Stunters at L&L :)

I guess you can think of it that way, I always cover the clutch and unless the bike leaves my hands I dont consider it really loosing control...

Lost it on me for what? Would you loose it on a hockey player at a hockey game if he hit someone into the boards right in front of you? Well I didnt even hit the boards I stopped a **** hair in front of it...

I never touched anyone neither did my bike, if thats too close for your comfort then I suggest you dont stand that close. I dont know what those people are thinking anyways, I wouldnt stand that close and I do that ****.. That is a totally different situation though, these guys didnt invite anyone to a stunt show that was advertised as such, they started their own in the middle of a bike meet from the sounds of it...LOL Next time they should gate off a designated stunt section, then people can decide how close they want to get...

Sorry, I didn't word that right. I would have lost it if you were to do something like at L and L and almost hit me. Which clearly you wouldn't do judging from your last paragraph.

As for they hockey game scenario, that's a risk you take when you get seats that close. So, I guess it's expected at the stunt shows if your right against the fence that it's a risk. Which is fine because you have the choice of being there or not.
Sorry, I didn't word that right. I would have lost it if you were to do something like at L and L and almost hit me. Which clearly you wouldn't do judging from your last paragraph.

As for they hockey game scenario, that's a risk you take when you get seats that close. So, I guess it's expected at the stunt shows if your right against the fence that it's a risk. Which is fine because you have the choice of being there or not.

I have a really good video that Im trying to find, way back at a bike show some random stunner guy showed up on a GSXR and started popping wheelies. 2nd wheelie and he lost it and crashed right into a van right beside my buddy who was filming.

How would you feel if someone did this haha
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^Was that a torpedo wheelie or an attempted circle? Lol
L and L is a bike meet, not a stunt show. People are not expecting stunting to go on. How are you supposed to get as far away as possible when a random person riding by you just pops a wheelie???

Some one pops a wheelie next to you and it goes wrong, you wont even have a second to process what is going on before your hit. You watched that vid posted right... those people went from "ohhhhh ahhhhh cool" to "omg my heart is going to pop out of my chest, that was friggen close". Not cool to force people into that situation.

Oh and here are some smilies to make everything ok... :D :) ;)

Don't get me wrong, I've never been to L&L and probably won't. A buddy of mine shows up (regularly I think) and he sent me a few pics. to show me how many bikes were there. From the set up I saw in the pictures, it looks like you guys are packed in like a can of sardines.
I highly doubt that someone will put on a stunt show in a very tight spot like that.

From what I understood in this thread, the stunters were stunting as they were exiting the lot and the video posted showed the guy quite far from the rest of the crowd. So yes, you have lots of time to react and if you feel like there's a chance where your life is at risk then why bother going to these meets anyways?...

And here are some more smilies to make everything ok... :p :o :happy3:

Personally, If I was there, I would like to be as close to the action as possible. I have strong intuitions and if I feel like I don't trust the stunter or his skill level, then I'll keep my distance.
Don't get me wrong, I've never been to L&L and probably won't. A buddy of mine shows up (regularly I think) and he sent me a few pics. to show me how many bikes were there. From the set up I saw in the pictures, it looks like you guys are packed in like a can of sardines. I highly doubt that someone will put on a stunt show in a very tight spot like that. From what I understood in this thread, the stunters were stunting as they were exiting the lot and the video posted showed the guy quite far from the rest of the crowd. So yes, you have lots of time to react and if you feel like there's a chance where your life is at risk then why bother going to these meets anyways?...And here are some more smilies to make everything ok... :p :o :happy3:Personally, If I was there, I would like to be as close to the action as possible. I have strong intuitions and if I feel like I don't trust the stunter or his skill level, then I'll keep my distance.
No they started out in a crowd then went down the aisle infront of the grocery store where more people were then they turned right where there were more people and headed straight to the traffic lights, where there were more people...
No they started out in a crowd then went down the aisle infront of the grocery store where more people were then they turned right where there were more people and headed straight to the traffic lights, where there were more people...

I see, looks like I misunderstood... I apologize Rafiki911, your safety is a priority and if these guys were acting like d-bags then give 'em hell.
Don't get me wrong, I've never been to L&L and probably won't. A buddy of mine shows up (regularly I think) and he sent me a few pics. to show me how many bikes were there. From the set up I saw in the pictures, it looks like you guys are packed in like a can of sardines.
I highly doubt that someone will put on a stunt show in a very tight spot like that.

From what I understood in this thread, the stunters were stunting as they were exiting the lot and the video posted showed the guy quite far from the rest of the crowd. So yes, you have lots of time to react and if you feel like there's a chance where your life is at risk then why bother going to these meets anyways?...

And here are some more smilies to make everything ok... :p :o :happy3:

Personally, If I was there, I would like to be as close to the action as possible. I have strong intuitions and if I feel like I don't trust the stunter or his skill level, then I'll keep my distance.

