Riders throat cut by fishing wire strung across intersection

Yup, I did. However, the thing that riders have the greatest power over is their own riding. Often times the first and most effective place to start solving problems is in one's own house where you are dependent on nobody but yourself to achieve results.

I agree with Turbo. Too often people are blaming "cagers" for accidents or near misses that are often the fault of, or partly the fault of, the rider. Hard to blame a car driver for a single vehicle accident.

Also, it seems a lot more riders only have motorcycles. I would have thought a lot more are like me and drive cars/trucks as well as ride motorcycles. What's with all the references to "cagers"?

I love driving cars. I love riding motorcycles. They aren't mutually exclusive.
Yup, I did. However, the thing that riders have the greatest power over is their own riding. Often times the first and most effective place to start solving problems is in one's own house where you are dependent on nobody but yourself to achieve results.

Maybe the same attitude should have been taken with respect to younger drivers and alcohol consumption, rather than a slew of new laws?
Glad to hear you're doing well User.Hope to see you get back on your bike soon.

Kite fighting needs to be ban in city parks or there needs to be designated kite parks so if the kite gets cut loose it will end up in water,rather to have its lines wrap around post and hurt someone else.

There was another incident up by markham north of finch,if you live/ride by there you notice there is a train yard where new vehicles are store and gets deliver.There was over half million worth of damages cost by kites with its glass lace lines,some damages were so bad that it cut right to the bare metal.Imagine what it can do to your neck,user was very luck he had slow down and stop in time.It could have cut right though his carotid artery.In no time there was sign posted babbding kite flying at the near park were the kite was comming from by the rail yard.
Do somone need to be kill before the kite fighting stop? it got banned real quick when there was a large amount of $$$ involed :rolleyes:
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Glad to hear you're doing well User.Hope to see you get back on your bike soon.

Kite fighting needs to be ban in city parks or there needs to be designated kite parks so if the kite gets cut loose it will end up in water,rather to have its lines wrap around post and hurt someone else.

Do somone need to be kill before the kite fighting stop? it got banned real quick when there was a large amount of $$$ involed :rolleyes:

Banning it in parks isn't the final solution. It needs to be banned everywhere. The string can drift anywhere from private property, hurting people, damaging property and endangering wildlife.

While we're at it, let's ban everything that might hurt someone. Beer, smokes, loud pipes, boom boxes, swimming, sunbathing, dogs, cats, red meat.....

As difficult as it might sound to ban all of these things it appears to be easier than banning the real problem. Mindless people.

I'll have to ask an anthroplogist friend how we went from caveman to intellent humans over millions of years and were able to reverse the gains in a few decades.
Thanks again for the warm wishes everyone :) Just wanted to update my status and close up this thread.

I got the dressing removed today and everything seems to be okay.. I'll probably have a nasty scar forever but what bothers me more is that my right ride of the neck is numb. The Doc told me that it's most likely due to a nerve that was cut so i can't really feel anything there he said it may or may not grow back (the nerve) and that if it does grow it takes anywhere from months to years. All in all I guess I'm still lucky to be alive.

Thanks again for all your support and good wishes, I wish you all a safe ride.

I don't want to gross anyone out but if anyone is curious to see the scar here's the link:



Holy crap, thanks for sharing the pics. Hope you heal up fast and are back to 100% soon. Try some aloe jell straight from the plant to help it heal.
Yikes bud.. I'm glad you're ok and I hope the dumbasses get their just desserts.. Don't be too pessimistic about it.. After suffering a trauma, sometimes you can grow numb in the region for up to a year.. Happened to me.. Now it feels normal. Just give it a bit of time.
holy****, glad you're ok, that looks kinda nasty, makes for great story to be sure, chuck norris should buy you a beer you earn it
...I got the dressing removed today and everything seems to be okay.. I'll probably have a nasty scar forever but what bothers me more is that my right ride of the neck is numb. The Doc told me that it's most likely due to a nerve that was cut so i can't really feel anything there he said it may or may not grow back (the nerve) and that if it does grow it takes anywhere from months to years. All in all I guess I'm still lucky to be alive...

Unfortunately the scar will be there forever. Use Vitamin E cream will aid recovery of the skin; It makes a difference. The numbness, while initially worrisome, is temporary and will slowly go away as the skin and nerve heals itself. Nerve regrows at 1 mm/month, so this might take 6 months to a year. Many people have surgery on their neck for a variety of reasons, and most recover without much loss of sensation.

As your skin repairs itself there is a possibility of the growth of keloids. Watch for these and get to your surgeon for advice. Keloids occur with the natural growth of scar tissue. Scar tissue on skin is not as flexible or smooth as the original. But it is the best your body can do after the fact. Skin regeneration technology needs to catch up to what we see in movies.

As for differences in skin colour, there is a possibility of doing a cosmetic tatoo. After you have fully recovered you can slightly colour the scar tissue with a tatoo in order to blend its colour to your normal skin tone. Of course this is just for looks.
Thanks for sharing the photos and updates! All the best on your continued recovery.
Glad to hear you're healing up. I'm glad it wasn't any worse. It's nice of you to share the pics as well, and I agree, Chuck Norris should buy you a beer, or maybe a couple forum members! I'd stand in that line.
Really glad to hear you're ok! That scar does look very badass, I would never get a cosmetic tattoo for that!
When I was in my 20s I had a small neck wound, that had random hot girls coming up to me asking about it. You're golden, son!
GWS Rider. I hope everything works out for you. No one deserves what happened to you
Wow, get well soon man. Wishing you a full recovery in no time!
All the best to you "user751140", hope you feel better dude.

On a positive note, a cool scar like that will get you laid for sure, you can tell people you saved an old lady from a knife wielding maniac, or that you survived an attack by a serial killer, the pootang will be endless. :cool:

By the way, can we change your username to something awesome like " ScarNeck" or "TheBionicMan" ? :D
All the best to you "user751140", hope you feel better dude.

On a positive note, a cool scar like that will get you laid for sure, you can tell people you saved an old lady from a knife wielding maniac, or that you survived an attack by a serial killer, the pootang will be endless. :cool:

By the way, can we change your username to something awesome like " ScarNeck" or "TheBionicMan" ? :D

Ninjas or Thuggees would work better. Serial killers are a dime a dozen, these days.
Just make sure your wife doesn't add to that scar when you're using it to get chicks at a bar and she finds out....

Glad you're ok :D
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