Picking up and talking to chicks on bicycles and scooters downtown.

Paul1000RR wins this smack-down, hands-down. 2WET is obviously a kid trolling looking to be found, and spanked in the real world. Question is will he cry, run away, or take a beating like a man?

Still, the topic is a good one. Post up pics of your bikes and the chicks you picked up on your bikes :-)
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For sure if he doesn't feel ready then he shouldn't.
I've had some girls on the back that I couldn't even tell there was someone back there because they naturally flowed with the bike. And some make it obvious. There are a few tricks to getting someone to do what they need to on the back of a bike.
Current gf wasn't so awesome on the back at first, but now we've done around 1,000km together and she's a lot more relaxed.

I know how this feels. Tried for months to get my ex on my old ninja. Finally she caved, we got 8 blocks away. Long sweeping turn that sharpened up at the end. Doing 70 (speed limit) and she sat up because she got scared. Tried this 4 other times before she finally said "you go ride it's not for me". I don't understand why people (guys or girls) have this fear that if you lean in a turn the bike is going to fall over and you're going to die. Anyways point is if you're inexperienced and your passenger is too, don't take one.
The other benefit of not using a sexy and expensive prop (like a motorcycle or sports car) is that you weed out women who focus on the prop and not you
i agree with this, if you have something fancy (car/bike) the girl will see THAT, and not YOU
ive got 3 vehicles, a bike, and 2 cars, 1 car is a summer only car (rhd, twin turbo, blah blah blah)
and ive got a 1996 toyota corolla, rust here and there, manual transmission, no ac, manual windows, no sound system.. lol
and i try to use that car when going out somewere, so if i do meet a girl somewere, she'll be interested in ME and ONLY

and later on, when you show her your other toys, it will be a surprise for her ;)
The other benefit of not using a sexy and expensive prop (like a motorcycle or sports car) is that you weed out women who focus on the prop and not you
i agree with this, if you have something fancy (car/bike) the girl will see THAT, and not YOU
ive got 3 vehicles, a bike, and 2 cars, 1 car is a summer only car (rhd, twin turbo, blah blah blah)
and ive got a 1996 toyota corolla, rust here and there, manual transmission, no ac, manual windows, no sound system.. lol
and i try to use that car when going out somewere, so if i do meet a girl somewere, she'll be interested in ME and ONLY

and later on, when you show her your other toys, it will be a surprise for her ;)
I'm curious about this car... Not the corolla.

I always figured, if I get rich (lottery lol) I won't be picking girls up in my fanciest car or bike. It would likely be the daily driver, and not lead on that I have money... Of course, this would involve getting a cheap apartment and saying that's where you live until they show enough interest in yourself.

However, I have like an 80% score ratio when I use the bike on dates. I think the undertail exhaust heats up and vibrates just enough... Plus the adrenaline of them being on the bike is also an aphrodisiac. GF has been talking about getting a certain piece of jewelry back in ever since she started to double on the back of the bike...
The other benefit of not using a sexy and expensive prop (like a motorcycle or sports car) is that you weed out women who focus on the prop and not you
I'm curious about this car... Not the corolla.

I always figured, if I get rich (lottery lol) I won't be picking girls up in my fanciest car or bike. It would likely be the daily driver, and not lead on that I have money... Of course, this would involve getting a cheap apartment and saying that's where you live until they show enough interest in yourself.

However, I have like an 80% score ratio when I use the bike on dates. I think the undertail exhaust heats up and vibrates just enough... Plus the adrenaline of them being on the bike is also an aphrodisiac. GF has been talking about getting a certain piece of jewelry back in ever since she started to double on the back of the bike...

Tongue studs are the devil
Considering she's had that the entire time we've dated, that isn't the piece I'm talkin about lol

She's got a piercing on her eyebrow, isn't it?
so where all all these bike/chick pics all you Casanovas were going to post up ??
Had a friend once say that having a bike was like having a "cheat code" to life that instantly bumps up your coolness level a few notches. It implies a lot of things about you are attractive to women. You're not afraid of taking some risks in life, you can take care of yourself well enough to afford such an expensive hobby, you're not boring, as a "big scary biker" you can probably protect her if she needs it...

Makes you different than just the everyday guy in jeans and swings the odds in your favour before you ever open your mouth.

Women use cheat codes too, they're just different ones.
Had a friend once say that having a bike was like having a "cheat code" to life that instantly bumps up your coolness level a few notches. It implies a lot of things about you are attractive to women. You're not afraid of taking some risks in life, you can take care of yourself well enough to afford such an expensive hobby, you're not boring, as a "big scary biker" you can probably protect her if she needs it...

Makes you different than just the everyday guy in jeans and swings the odds in your favour before you ever open your mouth.

Women use cheat codes too, they're just different ones.

You guys sure seem desperate. Cheat codes are for video games.
Sure, just like most others men or women will look at a bike just as you would look at a Lamborghini passing you or parked.
It's different.

This is why you guys fail. So she sees your bike and she drifts into a fantasy for a moment.
When the helmet comes off the fantasy is usually over. If you are not fat or unattractive you are likely still in her fantasy.
If you have bad teeth then fantasy over. When you start to speak, that will determine if the fantasy will continue in the first 30 seconds. If you look weak, fantasy over. If you sound weak, over. If you smell weak, over.

Women like men that are confident with a great smile. They also like men that are taller.
Have some charisma/style and you will meet lots of women.