I have been many times and that is the first time I have seen that much stunting done. The occasional wheelie but the show they put on was more than whats done in two years combined. So its safe to say that people go not expecting **** like that to happen. Also where they started out was in a spot where the most bikes and people tend to congregate and then he went towards the grocery store. What you dont see is how used that path is and the people who moved out of the way and stopped until those guys where gone. If a bike went down there I bet at least 5 other bikes would be impacted if the bike doesnt head towards the store and take out a window instead.
it by far was not a "show" one dude did a 360 burn out to a stoppie then turned the coner and did a 12 o clock other dude driffted out and i think one more guy did a little wheelie out. Yes it could have been bad if it went wrong but it didnt so no harm no foul.
it by far was not a "show" one dude did a 360 burn out to a stoppie then turned the coner and did a 12 o clock other dude driffted out and i think one more guy did a little wheelie out. Yes it could have been bad if it went wrong but it didnt so no harm no foul.
 /ʃoʊ/ Show Spelled [shoh] Show IPA verb, showed, shown or showed, show·ing, noun verb (used with object)
to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
to present or perform as a public entertainment or spectacle: to show a movie.

verb (used without object)
to be seen; be or become visible: Does my slip show?
to be seen in a certain way: to show to advantage.
to put on an exhibition or performance; display one's goods or products: Several dress designers are showing in New York now.
a theatrical production, performance, or company.
a radio or television program.
a motion picture.
an exposition for dealers or the public of products by various manufacturers in a particular industry, usually held in an exhibition hall, convention facility, or the like: the annual boat show.
any kind of public exhibition or exposition: a show of Renoirs.
ostentatious display: nothing but mere show.
a display, exhibition, or demonstration: a true show of freedom.
a sight or spectacle.

Verb phrases

show off,
to display ostentatiously: The parade was designed to show off all the latest weapons of war.
to seek to gain attention by displaying prominently one's abilities or accomplishments.

make a show of, to be ostentatious about; affect: Whenever there are visitors, the bosses make a show of being nice to their employees.
 /ʃoʊ/ Show Spelled [shoh] Show IPA verb, showed, shown or showed, show·ing, noun verb (used with object)
to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
to present or perform as a public entertainment or spectacle: to show a movie.

verb (used without object)
to be seen; be or become visible: Does my slip show?
to be seen in a certain way: to show to advantage.
to put on an exhibition or performance; display one's goods or products: Several dress designers are showing in New York now.

a theatrical production, performance, or company.
a radio or television program.
a motion picture.
an exposition for dealers or the public of products by various manufacturers in a particular industry, usually held in an exhibition hall, convention facility, or the like: the annual boat show.
any kind of public exhibition or exposition: a show of Renoirs.
ostentatious display: nothing but mere show.
a display, exhibition, or demonstration: a true show of freedom.
a sight or spectacle.

Verb phrases

show off,
to display ostentatiously: The parade was designed to show off all the latest weapons of war.
to seek to gain attention by displaying prominently one's abilities or accomplishments.

make a show of, to be ostentatious about; affect: Whenever there are visitors, the bosses make a show of being nice to their employees.

lol from the sounds of it I missed a good time, and L&L is heading in the same direction KC did.

sigh...another pose location lost...are we all gonna cram into the Pizza Pizza lot off King now?
This thread needs a navel to gaze at. Here's an innie.

Thanks for piping in people and correcting this ridiculous statement below...

2live&ride...apology accepted;)

Don't get me wrong, I've never been to L&L and probably won't. A buddy of mine shows up (regularly I think) and he sent me a few pics. to show me how many bikes were there. From the set up I saw in the pictures, it looks like you guys are packed in like a can of sardines.
I highly doubt that someone will put on a stunt show in a very tight spot like that.

From what I understood in this thread, the stunters were stunting as they were exiting the lot and the video posted showed the guy quite far from the rest of the crowd. So yes, you have lots of time to react and if you feel like there's a chance where your life is at risk then why bother going to these meets anyways?...

And here are some more smilies to make everything ok... :p :o :happy3:

Personally, If I was there, I would like to be as close to the action as possible. I have strong intuitions and if I feel like I don't trust the stunter or his skill level, then I'll keep my distance.
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I was there, that vid doesn't show everything... you might wanna know your **** before done with you and your comments.

LoL... Here, I'll quote my following post, hope it helps.

I see, looks like I misunderstood... I apologize Rafiki911, your safety is a priority and if these guys were acting like d-bags then give 'em hell.
Yes the 5 mph rollin burnout was a threat to society!! Stopies and wheelies please those guys have done them thousads of times( this year)!! Was it dangerous? I dont think so, they where not trying any new tricks!! Were they dick swinging? Absolutely! Are they the ones who will get L&L shut down? Absolutely not! The people who go week after week , and decide to hit the rev limiter in their first three gears ARE!! You will never stop people from showing off( be a bike meet, car meet, the gym etc)it's in our nature and have all done it at some point or another! So please stop all the whining!!What's with all the hate on this forum lately ?? I was there and I liked it , I did not feel endangered But whatever all this is just my opinion!! Sorry for the rant bad day!
There are various forms of 'showing off.' Standing in front of your pretty-pretty bike, for instance, is unlikely to get people tossed out. Burn-outs, wheelies, stoppies, and other behaviour that can be construed as operations without due care and attention" or "dangerous operation of a vehicle" will.
Two choices.

A, You could stop posing and actually ride your bikes to maybe a different posing location?

B, Or, if you feel that someone is being a twat doing tricks on your posing patch stand up and say something to him/her in the flesh not on ole world wide web thingy.
Two choices.

A, You could stop posing and actually ride your bikes to maybe a different posing location?

B, Or, if you feel that someone is being a twat doing tricks on your posing patch stand up and say something to him/her in the flesh not on ole world wide web thingy.

"B" is the only way that you actually get to keep your patch.
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