Ninja wouldn't work. You never see them and they never fail.
Meh.. A Spartan can kick a ninja's *** any day of the week

Ninja wouldn't work. You never see them and they never fail.
Lil late but I'll add my 2 cents.
But first, glad to hear you're ok man. That scar looks scary! And a little bad ***
Cent 1: Based on everything I've read and heard it seems overwhelmingly likely that this was accidental. The thought never even occured that it might've been malicious until it was suggested to me by someone who had interpreted one of the news articles. None of the facts that I read indicated to me that this was likely but most of the articles seemed to subtly suggest otherwise (let's face it, media have their agenda too). Is it a possibility? Sure. Likely? Not in my opinion.
Anyway, penny #2... leave kite flyers alone please. Even if it turns out to be intentional... why condemn kite flyers? It's too easy. I know this wasn't the first ever incident involving carelessly discarded string but it's hardly an epidemic issue requiring legislative action. If kite flying is that big a concern then those same people should tell me to stop fishing. If a park wants to ban kites because they're nuisances, fine. No need to lobby to ban their existence nationwide though, geeze. We'll just transform some other innocuous activity into a potentially lethal one. I'm going to go play fireball in the kitchen after I post this.
It's an unfortunate incident and I'm happy the rider is recovering well but that's sadly how it goes sometimes. Life is full of danger.. as riders especially we understand this. But I don't think this justifies a call to arms against kites or their flyers (excuse the sensationalism).
Thanks again for the warm wishes everyoneJust wanted to update my status and close up this thread.
I got the dressing removed today and everything seems to be okay.. I'll probably have a nasty scar forever but what bothers me more is that my right ride of the neck is numb. The Doc told me that it's most likely due to a nerve that was cut so i can't really feel anything there he said it may or may not grow back (the nerve) and that if it does grow it takes anywhere from months to years. All in all I guess I'm still lucky to be alive.
Thanks again for all your support and good wishes, I wish you all a safe ride.
I don't want to gross anyone out but if anyone is curious to see the scar here's the link: