Picking up and talking to chicks on bicycles and scooters downtown.

Yeah it's pretty lumpy...complete solid roller valve train, here is a vid of it idling, kinda gives you an idea!

[video=youtube;uecqiJeDQLc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?client=mv-google&gl=CA&hl=en&v=uecqiJeDQLc&feature=plcp&nomo bile=1[/video]

No replacement for displacement!

That is one sweet ride!

(And for once I actually mean the car)

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6 pages of this dumb ****.

2WET - stop making stupid *** threads
Paul - Try doing some work at work - makes the day go by much quicker.
LOL to all you hating and butt hurt, not to the others members, but its funny how you bittches just pose at your meets, when we roll by and you don't even know it, we do this professionally not just own bikes and cars to look cool. like i said, see you on the street, and we'll see who's talking then.lol Toronto is a joke, you guys need to go to america and get your boring nothing to do assses smoked and beat down. bunch of tough losers, talk hard in groups and get all quite after a loss, and try to shake hands but only get a spit on your hands from me. i talk with confident because i know with over 80 thousand hours of riding there is usually no compition left except one self.

yea paul1000rr don't hold your breath, im not going to ever race you on a track, no one buys a bazokaa to blow up a mail box.lol
It's funny because I think the same about tough "fast" street guys that are giant gaping lady parts that won't show up to ride their bike where it can be used to its potential then chirp about how fast they blast onramps. Your replies are amusing though.....bro.
LOL to all you hating and butt hurt, not to the others members, but its funny how you bittches just pose at your meets, when we roll by and you don't even know it, we do this professionally not just own bikes and cars to look cool. like i said, see you on the street, and we'll see who's talking then.lol Toronto is a joke, you guys need to go to america and get your boring nothing to do assses smoked and beat down. bunch of tough losers, talk hard in groups and get all quite after a loss, and try to shake hands but only get a spit on your hands from me. i talk with confident because i know with over 80 thousand hours of riding there is usually no compition left except one self.

yea paul1000rr don't hold your breath, im not going to ever race you on a track, no one buys a bazokaa to blow up a mail box.lol

Your spelling and grammar is atrocious. The only thing worse is your math. You have logged 80,000 hours riding? That's 3333.33 days... which is over 9 years of SOLID riding.

Let's say you got your license at 17, you'd have to ride continuously (24 hours of the day) for 6 months out of the year till you were 35. Let's say you just rode 12 hours a day for 6 months straight and you got your license at 17... that means you would have to be about 53 now.

Let's say REALISTICALLY you only rode 6 hours a day, EVERY day since you were 17 for 6 months out of the year... (let's assume you rode to work 3 hours there and 3 hours back)... you'd have to be 89 years of age right now.

I have such a serious man crush on that car.

Ex gf's dad had one of these:

This is what pushes it:

1400 HP. 105 MPH across water. Grew up with boats, and always wanted to get in to one of these things... Permanent smile from the moment the first engine lights up. Amazing to be doing 80MPH on the water (faster than I had ever gone on water) and see the tach only at 4000. Quick push of the throttles and the thing lunges up to 100.
Fuel mileage... forget it. Easily spend over 1000/day.
[video=youtube;uecqiJeDQLc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?client=mv-google&gl=CA&hl=en&v=uecqiJeDQLc&feature=plcp&nomo bile=1[/video]

I miss the days where a lot of cars sounded like that. This is an example why your civic/integra sucks kids :thumbup:
It's funny because I think the same about tough "fast" street guys that are giant gaping lady parts that won't show up to ride their bike where it can be used to its potential then chirp about how fast they blast onramps. Your replies are amusing though.....bro.

I think we need to convince this guy to do a TMP day with Paul. Put up or Shut up.

I know better than to call anyone out on this forum. It's possible that I could be one of the fastest guys on dirt in the forum, but I wouldn't call someone out unless I was ready to prove it. But then again, I've invited guys out to the track just to get them out and riding, so I'm not afraid for anyone to see me ride... Unless you're asking for wheelies on the FZ6, that's embarassing lol.
I have such a serious man crush on that car.

Ex gf's dad had one of these:

This is what pushes it:

1400 HP. 105 MPH across water. Grew up with boats, and always wanted to get in to one of these things... Permanent smile from the moment the first engine lights up. Amazing to be doing 80MPH on the water (faster than I had ever gone on water) and see the tach only at 4000. Quick push of the throttles and the thing lunges up to 100.
Fuel mileage... forget it. Easily spend over 1000/day.

Beautiful boat! I love it! Crazy motors! That will be my next project lol!
yea paul1000rr don't hold your breath, im not going to ever race you on a track, no one buys a bazokaa to blow up a mail box.lol

No offense but if one knows how to use a bazooka and it's effective why wouldn't they? If you some how are nimble at 80 with a million hours of riding why not show up to a track day and hand him his @ss? :confused:
I think we need to convince this guy to do a TMP day with Paul. Put up or Shut up.

I know better than to call anyone out on this forum. It's possible that I could be one of the fastest guys on dirt in the forum, but I wouldn't call someone out unless I was ready to prove it. But then again, I've invited guys out to the track just to get them out and riding, so I'm not afraid for anyone to see me ride... Unless you're asking for wheelies on the FZ6, that's embarassing lol.

He won't do it no matter what, it's more fun to talk game than show you don't have any.

How would we even know its you 2WET if we were to meet you on the street?
Bonus points if the girl you get on your bike is another members gf and an extra point if it is their wife and extra bonus points if it is their mom.
You're all wrong. You need a vw bus with a janitor style of clothing on. In all seriousness if you're "picking up chicks" based on materialistic things such as what you drive, you don't want to keep her anyways.


So long story short... I had a customer with a bus like this once. It was older (split window late 50's) and he honestly had the whole high school janitor thing going on whenever I saw him in it. I'm sure he was well into his 50's. Anyways his bus was perfect. Mint paint, all new drivetrain etc. He has a stick on the back that said "Don't laugh your daughter is in the back" and you should see some of the looks he would get at shows and what not. It was comical.
LOL, that is hilarious. My second car, in 1978, was a 1970 VW Camper. Wasn't pristine. Had the Fred Flinstone floor on the passenger side, bald front tires, no heat to the windshield. It was great. :)
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