Stunters at L&L :)

Do you have a bike that you wont be upset about when you drop it?

The only reason I dont like giving tips or lessons is because most people arent ready to drop their bikes. When someone comes to me with a bike they bought and setup to actually stunt, then I have no problem helping them trash it and learn wheelies....

Also if you want to come to our spot and practice without a crash cage, one drop and you dump your oil all over the place making a huge mess...Usually when this happens, people only care about their bike and leave the oil and parts cleanup to us...Unless Jackson is there, he will tell you straight up go get some dirt and clean up your mess....Even if your still in shock and bleeding..LOL

Now you might say but cant I learn without dropping it? Yes but there is a very good chance you will, at least 2-5 street riders come through our spot every year and loop their bikes...Last time I was at the spot there was some pieces of a GSXR scattered around, so I guess I missed another one.....

So I don't need wheelie lessons, I need a stunt bike. Problem solved, lol.

Wish I could afford a stunt bike with all the cages and accesories that come with it. Plus a trailer to haul it to the stunt spot. Oh well
Same could be said for Track Days?

replace the word Stunt with Track in your statement and it's the same.

Maybe its just my style, but I was never good at schools...

I did 4 track days, then tried my first rookie race in SOAR and I placed 3rd behind 2 much more experienced racers...Some race schooling would most likely help me with my technique and bad habbits, but Id rather learn the hard way and have fun at track days instead...Again just because I hate schools....
Maybe its just my style, but I was never good at schools...

I did 4 track days, then tried my first rookie race in SOAR and I placed 3rd behind 2 much more experienced racers...Some race schooling would most likely help me with my technique and bad habbits, but Id rather learn the hard way and have fun at track days instead...Again just because I hate schools....

Trust me, these hands on stuff are better learnt thru experience. U crash and fall?? most likely u won't repeat that mistake again. If someone tell u, goes in one ear and goes out the other.
That would be awesome...especially if they had a line of bikes you could use, so you don't have to trash your own bike.

It sure would, but I just dont think there is enough interest to fill classes that would be required to be full for this to happen...It would be a large investment and gamble, the bikes are very expensive to setup, and obviously there would need to be some kind of insurance policy...

you said your an instructor right? What amount of people is required for a day to happen? If you had very bad attendance, say only 3 people signed up for a class, would it still happen or would it be canceled due to not enough attendance to cover the overhead?
Cat's the instructor:)

Someone with some serious doe would have to start this up.

With the track schools you rent the bike and there are options for what kind of insurance you wanna pay. Not sure how that would work with stunting. I'm not sure how Racer 5 does it though the rental is included in the course at no extra cost. Lot's of research would have to be done to see if it's even worth it.

Pretty sure a lot of people would be interested in it. Most people need some coaching on how to do stuff they've never done before. Not everyone has the kahunas to just go out and do it especially on their own bikes.

It sure would, but I just dont think there is enough interest to fill classes that would be required to be full for this to happen...It would be a large investment and gamble, the bikes are very expensive to setup, and obviously there would need to be some kind of insurance policy...

you said your an instructor right? What amount of people is required for a day to happen? If you had very bad attendance, say only 3 people signed up for a class, would it still happen or would it be canceled due to not enough attendance to cover the overhead?
Cat's the instructor:)

Someone with some serious doe would have to start this up.

With the track schools you rent the bike and there are options for what kind of insurance you wanna pay. Not sure how that would work with stunting. I'm not sure how Racer 5 does it though the rental is included in the course at no extra cost. Lot's of research would have to be done to see if it's even worth it.

Pretty sure a lot of people would be interested in it. Most people need some coaching on how to do stuff they've never done before. Not everyone has the kahunas to just go out and do it especially on their own bikes.

Yes sorry my mistake, maybe Cat13 can answer the question

And learning on someone elses bike isnt really usefull, every stunt bike is different...When I try to ride someone eles I neeed to learn their bike
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Yes sorry my mistake, maybe Cat13 can answer the question

And learning on someone elses bike isnt really usefull, every stunt bike is different...When I try to ride someone eles I neeed to learn their bike

Have everyone start on 50's :D
Have everyone start on 50's :D

Our latest team member is 17, he has no other riding experience besides the last 2 season on the 50. And the occasional "here Matty take my bike for a spin"....Recently he was handed a fully setup retired StuntersINC 636 to ride when he wants, and was doing slow wheelies, circle wheelies, drifts,and burnouts in 3 days...

