Riders throat cut by fishing wire strung across intersection

Re: Motorcyclist's throat slit by kite string?!?!

Has anyone else read this story? It's nuts! We already need to watch out for cars, weather, kids and dogs - now kite strings! Read on:


Not many...only 5 pages of posts worth.


To be fair the kite string vs. fishing wire piece is confusing.
Re: Motorcyclist's throat slit by kite string?!?!

lol the thread's only a few threads down on the first page.
Red lines is used for fishing line because its the 1st color that gets lost or absorbed in the spectrum underwater.
By the way, when it comes to stringing wire across snowmobile trails..

1) If it's a farmer who already tried "Private Property - No Trespassing" signs to no effect stringing wire on his own land, well... Those snowmobilers could use some reading and/or etiquette lessons and they're responsible for whatever happens to them. Land owners who confronted snowmobilers/atvers who trespassed on their land often got assaulted, injured and/or their property vandalized.. Sometimes a deterrent is needed.

2) If it's somebody stringing wire on actual snowmobile trails and/or public property... Yes, it's hard to prosecute, but if they get caught in the act... They are already attempting murder, so they are dangerous criminals, highly desperate to avoid prosecution and jail sentences that can be over a decade. Quite a bit of force can be reasonably justified in the course of the citizen's arrest under those circumstances :cool:
nOpe. You're the only one... REPOST!! lol
Scary as hell 'cause it's my intersection and it could've been me. Time to start wearing a bandana around my neck again :S

BUT we should all go ride. I only know like 3 people from this intersection and it makes meeting up so damn easy. haha
I really hope that it was snagged on the post and loose on one end and whipped/wrapped around the riders neck as opposed to it being malicious or a prank gone wrong. I still can't believe someone would value another persons live so little as to consider something like this. I think that if it was tied off and done on purpose tho, with the media and police involvement it won't be happening again in the near future. I think that I'd still be dropping into a full tuck thru intersections if I lived there tho.
I think that I'd still be dropping into a full tuck thru intersections if I lived there tho.

I was thinking this too- I do live right there and I think I need to start riding with my chest to tank throught the city :\

Sure I'll look stupid....but better stupid and alive then stupid and dead :\
i feel lucky rode by there today and live just 6 blocks from there. Just down the street is terrible for crime in fir valley court. Thiefs, drugs police there everyday it a bad news place.

Would not surprize me if they catch someone from that place to have done this as the kids are wild and out of control and the place changed as my Scotish relatives lived there in the 60's to the 70's and there was no problems now regent park and others have moved in over the years and yet the new homes built right across the street must be $$$ for the theifs not even having to have to walk far.

how is it i state what actually happens there daily is racist? I have lived here for more then 42 years and have known the area my whole life if you dont like the truth thats not my fault bury your head in the sand if you like but thats what i have seen daily

There has been no official report as to how the string got there or whether there had even been intentions, yet by the infinite powers of the universe granted upon thyself, you "would not be suprised" if the people that have "done this" (whatever "this" may be, because right now only you know), came from Fir Valley Court because that area "is terrible for crime."

You're the one that needs to get your head out of the sand and reassess the way you look at people. It's clear that for over 42 years, the only thing that hasn't changed in the area is the way you jump to point blame at people from certain neighbourhoods and demographics without any fact.

Let's face it, you're racist.

Wouldn't he have to indicate that it was a particular race involved for it to be racist? I'm not from that area and don't have a clue as to who's in question.

No, he wouldn't, that's being a little naive. But he is already accusing the people that live in the Fir Valley Court neighbourhood, particularly the youths. He's already figured out before the police have that it was someone in that neighbourhood that did "it". In fact, he already knew that there was malicious intent behind the string being there, especially because it happened to a motorcycle rider. Do you see what I'm saying? GoSlo nailed it, and we should be grateful that he pointed it out.

Edit: Glad to see the rider is out of the hospital and okay.
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Let's face it, you're racist.

Living in a particular place (for instance, Fir Valley Court) doesn't make you a member of any particular race, so having a negative opinion of people from a place doesn't make you racist. That's just bad logic. People can live in Fir Valley court and be of any race, disliking them isn't racist.
Living in a particular place (for instance, Fir Valley Court) doesn't make you a member of any particular race, so having a negative opinion of people from a place doesn't make you racist. That's just bad logic. People can live in Fir Valley court and be of any race, disliking them isn't racist.

Was just gonna make a comment on this - if they really want to argue the point, it's not really racism on display...possibly prejudice, moreso discrimination, but given no mention of race was ever made (and for those of us who don't know the area, can't really read into it that way), those of you calling the poster out as racist really should calm down (or don't get so wound up into reading something that may not be there)...
You guys all need to calm down with your internet-political-correctness.

A rider almost had his head chopped off here...
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Living in a particular place (for instance, Fir Valley Court) doesn't make you a member of any particular race, so having a negative opinion of people from a place doesn't make you racist. That's just bad logic. People can live in Fir Valley court and be of any race, disliking them isn't racist.
Wow...sigh......you're really missing the point.

Was just gonna make a comment on this - if they really want to argue the point, it's not really racism on display...possibly prejudice, moreso discrimination, but given no mention of race was ever made (and for those of us who don't know the area, can't really read into it that way), those of you calling the poster out as racist really should calm down (or don't get so wound up into reading something that may not be there)...
Really, is any of this okay? sheesh...

People shouldn't think racism, sexism, prejudice, and discrimination are on different levels...none of it is okay because it's all the same stereotyping of a whole group of people based on the traits or actions of a very few. This is a pervasive social problem that really shouldn't be ignored in society. So if it's technically not "racism" when you're crossing the t's and dotting the i's, what you should get wound up over is what IS there when you read into things. No, it's not racism, it's hate.
they should cut the loser's balls with a fishing wire. Hope the rider is ok!
you know i give with you guys. i am not racist and just stated what i have seen with my own eyes. If you take that as racist then i guess then i should have just said there is no crime there at all even though news and police report otherwise. Every place in Toronto has a problem as this area and just stated that i have seen it in this area my whole life.

I have been labelled by a few of you as racist, which i a complete joke if you know me in person you would never even think that of me. I call things as i see them i don't sugar coat anything and say it like it is so if that is racism then i guess I am in your small world.

Please tell me where i said i hate anyone?

I am personally insulted you took it that way and thank those that have supported me.
No, it's not racism, it's hate.

Chief, relax, you're getting wound up over an assumption on what the poster may or may not have implied (really, you gotta stop reading into everything you see on the Interwebs, it'll drive you nutty).

The real point of this thread is the fact (as mystifier pointed out) that a rider nearly lost his head here.
I really hope that it was snagged on the post and loose on one end and whipped/wrapped around the riders neck as opposed to it being malicious or a prank gone wrong. I still can't believe someone would value another persons live so little as to consider something like this..


hearing this story makes my stomach turn

glad the rider will be OK
On ctv the reporter said they confiscated a kite near by, SO I'm thinking the probably know who did it.
On the newscast it was scary how much of that string is all over that area. Those kites should be banned. This isn't like when we were kids flying kites, these guys are ******** leaving crap all over the place.
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