakes and go from 80km/h to 50km/h in a split second I would have rear ended him.

The man goes on to merge on to the 400 going 50-60km/h

i think that the van didnt brake check him.

to me, it looks like the van changed lanes without signalling, ( wrong , but it wasnt a cut off , the bike was about to pass quickly ) the driver heard the horn and hit the brakes becasue he was shocked, kinda thing. it didnt look like a deliberate brake check is what im getting at

You can think what you want. The video and my own account of the story will indicate that he brake checked me. Twice. I wasn't on my bike - I was in my cage. It was a deliberate brake check. The man was looking at me in his driver side mirror as he did it. He looked angry and flustered. It was definitely road rage. And I'm glad I took the high road and didn't do anything to add to this anger.

ive never claimed anything other than i dont think its bad enough to report to the police ?? How the **** can THAT be a wrong opinion ?

Because Bike Cop PM'd me about it and is ready to pursue the driver and take action against him. If he deems it is enough to concern the Police, then your opinion is moot?
So my question to bike cop.....are helmet cams gonna get me a ticket?

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Helmet charges fall under s. 104 of the HTA so if you were to receive a ticket that's what it would reference. The regulation that covers the specifics of helmets is O.Reg 610:

1. A helmet worn by a person, (a) riding on or operating a motorcycle; or
(b) operating a motor assisted bicycle,
on a highway shall,
(c) have a hard, smooth outer shell lined with protective padding material or fitted with other energy absorbing material and shall be strongly attached to a strap designed to be fastened under the chin of the wearer; and
(d) be undamaged from use or misuse. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 610, s. 1.

The issue of cameras on helmets really only affects the "smooth outer shell". I can only guess as to why they must be smooth, but that's what the law says. For that matter, it would apply to any other sort of decorative helmet device, ie. spikes, mohawks, etc.
If he deems it is enough to concern the Police, then your opinion is moot?

. no becasue that was HIS opinion. not mine..

I still wouldnt call the cops for that. its impossible for me to know all the things you did and saw. but from all i saw, thats my opinion
. no becasue that was HIS opinion. not mine..

I still wouldnt call the cops for that. its impossible for me to know all the things you did and saw. but from all i saw, thats my opinion

You said that in your opinion the incident wasn't enough to take to police. That has been demonstrated to be wrong, therefore, it's a wrong opinion.

Before that it was an incident that met the standards of one of the most onerous pieces of legislation that has come down the pipe in years. That made it serious enough to take to police, therefore, it was a wrong opinion.
Surely you're aware that brake checking falls under the auspices of HTA 172, aren't you?

Actually I've captured a couple of collisions and some very dangerous behaviour, in my videos. for example the clip where the contractor from New Brunswick passes me in my own lane and misses me by less than 6 inches. Or the number of times I've captured shots of people speeding in the breakdown lane. That last one may well be how an SUV took out several vehicles and people, including an attending police officer, at the site of a collision on the 403 recently.

"Impeding the flow of traffic" is a valid charge under the HTA.
Of course you also caught examples of genuine dangerous driving along with all the stuff that's simply annoying. My point was that forwarding it all to the OP would only serve to frustrate him rather than produce any safety benefit on the street.
i think that the van didnt brake check him.

to me, it looks like the van changed lanes without signalling, ( wrong , but it wasnt a cut off , the bike was about to pass quickly ) the driver heard the horn and hit the brakes becasue he was shocked, kinda thing. it didnt look like a deliberate brake check is what im getting at

Dropping to 50km/h suddenly from 100km/h with no one in front of him on hwy 400...? You must have a VERY bad take on proper driving then... Or maybe you're high and didn't notice the speed.
. no becasue that was HIS opinion. not mine..

I still wouldnt call the cops for that. its impossible for me to know all the things you did and saw. but from all i saw, thats my opinion

The opinion of an OPP officer trumps your own. I didn't call the cops for it. I posted a video in this thread to test the waters.
There are a few hurdles before charges can be laid. Video evidence is regularly used in courts these days and when paired with testimony from an eye witness (police or otherwise) it can be quite compelling. If we can satisfy the basic requirements to lay a charge, referred to as reasonable and probable grounds that an offence has been committed, it's good to go.

I know a lot of officers may not use this approach because it results in a he said/she said in court. I think that the video itself is what tips the scale and that it's worth it to try. Ultimately it doesn't matter what the police think, it is up to the prosecutor to be willing to send it to trial, and a JP that is willing to convict.

Just my perspective.

I suppose it depends on how dangerous the incident was. I was involved in a situation where I caught someone on my truck dashcam doing some dangerous and erratic behaviour on two separate occasions, the second time quite crazy, like he was on drugs or drunk.... I called the police and gave the license plate, at which time I told them I had dashcam footage of the event and footage of a previous incident, so I submitted both videos to the investigating officer and they said they couldn't do anything about it except go and talk to them, because they couldn't prove who was driving either time. That being said, they did get in contact with the guy and I noticed his driving behaviour changed pretty significantly (I lived on a corner lot of a street he went down pretty much every day)

She did mention that if they received multiple complaints they could end up suspending his license, but not actually charge him with what was on camera.

PS, any videos on my youtube page are NOT me, and you can't prove otherwise! :D
Does anyone else see why this thread is absolute bunk?

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