He is very talented but having a fully set up bike handed to him, plays a big factor in his fast learning curve...When I started no one was doing it, I broke stock parts 1-5 times before I bought something aftermarket or had to make my own HD part. It was always a constant battle of working on your bike and trying to keep it running, and spending tons of money. Now that weve learned all the tricks of the trade, we have the bikes setup so well we rarely break anything... So again having a fully setup bike gives you a big advantage, because dont get me wrong hes still dropping the bike, but nothing is breaking...

Maybe it was mad matt who ****ed up the L&L meet? LOL
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but once they're done the school and are looking for components for their own stunt bikes, then wouldn't they naturally turn to you for those components?

I'm bored at work and playing entrepreneur for the day pretending I know what I'm talking about. from the sounds of it I missed a good time, and L&L is heading in the same direction KC did.

sigh...another pose location lost...are we all gonna cram into the Pizza Pizza lot off King now?

What we really need is a giant hot tub.
Trust me, these hands on stuff are better learnt thru experience. U crash and fall?? most likely u won't repeat that mistake again. If someone tell u, goes in one ear and goes out the other.

The majority of crashes I've heard of, after the fact the riders just end up wondering how it happened. Those that have answers are mostly just guessing. Not that instruction would help but when it comes to track days, I disagree that crashing = learning.
The majority of crashes I've heard of, after the fact the riders just end up wondering how it happened. Those that have answers are mostly just guessing. Not that instruction would help but when it comes to track days, I disagree that crashing = learning.

When I crashed at the track I was a little confused about what I did wrong, basically I lost the front end going into a turn at about 150. I thought maybe my front tire had too much time on it, I thought maybe I hit something slick. I asked Ken if I could walk the track after the day was done....After doing so I could clearly see the dark line my front wheel left on the track, and after seeing that it was clear. I simply braked way too late in that corner, I went in at what I thought was too hot, and tried to scrub off speed using the front brakes. Simply I should not have been on the brakes at all at that point in the turn, and in doing so I washed out the front end....Never happened again, because I took the time to understand what I did wrong and made sure I never made the same mistake again.

I understand some people need people to help them go through that kind of analysis
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The majority of crashes I've heard of, after the fact the riders just end up wondering how it happened. Those that have answers are mostly just guessing. Not that instruction would help but when it comes to track days, I disagree that crashing = learning.

Well, on my time on the road when I did crash. I only remember up to "just before" the crash. Anything after, I did not remember. Luckily there were someone to help me and pick my bike up. I was more concerned about getting runned over by incoming vehicles.

But judging from the scratches from my helmet, on my jacket, bike and pants; I can tell u exactly how I tumbled and even tell u my body positioning at that moment. As Johnny also pointed out. I went back at that location to look for clues, but there were none.

It was really weird that I was on my tummy with my hand underneath it. During the slide, I also rolled over onto my bum.
Well, on my time on the road when I did crash. I only remember up to "just before" the crash. Anything after, I did not remember. Luckily there were someone to help me and pick my bike up. I was more concerned about getting runned over by incoming vehicles.

But judging from the scratches from my helmet, on my jacket, bike and pants; I can tell u exactly how I tumbled and even tell u my body positioning at that moment. As Johnny also pointed out. I went back at that location to look for clues, but there were none.

It was really weird that I was on my tummy with my hand underneath it. During the slide, I also rolled over onto my bum.

Lol me and one of my friends always act like accident investigators after our friends crash, because what actually happened and the story you get from your buddy that crashed is usually very different...Our friend will be like "there was sand in the corner" and when you go back to the corner, there is only sand 1 foot away from the curb on the outside of the turn and their tire mark going through it and off the road. So what really happened is they went in too hot, blew the turn and ended up in the sandy edge in the road were they shouldnt have been anyways had they not blown the turn...LOL

For stunting always keep the camera rolling, you can watch your footage after to see what went wrong. And crash footage is very entertaining also...LOL.
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