Whatever you do, please do not tell her about your boring job or worse of all your favorite video games.
Most of you here are just keyboard warriors. You don't have half a ball to ask an attractive woman for the time.

Women believe that most guys on bikes are just dorks trying to pickup women by using their toys to compensate for being a dork in highschool.
You guys sure seem desperate. Cheat codes are for video games.
Sure, just like most others men or women will look at a bike just as you would look at a Lamborghini passing you or parked.
It's different.

This is why you guys fail. So she sees your bike and she drifts into a fantasy for a moment.
When the helmet comes off the fantasy is usually over. If you are not fat or unattractive you are likely still in her fantasy.
If you have bad teeth then fantasy over. When you start to speak, that will determine if the fantasy will continue in the first 30 seconds. If you look weak, fantasy over. If you sound weak, over. If you smell weak, over.

Women like men that are confident with a great smile. They also like men that are taller.
Have some charisma/style and you will meet lots of women.

Whatever you do, please do not tell her about your boring job or worse of all your favorite video games.
Most of you here are just keyboard warriors. You don't have half a ball to ask an attractive woman for the time.

Women believe that most guys on bikes are just dorks trying to pickup women by using their toys to compensate for being a dork in highschool.

I just put a cucumber in my pants & it works all the time every time

Sent from my tablet using my paws
When I was younger, I always dreamed about picking up chicks on a bike to go for a long ride down the sunset or something...

I definitely notice live things, from dogs to women to children, stare at my bike when I ride by; occasionally a hot one will stare and I'll rev at her....

However, I've took off my passenger pegs and put a rear cowl on; that isn't changing. Riding is a hell of a lot more fun solo than with some chick behind you screaming that you're going too fast or scratching her *** and wobbling around!
Women talk to me on the GO train because I know the GO train schedule.
GO train schedule > Motorcycle ...LMAO...

Seriously though, you can technically pickup chicks anywhere f you have a positive mindset. If a girl talks to you because you have an expensive toy, then she ain’t interested in you. Just the toy.
Sadly, girls these days are brought up to leech off you as much as possible.
Women talk to me on the GO train because I know the GO train schedule.
GO train schedule > Motorcycle ...LMAO...

Seriously though, you can technically pickup chicks anywhere f you have a positive mindset. If a girl talks to you because you have an expensive toy, then she ain’t interested in you. Just the toy.
Sadly, girls these days are brought up to leech off you as much as possible.

+1 on this

But it's nice when a girl is ACTUALLY interested in motorcycles and not just into posing because it looks cool...those seem extremely rare though.
I just put a cucumber in my pants & it works all the time every time

Sent from my tablet using my paws

Make sure it's certified organic, that way you got the Vegs covered.
I just put a cucumber in my pants & it works all the time every time

Sent from my tablet using my paws

Bad move. Once she figures out it's a cucumber and you're hung like a gerbil she'll keep the veg and kick you to the curb. They're evil like that :evil:
You guys sure seem desperate. Cheat codes are for video games.
Sure, just like most others men or women will look at a bike just as you would look at a Lamborghini passing you or parked.
It's different.

This is why you guys fail. So she sees your bike and she drifts into a fantasy for a moment.
When the helmet comes off the fantasy is usually over. If you are not fat or unattractive you are likely still in her fantasy.
If you have bad teeth then fantasy over. When you start to speak, that will determine if the fantasy will continue in the first 30 seconds. If you look weak, fantasy over. If you sound weak, over. If you smell weak, over.

Women like men that are confident with a great smile. They also like men that are taller.
Have some charisma/style and you will meet lots of women.

Whatever you do, please do not tell her about your boring job or worse of all your favorite video games.
Most of you here are just keyboard warriors. You don't have half a ball to ask an attractive woman for the time.

Women believe that most guys on bikes are just dorks trying to pickup women by using their toys to compensate for being a dork in highschool.

But... my video games are awesome and I don't have to ask for the time because I have a nifty smartphone.

Then again I'm not riding my bike to pick up chicks so who gives a **** what they think about my games, my bike, my "below average" looks or the time.

I do find it funny though that you call people keyboard warriors without balls and yet here you are having to invent a signature to try and make it look like you're "awesome" to all those keyboard warriors.
But... my video games are awesome and I don't have to ask for the time because I have a nifty smartphone.

Then again I'm not riding my bike to pick up chicks so who gives a **** what they think about my games, my bike, my "below average" looks or the time.

I do find it funny though that you call people keyboard warriors without balls and yet here you are having to invent a signature to try and make it look like you're "awesome" to all those keyboard warriors.

So you made an assumption. I forgive you.
My sig came from a convo with someone else.
Get back to playing your new wiiboxstation.
Women talk to me on the GO train because I know the GO train schedule.
GO train schedule > Motorcycle ...LMAO...

Seriously though, you can technically pickup chicks anywhere f you have a positive mindset. If a girl talks to you because you have an expensive toy, then she ain’t interested in you. Just the toy.
Sadly, girls these days are brought up to leech off you as much as possible.

But if I only want one thing outta the conversation why not use my expensive toy to help me make it happen? We're not talking about finding wife material.

油井緋色;2020637 said:
+1 on this

But it's nice when a girl is ACTUALLY interested in motorcycles and not just into posing because it looks cool...those seem extremely rare though.

And the ones that are aren't impressed by them ;) that's when it gets fun.
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