Picking up and talking to chicks on bicycles and scooters downtown.


Thats not what i meant dude lol, i don't call girls not into me fake, i call them not interested, what i mean by fake is, chick sees me 5 days in a row, i do not exists in her world, chick sees me on sixth day with my helmet and bike, all of a sudden im her best friend.....thats a Fake bitttch, Uni's are FULL of them.

Ever notice i don't post back to anyone who i don't find interesting or feel like i could give my two cents two? your still hurting about me saying i'd own your ASSS on the streets on my bike, nothings changed i know i would because i spend time grinding on the streets and my garage is proof of it, people on the streets know who i am, i've never heard of you. Also notice i have not said anything negative about you, because i don't know you or your lifestyle, and i don't care, i don't care if you pull more girls then me or others, the point of the thread was, that i was surprised to find out how nice girls who ride bicycles and scooters are and how easy it was to get to be friends and hang out with them being a random guy on a motorcycle, and i respect girls like that.

ps: trying to make this into a compition is just lame even as a joke. some guys don't go after bimbos, we look and take our time to find real quality women, those we can count on to have our backs and us theirs. The type to turn you down when you try to game them.lol

if you really want to talk trash keep that trash talking for the streets after you actually smoked someone, trying to get a rise out of me to come race you is so 1996, if your bike is not posing at a coffe shop all day and night im sure we'll run into each other on the streets, the time i put into riding you have no idea, your probably wondering why im so calm and not trying to call anyone out, because i know people act tough on line and like always you'll just be the next guy, all quiet, head down and embarassed after getting skooled hard by a smaller cc bike on in the real world, no offense, im just making a point.lol I

I ride for FUN not to compete and thats why im so good at it...I meet girls because im looking to make friends and meet a quality girl, not because im trying to see how many chicks i can bang or get....The difference between your thinking and mine is what makes me the best at what i do, because i do things with my heart, not with my ego or penis.

ya thats exactly what i was thinking


Look up the meaning of the word "contradiction"
She would have taught you a thing or two by the looks of it... And she's not too old. A woman's sexual prime is early 30s.

haha interesting shes in her early 30's nice guess

She is pretty cute...set it up bro!

maybe if i've got nothing to do, my highschool is actually pretty lame, no parties no real chicks, had to go to missisauga and kitchener for some real chicks. Downtown is not that bad either :)
Join date 2012
posts 3000+
new 1000 cc bike

.......................... your one of those guys...you really don't realize it do you....lol

btw nice forum name....so creative.....lmao! is that the way you also ride...completely obvious.lol
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Join date 2012
posts 3000+
new 1000 cc bike

.......................... your one of those guys...you really don't realize it do you....lol

btw nice forum name....so creative.....lmao! is that the way you also ride...completely obvious.lol

So you don't try to talk **** or put people down, yet you just finished boasting how you're a way better rider than him........ My god you're an idiot.
Join date 2012
posts 3000+
new 1000 cc bike

.......................... your one of those guys...you really don't realize it do you....lol

btw nice forum name....so creative.....lmao! is that the way you also ride...completely obvious.lol

What does my join date have anything to do with it?

And yes i do have 3000+ posts, i enjoy reading the forums and im fortunate enough to have a job where 6 out of my 8 hours of work i have absolutely nothing to do but spend it on my computer...

And whats wrong with my bike? Are people somehow only allowed one bike per riding career? Are you trying to imply this is my first bike? :lmao:

Once again you talked bs, you were called out on it and then no one heard a peep from you. People remembered and laughed about it, and your feelings got hurt.

Next track day i'll be at will be Grand Bend June 13, 8 am. Put up or shut up. I'll be on a black 600rr, i'll leave the 1000rr at home so you wont cry about me having a bigger cc bike. Come on by and say hello...i won't hold my breath however.
You actually used the correct form of "you're" - I have a mild chubber for you.

Haha, drives me nuts that people don't know the proper usage of the word. Almost as bad as using their incorrectly.
What does my join date have anything to do with it?

