Riders throat cut by fishing wire strung across intersection

Hey user user751140, hopeing the best for you...and hope your back on the steel horse after that.

Sad to see the kite strings caused this, I grew up in India flying these kites with these type of strings, never the less this sport/festival does take many lives every year, with kids falling off roof tops while flying the kites to incidents like this. I agree on a total ban of these strings which are laced with glass. They cut through skin like a hot knife through butter.

Glad to see the rider is recovering.
i wish I can find a way to put a voodoo curse on sick ****s like this...

good to hear your alright, rider!
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Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

Can I ask... what is the purpose of having glass lined string?
To help cut your opponent's kite string, during a kite fight.
Seriouly kite flying has become so competitive that they try to cut others strings...wow...just wow. Why is it even legal to sell that stuff here...rediculous.
Seriouly kite flying has become so competitive that they try to cut others strings...wow...just wow. Why is it even legal to sell that stuff here...rediculous.

I remember doing this when I was younger, it actually is very fun. But I remember doing it in open fields and there really wasn't an issue if the string was cut. You roll up your end and pick up the kite.. I actually have no idea why there would be tons of line all over the place.
Seriouly kite flying has become so competitive that they try to cut others strings...wow...just wow. Why is it even legal to sell that stuff here...rediculous.

Its not sold here... Its bought online and shipped.
Seriouly kite flying has become so competitive that they try to cut others strings...wow...just wow. Why is it even legal to sell that stuff here...rediculous.
Kite fighting is a traditional combat sport, just like the more modern model airplane combat dog-fights where the goal is to use your plane's propellor to cut the streamer of your opponent's model plane. http://www.airspacemag.com/flight-today/FEATURE-modelcombat.html

The "stuff" isn't really the problem any more than razor blades were the problem when people were seeding playgrounds with them. It's the discarding of the "stuff" that is the problem.
user751140 - I'm relieved to hear that you're in recovery. Many people I know have been following this story, and needless to say it's pretty damn scary! I had no idea that this kind sport was popular and who'd have thunk that the remnants of kite-flying could be so potentially lethal. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Remember: lots of vitamin E and try to avoid lots of direct sunlight on the scar as it's healing.
Humayun I wish you a speedy recovery.

Thread:- Kite fighting is definitely big in India and Pakistan. This thread is not your normal cotton thread used here in Canada. It actually encompasses glass pieces and other chemicals to make it very sharp and abrasive and like someone else said earlier cuts through skin like a steak knife through butter. In Canada you need a permit to kite fight but they should definitely make this kite thread illegal in Canada.

Scenario 1: If during the course of a kite fight one kite cuts down another and depending on how much slack the kite has, this extra thread can get tangled in trees and poles and many motorcyclists are killed because of this in India and Pakistan. Here is part of an article from a newspaper in Pakistan:-
"Since 2003, police officers in Pakistan's Punjab province have been instructed to treat kite fighting deaths as murder cases if the death is due to a person having his or her throat cut by a kite line that is metallic or coated with abrasive materials. The new instruction was prompted by several kite fighting related deaths in the province where throats were cut by kite lines. Some of the victims were small children"

In this case, charges should still be laid even if there was no intent to harm.

Scenario 2: If the perpetrators intentionally had this tied to the poles then they really should be found and charged with attempted murder. From the newsclip above thats what they do in Pakistan. Why should it be any different here.

Either way it's a sad scenario for the rider. Our best wishes are with you. I think there is no racism involved but definitely a lot of stupidity. But this special kite fighting thread should definitely be banned and strict penalties imposed for those caught using this.
I drive more carefully around cabbies based on my experience - is it "racist" of me to assume they'll do something stupid?

Yes... its not racist unless a race is mentioned... he named an area not a race.


Theres a couple people here determined to make a fight out of nothing.... he commented on an area not a people. Nothing he said is racist. And when corrected on the fact, rather than own up to the fact that it was the wrong word to have used, you get angry and turn it into a crusaide. We all make mistakes... its ok... just means your human like the rest of us.

user751140: I am happy to hear you are well! I hope they come to the bottom of what happened and get it so it doesnt happen to anyone else.

Wow. Why are you guys still talking about the use of the word "racist?" I can't believe you guys haven't figured out yet that this is about DISCRIMINATION, which is what sexism, racism, and treating people differently based on stereotypes, all fall under. I'm not trying to make a fight. But the fact that you guys are still bringing up the whole use of the word "racist" is really starting to get frustrating, since GoSlo had already cleared up what he meant on Page 5, Posts #83 and #89. Yet you guys are stuck in the past like you haven't read anything since before he posted that.

We already established that what Irocian said wasn't racism. What it is though is equally vile and disgusting, which is discriminating against a group of people based on stereotypes. No, nothing he said was racist. But everything he said was discriminatory and prejudiced. I must point out that he DID comment on a people, just not a race of people. He commented on the people that live in Fir Valley Court. He knows that it must have been one of them that did "this." And he's already said many times that he "calls it like [he] sees it." It's evident from the many times he's said that, that he believes he knows what's best for the community. It would be the equivalent of someone saying, "Oh there was a motorcycle accident? Well, I bet it was caused by a female rider, because I've seen female riders cause accidents. So all women are all bad riders. But hey, I just call it how I see it." It's the same exact thing, and it's not right. That's discrimination.

But even I'm not naive enough to realize that this is probably falling on deaf ears by now. I'm just optimistic that the world can change :)
^ Dude, quit the threadjacking. No one cares. Take it to PM.
By the way, when it comes to stringing wire across snowmobile trails..

1) If it's a farmer who already tried "Private Property - No Trespassing" signs to no effect stringing wire on his own land, well... Those snowmobilers could use some reading and/or etiquette lessons and they're responsible for whatever happens to them.

You couldn't be more wrong from a legal standpoint (I won't even go into your depraved mores). It is illegal to booby trap your own property. There was a case several years ago of a guy in Niagara Falls running razor blades on string through his apple trees to keep the local kids from stealing the apples. He was charged with aggravated assault when one of the trespassing kids got cut.
Kite fighting is a traditional combat sport, just like the more modern model airplane combat dog-fights where the goal is to use your plane's propellor to cut the streamer of your opponent's model plane. http://www.airspacemag.com/flight-today/FEATURE-modelcombat.html

The "stuff" isn't really the problem any more than razor blades were the problem when people were seeding playgrounds with them. It's the discarding of the "stuff" that is the problem.

Welcome back turbo:D
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