Riders throat cut by fishing wire strung across intersection

[TD="class: vs_w-a"]
Heres some red braided fishing line. Ands thats only 30lbs. test.


That's 150lbs test but the diameter of 30lbs test
Nice to see I'm not the only one who thought that. Inappropriate post for sure.

Please do explain? there have been problems happening there that have been on the news many times so i'm not making it up just stating what happens so please do tell me how thats racist?
how can this fishing line be tied across warden and not be cut by a mini van or truck?

If it was held slack and then pulled tight in time for the biker? Thats how I see it being possible but requires a very ****ed up individual....

[TD="class: vs_w-a"]
Heres some red braided fishing line. Ands thats only 30lbs. test.


I was thinking fly fishing line also. Only the last 8ft is clear. The floating or sinking line is coloured.

Please do explain? there have been problems happening there that have been on the news many times so i'm not making it up just stating what happens so please do tell me how thats racist?

I also would like to see how its racist... he was commenting on the general people in the area, not listing the different races and attributing the behaviour to the race.
Just came back from visiting him at the hospital. His neck is stitched up and is expected to recover soon. As for the wire, the cop was saying that people often fly kites in a nearby parking lot and just left the wire there. It eventually dragged onto the road and caught onto the poles. They are trying to look for those individuals who fly kites there and charge them with criminal negligence. Atleast half a kilometre of wire was recovered from that intersection.

Hi Throttle - I sent you a PM please call me. Thanks
This makes me feel sick...
I was thinking about why a passing car/truck/bus wouldn't have ripped it down and the only reasonable explaination is that someone was waiting for a motorcycle to pass by then made the string taut. With 500 meters of string they could have easily hid.
There are a lot of messed up people in this world...
Agreed. How was Irocian's statement racist FFS ??

I agree, it wasn't racist at all. Toronto Housing areas have all races in them. GoSlo made it racist by assuming he was talking about one race in particular...
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Half a kilometer of line? That would seem to indicate a carelessly abandoned kite line (in a park known for kiting), rather than a malicious trap. I've encountered mysterious line before too, although not on a bike. It was draped over my car at work somehow. I spooled it up for close to two city blocks before it trailed down an alley, where I tossed it. The stuff was a thin sewing-type thread, but certainly tough enough to trip the unwary.
If it was held slack and then pulled tight in time for the biker? Thats how I see it being possible but requires a very ****ed up individual....

I was thinking fly fishing line also. Only the last 8ft is clear. The floating or sinking line is coloured.

I also would like to see how its racist... he was commenting on the general people in the area, not listing the different races and attributing the behaviour to the race.

I've been thinking about it some more and came up with this. If the line was slack and blowing in the wind, then if might slide over a relatively smooth vehicle like a car. There are a lot of catch points on a motorcycle, like the rider's neck, where it would tend to catch. Maybe it was just carelessness, rather than malice?
I really, really hope you're right... I would hate to think that this is going to become an ongoing thing, given the number of crashes and fatalities we've already experienced this year. I'm really stuck on possibly how long it could have been anchored to 2 separate points and TIED around a light standard and the only thing to catch on it was this poor guy's neck. I mean, how could a bus go by, or several busses without ripping it off?
But like I said, I really hope that this is a one-time incident and was merely very bad luck...

I've been thinking about it some more and came up with this. If the line was slack and blowing in the wind, then if might slide over a relatively smooth vehicle like a car. There are a lot of catch points on a motorcycle, like the rider's neck, where it would tend to catch. Maybe it was just carelessness, rather than malice?
I've been thinking about it some more and came up with this. If the line was slack and blowing in the wind, then if might slide over a relatively smooth vehicle like a car. There are a lot of catch points on a motorcycle, like the rider's neck, where it would tend to catch. Maybe it was just carelessness, rather than malice?

Actually that makes a lot of sense.... Your smart :)

It comes down to whether someone tied it there or it got knotted up. Either way I get shivers at the idea.
I've been thinking about it some more and came up with this. If the line was slack and blowing in the wind, then if might slide over a relatively smooth vehicle like a car. There are a lot of catch points on a motorcycle, like the rider's neck, where it would tend to catch. Maybe it was just carelessness, rather than malice?

Plus for someone to do this they would have to be wearing some heavy duty gloves so they don't get cut...that would have been fairly noticeable in a busy area like that.
If malicious they could have used a noose knot. Keep it slack until they're going to raise it up, then once it's up you don't touch it. There are lots of knots that would do the job, ask anyone that's tied something to the roof of their vehicle more than once.

Plus for someone to do this they would have to be wearing some heavy duty gloves so they don't get cut...that would have been fairly noticeable in a busy area like that.
It wouldn't suprise me if there was malicous intent in stringing the line between the posts. This has been happening regularily for a couple of years on some snowmobile trails - always tied at neck height.
It should be pretty obvious based on how the line was secured to the posts if it was intentional or not.
It wouldn't suprise me if there was malicous intent in stringing the line between the posts. This has been happening regularily for a couple of years on some snowmobile trails - always tied at neck height.

WTF? really? I did not know that (then again I have never been on a snowmobile). WHY??? And in Ontario? And have people ever been caught?
OMG, that's freaking terrible. I feel bad for the guy, thanks for the heads up.
It should be pretty obvious based on how the line was secured to the posts if it was intentional or not.

That's what i first thought also, it should be obvious.
However.......i just spent 10 mins untangling my extension cord, so now i'm not so sure. :p
It would be quite possible to mistake a tangled knot for a tied one.
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