Riders throat cut by fishing wire strung across intersection

Something is off with this. I can't wrap my head around the idea of wrapping kite string around posts. Like, why would someone do it? What is going through their brain? what are they trying to accomplish? Was this supposed to be some stupid prank?

The rider had no chance on this one.
You couldn't be more wrong from a legal standpoint (I won't even go into your depraved mores). It is illegal to booby trap your own property. There was a case several years ago of a guy in Niagara Falls running razor blades on string through his apple trees to keep the local kids from stealing the apples. He was charged with aggravated assault when one of the trespassing kids got cut.
Setting booby traps sounds tempting until an innocent person strays into the area or an emergency worker (Fire, police, EMT) gets a call and gets hit. You might as well plant land mines.
I've been thinking about it some more and came up with this. If the line was slack and blowing in the wind, then if might slide over a relatively smooth vehicle like a car. There are a lot of catch points on a motorcycle, like the rider's neck, where it would tend to catch. Maybe it was just carelessness, rather than malice?

Nice work Rob, I believe you have come up with the unified string theory!

GWS rider.
Seriouly kite flying has become so competitive that they try to cut others strings...wow...just wow. Why is it even legal to sell that stuff here...rediculous.

time to send an e-mail or even better letters to the scarborough MP in that area requesting he bring up legislation to ban kite flying that uses fishing lines or glass particles. If he gets bombarded with these requests I'm sure he'll listen.
time to send an e-mail or even better letters to the scarborough MP in that area requesting he bring up legislation to ban kite flying that uses fishing lines or glass particles. If he gets bombarded with these requests I'm sure he'll listen.

There is already legislation against this sort of thing. It is littering, after all.
The string that was used is apparently prohibited in Toronto.. but you can still buy it online and have it shipped to you. I think there should be a limit on the length of line people use so if their string breaks they can find it.
Glad you're 'ok' and really happy to hear you weren't decapitated/killed, GWS.
time to send an e-mail or even better letters to the scarborough MP in that area requesting he bring up legislation to ban kite flying that uses fishing lines or glass particles. If he gets bombarded with these requests I'm sure he'll listen.


The kite line should be banned outright. String with glass embedded into it...or garrot wire by the loom in other words. If you wanna fight with your kites start attaching water guns to them.
While its interesting that there are many people that all of a sudden are on the side of more laws.

I actually don't think this is/was a problem that could be solved by "laws", or "the man".
While its interesting that there are many people that all of a sudden are on the side of more laws.

I actually don't think this is/was a problem that could be solved by "laws", or "the man".

Sure it is
I'm glad the victim is OK and has posted on the forum. Also, I don't want to down play this incident but our greatest danger remains stupified cagers.
I'm glad the victim is OK and has posted on the forum. Also, I don't want to down play this incident but our greatest danger remains stupified cagers.
Judging by the circumstances behind the majority of fatal rider crashes so far this year, the greatest danger to riders are riders themselves, not "cagers". That is something that riders continually downplay.
Judging by the circumstances behind the majority of fatal rider crashes so far this year, the greatest danger to riders are riders themselves, not "cagers". That is something that riders continually downplay.

Some time ago, didn't you remark something along the lines of, "It may not be the greatest cause, but it's something we can do something about" in another thread? Same thing.
Some time ago, didn't you remark something along the lines of, "It may not be the greatest cause, but it's something we can do something about" in another thread? Same thing.

Yup, I did. However, the thing that riders have the greatest power over is their own riding. Often times the first and most effective place to start solving problems is in one's own house where you are dependent on nobody but yourself to achieve results.
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