Stunters at L&L :)

Badass... I don't go to these kind of meets, but if you're planning to put on a show, please post up a day in advance and I'll make sure I'm there.

So will the popo. That's why these things don't get posted up in advance :cool:
Stunting = ********* attention-seeking retards when done in a public setting like the L&L parking lot on bike night.

The cops have been on us like flys to ****....And then those buggers go and do that... and yes I refer to the harleys also. Great you've got the skills, seriously its a good thing and I'm jealous... but to **** up a perfectly good meet just so you can show how big your dick is?!? Sorry but it actually shrinks every time you pull crap like that. Take it elsewhere, where your not going to ruin it for everyone else.

I love watching stunt riders do their thing when it's a time and place where I don't have to have stupid conversations with ****** off police or get kicked out somewhere where I was just hanging out with my friends not doing anything wrong.


From where I was and by the time my camera started and I switched it to video mode... This is what I got. LOL

I'll be ready next time with the DSLR in hand...

You realize that now you've posted evidence and if even a plate number gets posted those people are potentially ****ed... my suggestion is dont post this stuff on youtube etc. Share the vid and pictures amongst yourselves. How do you think KC got finally closed.....

What's funny is half the haters forgot to mention the 13 harleys that ripped it out of there. If I hear one more hater say something I am coming thru next Thursday doing a full out stunt show with 50 cops on my back!

Nah those guys have tiny ***** too...

Theres a time and place for that ****... when you are going to ruin the night for everyone else... thats just fricken selfish... grow up.
Sorry for my harsh post (thanks Wobs for the cleanup *HUGS*)

But I am tired of the innocent people paying for the silly stuff. You guys take off and we are stuck listening to the cops yell and scream about being inconsiderate when all we are doing is sociallizing.
but to **** up a perfectly good meet just so you can show how big your dick is?!?

Nah those guys have tiny ***** too...

Still not cleaned up IMHO!
How's that allowed but "looser hole" isn't??
Still not cleaned up IMHO!
How's that allowed but "looser hole" isn't??

Mine is an attack at a behaviour where yours is an individual attack... Notice my response to you was delete for the same reasons.
with the cops having a chance to lay several "dangerous driving" charges.....I'll bet they will show up even more now....Party On
Mine is an attack at a behaviour where yours is an individual attack... Notice my response to you was delete for the same reasons.
Thanks for clearing that up. I see now, it's not the language.
Mine is an attack at a behaviour where yours is an individual attack... Notice my response to you was delete for the same reasons.

That dont make any sense, you said "those guys".....So your still insulting a group of people, not a behavior ...If you said "guys that do that kind of stuff....." then Id see your point.....Not that it really matters, but I see them all as attacks against people...Nobody wins
Well if you look closely, you will see that this is a stunter bike.. As well, I have access to the police report that is more detailed, as my team handled the insurance claim . That's all I can share at this time.
I'm all for stunting in a controlled environment. Stunting at the L and L packed parking lot a few feet from people is not cool. Don't put others at risk of getting hurt for the sake of looking "cool" for a few moments.

Was at a memorial earlier this year...didn't know the guy but I had gone with someone that did. I asked how he died and was told he was doing a wheelie and a left turning cager struck him cause he could not see the head light of the bike. A very sad and stupid way to go.
Well if you look closely, you will see that this is a stunter bike.. As well, I have access to the police report that is more detailed, as my team handled the insurance claim . That's all I can share at this time.

Maybe just maybe the fact that he bought the bike a week ago, has more to do with him crashing then the fact he bought a bike with some stunt parts on it...And he died on the street doing a wheelie at speed where another automobile was involved, not in a parking lot doing the slower advanced stunts....Apples to Oranges!
1:21 I could have easily lost control of my bike and sent it into the crowd......Maybe those people feel safe behind that gate, truth is my 500lb bike would blow through it like paper. Takes a few years of practice to even get confident enough to try stuff in tight spaces like that....For this reason I believe the L&L stunters were not newbies....From what I heard they were not total newbs....Still dont make it right to force people in a situation they dont want to be in, but thats life...People do stupid ****, if you dont like it you need to get yourself out of there...I cant tell you the amount of times people have done stupid **** like burnouts in cars close to me, I never trust anyone doing that stuff so I just get the hell out of the way...
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