Picking up and talking to chicks on bicycles and scooters downtown.

Yes let's make a game out of this, he who has the hottest chick on their bike wins
Do I win?

I gotta try this sometime. I can't believe that chicks would find bad boys attractive....
..and this is in general motorcycle discussion because...?
Farm animals don't count :hello2:

We'll let the pictures speak for themselves, and unlike other posters here i don't talk **** ;)

Now don't pull a 2WET and get some pics up real soon or admit that you talk a lot with no real action behind it hahha
O>o could have picked up a mom but was scared shed fall off the bike so i just said **** it and dipped, got her number tho pic below

im in highschool so tons of girls are around me

One picture of your bike that you have to post now, or atleast has to have been posted on here before, then another picture with the girl AND the bike, if she ain't sitting on it, it doesnt count :D
O>o could have picked up a mom but was scared shed fall off the bike so i just said **** it and dipped, got her number tho pic below

im in highschool so tons of girls are around me


She is pretty cute...set it up bro!
pic related:


Dude, "fake" just means not into you. If a girl says, "nice bike" she's yours to lose. Say, "thanks, nice everything" and if she doesn't run, introduce yourself and talk about the weather.

Thats not what i meant dude lol, i don't call girls not into me fake, i call them not interested, what i mean by fake is, chick sees me 5 days in a row, i do not exists in her world, chick sees me on sixth day with my helmet and bike, all of a sudden im her best friend.....thats a Fake bitttch, Uni's are FULL of them.

We'll let the pictures speak for themselves, and unlike other posters here i don't talk **** ;)

Now don't pull a 2WET and get some pics up real soon or admit that you talk a lot with no real action behind it hahha

Ever notice i don't post back to anyone who i don't find interesting or feel like i could give my two cents two? your still hurting about me saying i'd own your ASSS on the streets on my bike, nothings changed i know i would because i spend time grinding on the streets and my garage is proof of it, people on the streets know who i am, i've never heard of you. Also notice i have not said anything negative about you, because i don't know you or your lifestyle, and i don't care, i don't care if you pull more girls then me or others, the point of the thread was, that i was surprised to find out how nice girls who ride bicycles and scooters are and how easy it was to get to be friends and hang out with them being a random guy on a motorcycle, and i respect girls like that.

ps: trying to make this into a compition is just lame even as a joke. some guys don't go after bimbos, we look and take our time to find real quality women, those we can count on to have our backs and us theirs. The type to turn you down when you try to game them.lol

if you really want to talk trash keep that trash talking for the streets after you actually smoked someone, trying to get a rise out of me to come race you is so 1996, if your bike is not posing at a coffe shop all day and night im sure we'll run into each other on the streets, the time i put into riding you have no idea, your probably wondering why im so calm and not trying to call anyone out, because i know people act tough on line and like always you'll just be the next guy, all quiet, head down and embarassed after getting skooled hard by a smaller cc bike on in the real world, no offense, im just making a point.lol I

I ride for FUN not to compete and thats why im so good at it...I meet girls because im looking to make friends and meet a quality girl, not because im trying to see how many chicks i can bang or get....The difference between your thinking and mine is what makes me the best at what i do, because i do things with my heart, not with my ego or penis.
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