Picking up and talking to chicks on bicycles and scooters downtown.

LOL to all you hating and butt hurt, not to the others members, but its funny how you bittches just pose at your meets, when we roll by and you don't even know it, we do this professionally not just own bikes and cars to look cool. like i said, see you on the street, and we'll see who's talking then.lol Toronto is a joke, you guys need to go to america and get your boring nothing to do assses smoked and beat down. bunch of tough losers, talk hard in groups and get all quite after a loss, and try to shake hands but only get a spit on your hands from me. i talk with confident because i know with over 80 thousand hours of riding there is usually no compition left except one self.

yea paul1000rr don't hold your breath, im not going to ever race you on a track, no one buys a bazokaa to blow up a mail box.lol
Somebody is SCURED. The only joke about Toronto is you, go back to where you came from scumbag.
Contest only open to those 19 or older :p
...now hook a brotha up

lol shes in richmond hill if you wanna pick her up :) no worries i got high school girls to work at...man girls begging to get on the bike since im the only one in school that has one...too bad i never rode with a passenger fraid ima drop them LOL

and im afriad they will make me drop...
lol shes in richmond hill if you wanna pick her up :) no worries i got high school girls to work at...man girls begging to get on the bike since im the only one in school that has one...too bad i never rode with a passenger fraid ima drop them LOL

and im afriad they will make me drop...

Dude... summer is about to hit. Make full use of this very unique and special opportunity you have...

Just "gear up" before you ride if you catch what I'm saying... Or you'll catch what my first patient monday morning had to show me... And those scars don't impress anyone once they heal.
I didn't ride my bike at all but I went and picked up my car today, it got a little jealous because I was spending more time on the bike! Lol!


Sweet & Sweet!
LOL to all you hating and butt hurt, not to the others members, but its funny how you bittches just pose at your meets, when we roll by and you don't even know it, we do this professionally not just own bikes and cars to look cool. like i said, see you on the street, and we'll see who's talking then.lol Toronto is a joke, you guys need to go to america and get your boring nothing to do assses smoked and beat down. bunch of tough losers, talk hard in groups and get all quite after a loss, and try to shake hands but only get a spit on your hands from me. i talk with confident because i know with over 80 thousand hours of riding there is usually no compition left except one self.

yea paul1000rr don't hold your breath, im not going to ever race you on a track, no one buys a bazokaa to blow up a mail box.lol


Ok lol where do i even start? How about basic math 101 here, 24 hours a day x 365 days = 8760 hours
80,000 hours divided by 8760 = 9.13 years of continuous 24/7 riding!

Oh btw, in one of your posts you stated that you just started riding in 2009 after seeing your hero "gta ghostrider".
Enjoy the quotes i selected, they're quite hilarious everyone

2WET; said:
"I no longer have the will to go outanymore ever since I heard what happened today, my sole mission was to be like you and to find out who you were, so I could learn from you, how you did thet hings you did."

2WET; said:
"PLau, i agree with you, but this dude is no kid, nor an amature, i would consider myself one of the best riders in toronto, and i would literally get my aszz handed to me everytime by him."

2WET; said:
"like i said im done riding after this season, and it was my biggest dream to start riding legally on the roads, north america is finished, a police state, no matter where you go."

2WET; said:
"Whatever happens man, one thing is for sure, the people you came into contactwith on the street you were an insperation to us, to me, a hero, i only got into riding because of you, back in 2009 i saw you, wheelie over a curvedbridge, bring it down right before a hard right corner and left corner youcurved them like they were nothing!"


6 pages of this dumb ****.

2WET - stop making stupid *** threads
Paul - Try doing some work at work - makes the day go by much quicker.

There is nothing for me to do but kill time. :D

Your spelling and grammar is atrocious. The only thing worse is your math. You have logged 80,000 hours riding? That's 3333.33 days... which is over 9 years of SOLID riding.

Let's say you got your license at 17, you'd have to ride continuously (24 hours of the day) for 6 months out of the year till you were 35. Let's say you just rode 12 hours a day for 6 months straight and you got your license at 17... that means you would have to be about 53 now.

Let's say REALISTICALLY you only rode 6 hours a day, EVERY day since you were 17 for 6 months out of the year... (let's assume you rode to work 3 hours there and 3 hours back)... you'd have to be 89 years of age right now.


pwned right there

No offense but if one knows how to use a bazooka and it's effective why wouldn't they? If you some how are nimble at 80 with a million hours of riding why not show up to a track day and hand him his @ss? :confused:


Bonus points if the girl you get on your bike is another members gf and an extra point if it is their wife and extra bonus points if it is their mom.


This thread reads like the rejected script from fast and furious, PG edition.


I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, this has to be up there for one of the funniest threads in a while...

BTW holy derail batman, from picking up chicks to camaros, to boats to 2wet and ghostrider :lmao:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I think 2WET may be more out of touch with reality then peggy
I think that 2wet is a little wet behind the ears & with nothing inbetween but hot air! :lmao:
Dude... summer is about to hit. Make full use of this very unique and special opportunity you have...

Just "gear up" before you ride if you catch what I'm saying... Or you'll catch what my first patient monday morning had to show me... And those scars don't impress anyone once they heal.

lol, yeah ill see, gona suck if the passenger fall :T
lol, yeah ill see, gona suck if the passenger fall :T

Before taking on a passenger start by showing them what to do in a parking lot at low speed and see if they get it then gradually bump the speed up a bit and see if they continue to follow instructions.

- If they do it will relieve some of your nervousness.

- If they don't you don't take it further.
Dude, if you're a new rider and are worried about taking a passenger then don't. Get comfortable riding on your own first, you're responsible for that person's safety.

Second this. I've yet to take anyone besides 2 small-ish girls that also ride
Second this. I've yet to take anyone besides 2 small-ish girls that also ride

For sure if he doesn't feel ready then he shouldn't.
I've had some girls on the back that I couldn't even tell there was someone back there because they naturally flowed with the bike. And some make it obvious. There are a few tricks to getting someone to do what they need to on the back of a bike.
Current gf wasn't so awesome on the back at first, but now we've done around 1,000km together and she's a lot more relaxed.
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