And yes i do have 3000+ posts, i enjoy reading the forums and im fortunate enough to have a job where 6 out of my 8 hours of work i have absolutely nothing to do but spend it on my computer...

And whats wrong with my bike? Are people somehow only allowed one bike per riding career? Are you trying to imply this is my first bike? :lmao:

Once again you talked bs, you were called out on it and then no one heard a peep from you. People remembered and laughed about it, and your feelings got hurt.

Next track day i'll be at will be Grand Bend June 13, 8 am. Put up or shut up. I'll be on a black 600rr, i'll leave the 1000rr at home so you wont cry about me having a bigger cc bike. Come on by and say hello...i won't hold my breath however.

*crickets* I'm sure he's much too busy racing on the street and building his street cred to show up a simple peon like you. That won't stop him from spouting incorrect ******** and stroking his ego in future threads I'm sure.
Next track day i'll be at will be Grand Bend June 13, 8 am. Put up or shut up. I'll be on a black 600rr, i'll leave the 1000rr at home so you wont cry about me having a bigger cc bike. Come on by and say hello...i won't hold my breath however.

I heard that virtual ***** slap from here.

Track rider 1. "Talk myself up online" guy 0.
O>o could have picked up a mom but was scared shed fall off the bike so i just said **** it and dipped, got her number tho pic below

im in highschool so tons of girls are around me


Contest only open to those 19 or older :p
...now hook a brotha up
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I love how these guys think they are players with NO WOMEN and only unconfirmed bragging about how they could have or almost or maybe picked up because they had a motorcycle as a crutch.

Yea, you need a motorcycle to be interesting to women. Without it you spend the weekend with your dick in your hand.

My question is.... Why own yourself online about it?

I love how these guys think they are players with NO WOMEN and only unconfirmed bragging about how they could have or almost or maybe picked up because they had a motorcycle as a crutch.

Yea, you need a motorcycle to be interesting to women. Without it you spend the weekend with your dick in your hand.

My question is.... Why own yourself online about it?


Hey if I have no skills & the motorcycle is all I have, I won't reject it.

I think someone has a man crush on the other one.
Bad b.i.t.c.h.e.s. on deck, n.i.g.g.a.
Money, power, respect, n.i.g.g.a.
Cop, cook, collect, n.i.g.g.a.
You was never no threat, n.i.g.g.a.
Everybody be rap dissin'
I catch n.i.g.g.a.s., I check n.i.g.g.a.s.
These goons with me don't spit no verse
Just limo service, they stretch n.i.g.g.a.s.
Black 'maro 2 S n.i.g.g.a.
Couple birds on my neck, n.i.g.g.a.
Everytime them h.o.e.s. see me
They like, "Meek Milly you a mess, n.i.g.g.a."
2 gats, no vest, n.i.g.g.a.
Strapped up like i’m a cowboy
Stand tall like that Yao boy
Got a bad b.i.t.c.h., she 5"4
This gold roley thats on my wrist
Leprechaun prolly die for
Young boys that's on my strip
They'll kill anything I say ride on
Tell them n.i.g.g.a.s. call us if they're out of work
Cause we lifting weights but we don't do no body work
I didn't ride my bike at all but I went and picked up my car today, it got a little jealous because I was spending more time on the bike! Lol!

I didn't ride my bike at all but I went and picked up my car today, it got a little jealous because I was spending more time on the bike! Lol!


This is probably the T-Top, mullet loving redneck in me speaking... But I am absolutely nuts for that car!!!
I see it's no longer a FI (unless you just fancied up the air cleaner, but it doesn't look like that car is half assed)... What you got under the hood?
This is probably the T-Top, mullet loving redneck in me speaking... But I am absolutely nuts for that car!!!
I see it's no longer a FI (unless you just fancied up the air cleaner, but it doesn't look like that car is half assed)... What you got under the hood?

It's a 383 Stroker 510 HP all naturally aspirated & the car is a 1985 factory carbureted & I kept it that way for 23 years now!

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