This thread really should have nothing at all to do with race, I was simply pointing to the fact that you took this as an opportunity to besmirch an entire group/neighbourhood based entirely on anecdotes and speculations. It would be as silly as me remarking on a reported murder by saying “It would not surprise me if the murderer was Scottish, because Scotland generally has one of the highest murder rates in Europe (fact)!”, or going on about how I wouldn’t live close to a Scottish community, as that would just be asking to get murdered by those out of control murderous Scots.
Although I drive/ride through there frequently, I’m not familiar with the particulars of this neighborhood, the point is that drug dealing and burglary, and fear and hatred towards any ethnicity has nothing to do with this thread. We can express our concern for a fellow rider without spreading baseless hate towards others.
Not trying to start a flame war here, just explaining myself as requested. More love and understanding, less fear and hate.