Stunters at L&L :)

There are various forms of 'showing off.' Standing in front of your pretty-pretty bike, for instance, is unlikely to get people tossed out. Burn-outs, wheelies, stoppies, and other behaviour that can be construed as operations without due care and attention" or "dangerous operation of a vehicle" will.
Your right and it's the other that happens each and every week that will ruin it for all!!! Not the stunts that happened on this night!!
Your right and it's the other that happens each and every week that will ruin it for all!!! Not the stunts that happened on this night!!

The stunts, that apparently (I wasn't there) happened on that night, are a part of what will result in getting shut out.
The stunts, that apparently (I wasn't there) happened on that night, are a part of what will result in getting shut out.
You're right, but it will be such a small part compared to what goes on there weekly! And the only way the police would know about what happened that night is this six page thread!!
You're right, but it will be such a small part compared to what goes on there weekly! And the only way the police would know about what happened that night is this six page thread!!

Odds are that they already know, without needing to read this thread.
So, did anything exciting happen tonight?... Any wheelies? stoppies? burnouts?... you know, cool s***... other than the usual pose fest?
So, did anything exciting happen tonight?... Any wheelies? stoppies? burnouts?... you know, cool s***... other than the usual pose fest?

I saw this one dude in full leathers holding a coffee while he was walking! Was pretty awesome! Other than that, 1 DB that did his best 4" wheelie for .25 of a second. Oh and some really awesome bikes that get really loud when you're rolling in 1st gear, pull the clutch and redline it! I tried it on the way out and my 250 sounded like a lawn mower! Braaaammmmppppppp!!!!!!!!!!
I saw this one dude in full leathers holding a coffee while he was walking! Was pretty awesome! Other than that, 1 DB that did his best 4" wheelie for .25 of a second. Oh and some really awesome bikes that get really loud when you're rolling in 1st gear, pull the clutch and redline it! I tried it on the way out and my 250 sounded like a lawn mower! Braaaammmmppppppp!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a blast! I missed yet another awesome meet at L&L...
Caught a momo trying to do a rolling burnout, but choked before anyone really noticed...

But the usual revving of engines (I figure just incase their sportbikes don't stall), and the heavy wrists of the harley guys slowly making their way outta there.

But all in all a good display of 'brotherhood' I guess? Pose on dudes. I dun care. Posing ppl don't get into tragic accidents I say.

Oh and the two dudes who were using the police cruiser to light up their bikes on the side of the DVP by eglinton around accent lights ever.
Hmmm.. You don't sound too confident... Don't worry... I record everything!
Personally, If I have spare time, I prefer riding over posing. Quite frankly, I never understood the Tim Horton's parking lot posing sessions.
It's fine if you're going to have a coffee, link up a few people and go riding, but to go spend 1 hour+ just sitting in a parking lot? No thanks. I'd rather be on 2 wheels facing a potential 172 lol...
Personally, If I have spare time, I prefer riding over posing. Quite frankly, I never understood the Tim Horton's parking lot posing sessions.It's fine if you're going to have a coffee, link up a few people and go riding, but to go spend 1 hour+ just sitting in a parking lot? No thanks. I'd rather be on 2 wheels facing a potential 172 lol...
I ride a lot (5000 km in 2 months). I don't mind posing for an hour here and there.
wow.. a guy pops a lil wheelie, and another does a burnout out the driveway of the establishment... y r u cryin people!! if they did heavy smoke shows and maybe if there was even a close call to a incident i would maybe see yall points... but all i see are people wishing and hating that they can ride like those guys... people ripp out of that tims so hard their popping it into neutral to a rev limiter two wheeled coaster dwn lakeshore.. f*ing squids!.. cops have come to L&L prior to these stunters showing up so who is to blame GTA motorcyclyists? the police will never like large ammounts of people meeting in a public place.. bikes, cars, partys, whatever the case.. reading all the people complain about this n that, the maybes and what ifs.. do you people live at all? they say the brave dont live forever but the cautious dont live at all...
lol I like to take my own risks thanks... someone else shouldn't be able to chose my risks for me... that is the point we are trying to make here.

We all agree stunting is friggen cool. Just do it in a safe environment where your not putting others at risk.
lol I like to take my own risks thanks... someone else shouldn't be able to chose my risks for me... that is the point we are trying to make here.

We all agree stunting is friggen cool. Just do it in a safe environment where your not putting others at risk.

Someone always is, any time you get on two wheels and actually ride.
A pose fest, meh... understandable.
Someone always is, any time you get on two wheels and actually ride.
A pose fest, meh... understandable.

Um yea, that's the point.... that's my risk I chose to take...walking out the front door is an other...jay walking an other... eating spicy food....white water rafting....swimming in the ocean....

All choices I make... having some random person I've never met before do a wheelie next to me is not a choice I got to make.
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