you know i give with you guys. i am not racist and just stated what i have seen with my own eyes. If you take that as racist then i guess then i should have just said there is no crime there at all even though news and police report otherwise. Every place in Toronto has a problem as this area and just stated that i have seen it in this area my whole life.
I have been labelled by a few of you as racist, which i a complete joke if you know me in person you would never even think that of me. I call things as i see them i don't sugar coat anything and say it like it is so if that is racism then i guess I am in your small world.
Please tell me where i said i hate anyone?
I am personally insulted you took it that way and thank those that have supported me.
Chief, relax, you're getting wound up over an assumption on what the poster may or may not have implied (really, you gotta stop reading into everything you see on the Interwebs, it'll drive you nutty).
The real point of this thread is the fact (as mystifier pointed out) that a rider nearly lost his head here.
Dah, I guess I just can't stand the fact that discrimination is still so pervasive in our society. It's great that we all stand together here in support of our fellow rider that experienced a nearly fatal incident. It feels great to know that we're all united as riders. But when you realize that some of the people you're standing with in support of one cause have a completely different moral stance on a superceding cause, it really undermines your original one and causes you to doubt some of those people you're standing with.
Irocian, just because you call things like you see them, that in no way makes the way you see things as right. You're personally insulted? Well how do you think the residents of Fir Valley Court feel when you go and blame them for this incident without any evidence? What you've "seen" in your life would be thrown out in a court of law instantaneously. You don't wield the gaval, and have no right to lay down a verdict. A perfect example is this: I see you're from Scarborough and your spelling and grammar is pretty bad. Then if I were to read another person's post that had equally bad spelling and grammar, would I be right in assuming that they were from Scarborough as well? Heck no. That'd be stereotyping and discriminating against all people from Scarborough, simply based on what I read from you. You are not the sole representative of Scarborough, just as the bad people are not representative of all the residents of Fir Valley Court. Do you see what some of us are trying to say?
You don't have to use the word "hate" to sound hateful, get it? You don't have to read too deeply to see that. Sometimes it's good not to sugar coat things, but other times it's good to choose your words wisely.
Sorry if I sound like I'm getting wound up guys, but I was raised to stand up for those that aren't able to defend themselves. If it must be on the interwebs, then so be it.
Hi guys, Thank you all for the kind words. This unfortunate rider was me.. I was surprised to see that the lines were tied onto a pole.. I wasn't aware of this till i saw it here. So far the recovery is okay...they stitched up my neck and then used about 14 staples to hold it down. The doc said to get the staples removed in 7 to 10 days or to return to the hospital if the condition gets worse. Thank you all again for the kind words I'm glad they closed down the road to remove all the wires because like many of you said, there's many riders around the area including the bike shop (109 cycle) which many people visit.
P.S Just as i turned into warden I noticed a P.O parked so i reduced my speed down to 40 (the limit posted there is 50) just to be sure I don't get pulled over or anything.. Thank God I noticed him otherwise going another 10km/hour definitely would have made a difference. The cut was just off the jugular vein it was a branch that got cut.
user751140, I'm very glad to hear that you'll be okay, and I hope your recovery goes smoothly and without complication. Thanks for posting in here and letting us know in your own words what happened. In a totally different experience, I had to have five staples applied to my head to keep my scalp together, which were then removed a week later. It was not a fun experience. However, it never stopped me from living the life I wanted to live, so I hope you'll keep riding

I just watched the Adjustment Bureau tonight, and it really seems like you slowing down from 50 to 40 km/h was an adjustment that some guardian angels made for you!! lol Life might have some bigger and better plans for you yet!

In the meantime, let's just all work together and continue to keep removing those deadly lines and wires from life and society.