Riders throat cut by fishing wire strung across intersection

If you look at the picture of the wire/string, it's red... and looks thick, when I used to go fishing it was clear. Is this what the kite fliers use or is it a special type of fishing line?

As for the post above about racism, if you lived there your whole life and a new ethnic community moves in, your area going to change, some bad and good. Sometimes we focus on the bad, and sometime the new community has no manners and misbehaves. You get a55holes in ever bunch of people.

I remember when they were about to ban kite flying, and everyone said it was racist (focusing on the Chinese), but the people flying the kites were leaving dangerous line all over the place, it wasn't the race it was their behavior.

So who thinks this was kite string? And if we see someone flying kites who do we call?
There's no reason to make fishing line so plainly visible to the fish. It has to be kite wire.

Just saw the clip on CTV News. It appears that the wire was tied or somehow otherwise attached to a pole.
This is WAYYYYY to close to home for me. I pass that intersection multiple times a day, almost every day as I live 2 blocks from there. Thankfully I didn't ride today. I even ride a GSX-R like the dude in the story. I'm scared to go to work tomorrow morning :|

also I saw this on the news first and then came here to see if it was reported. It seemed on the news that the string was tied to a pole. I'm sure strings don't tie themselves on to poles these days.

But my wtf moment is also- broad daylight, someone must have seen it. And also how did a van not hit it?

Anyone know if it was north or south of st. clair??
Why would they let his brother take or handle the string? Isn't it evidence?!
Just came back from visiting him at the hospital. His neck is stitched up and is expected to recover soon. As for the wire, the cop was saying that people often fly kites in a nearby parking lot and just left the wire there. It eventually dragged onto the road and caught onto the poles. They are trying to look for those individuals who fly kites there and charge them with criminal negligence. Atleast half a kilometre of wire was recovered from that intersection.
Just came back from visiting him at the hospital. His neck is stitched up and is expected to recover soon. As for the wire, the cop was saying that people often fly kites in a nearby parking lot and just left the wire there. It eventually dragged onto the road and caught onto the poles. They are trying to look for those individuals who fly kites there and charge them with criminal negligence. Atleast half a kilometre of wire was recovered from that intersection.

Thanks for the update! I'll be following this story as closely as I can as I live around the corner. Do you know the rider personally since you visited him in the hospital?

Also- how did you speak to a cop (Unless you're his brother?). I imagine they don't have a cop by his bedside at the hospital. I do feel a bit better that for now we're assuming it was just a kite- I hope it doesn't give anyone ideas throughout the city :\
I'm never going to look at a kid flying a kite the same way.
Thanks for the update! I'll be following this story as closely as I can as I live around the corner. Do you know the rider personally since you visited him in the hospital?

Also- how did you speak to a cop (Unless you're his brother?). I imagine they don't have a cop by his bedside at the hospital. I do feel a bit better that for now we're assuming it was just a kite- I hope it doesn't give anyone ideas throughout the city :\

Np, the rider is a friend of mine. His brother wanted me to take the bike back to his house since no one else he knows has their motorcycle license. While I was waiting I spoke to one of the cops and he told me about the kids(or adults) being negligent of the kite wire.
Is total ban on kites needed? Is it only city parks now?

The rider is gonna have one of those Clint Eastwood scars, nobody's gonna F with you ever.

Glad your ok.
Just came back from visiting him at the hospital. His neck is stitched up and is expected to recover soon. As for the wire, the cop was saying that people often fly kites in a nearby parking lot and just left the wire there. It eventually dragged onto the road and caught onto the poles. They are trying to look for those individuals who fly kites there and charge them with criminal negligence. Atleast half a kilometre of wire was recovered from that intersection.

Prison conversation...

"Hey man what are you in for?"

"I murdered ten people,what are you in for?"

"I am doing a stretch for kite flying"

Just came back from visiting him at the hospital. His neck is stitched up and is expected to recover soon. As for the wire, the cop was saying that people often fly kites in a nearby parking lot and just left the wire there. It eventually dragged onto the road and caught onto the poles. They are trying to look for those individuals who fly kites there and charge them with criminal negligence. At least half a kilometre of wire was recovered from that intersection.

The north-east corner of Warden/St Clair is a very large TTC Warden station pay parking. Entry is free on weekends. This parking lot has the capacity of 900 cars. It would be an ideal place to fly fighter kites today, with the wind blowing at 50kph WNW from the hurricane. While the lot is unmanned, there should be security cameras in the parking lot, as well as at the entry points.

Chinese do not fly kites using fishing line or wire. This tradition of using such lines with fighter kites is Indian, Pakistani and Afghan. I believe kite flying is banned in Pakistan partially because many motorcycle riders were getting killed. I think Afghanistan has also banned kite flying.

Kite flying is an overall safe hobby that I do with my kids. Do not condemn all kite flyers just because a very small minority are negligent and hurt others. Any hobby can be turned into evil if you try hard enough.

To the rider, GWS. Vitamine E cream will help the skin heal.
Honestly it seems targetted at a specific person. The rider must have taken the route on a daily basis and someone must've been there waiting for him, and set up the line. Otherwise and SUV/minivan/delivery truck would've taken it out. Maybe some sick **** was jealous of the guy's new bike. Or maybe it was gang related, who knows.
Wow, that's insane. Rider GWS!
how is it i state what actually happens there daily is racist? I have lived here for more then 42 years and have known the area my whole life if you dont like the truth thats not my fault bury your head in the sand if you like but thats what i have seen daily

Agreed. How was Irocian's statement racist FFS ??
The north-east corner of Warden/St Clair is a very large TTC Warden station pay parking.

Kite flying is an overall safe hobby that I do with my kids. Do not condemn all kite flyers just because a very small minority are negligent and hurt others. Any hobby can be turned into evil if you try hard enough.

The problems arise when the hobby becomes competative and is no longer just family fun. Then someone gets hurt and we have Kite police, HTA 172, etc
The odds, of the first person going through this intersection being a motorcyclist, are vanishingly small. Based on what I heard this morning, it's probably the confluence of two events; kit fighters leaving their twine where it falls, then teenagers stringing it up. A local apparently reported some teenagers wrapping kite twine around lamp posts and trees in the area, not long (days) before, but couldn't identify them.
Nice to see I'm not the only one who thought that. Inappropriate post for sure.

@Irocian ... This thread is probably not an appropriate soapbox for your racist views ... just saying.

Damn, that could have been me as I pass by that intersection often. Hope they find and prosecute whoever is responsible for this.

GWS rider.
This is nuts! Glad to hear the rider is doing better.... I didn't hear this story until I got into work earlier and grabbed my morning coffee. Ran into a colleague of mine and she told me the news as I also rode in this morning. Crazy thing is for some reason as I was riding in, The story that was posted here in the spring about someone else' incident with Kite string came to mind! This is my first riding season and as I was going through my license process I read a lot of stories on here and that being one of them always stuck in my mind. Nuts I would think of it this morning.

[TD="class: vs_w-a"]
Heres some red braided fishing line. Ands thats only 30lbs. test.

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