Picking up and talking to chicks on bicycles and scooters downtown.

Best way to pick up a girl these days?

Speak proper English and wear pants that are looser than her's.

I'll see if I can pick some up with my moped. Wish me luck

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i drive around town in my black astro van trying to pick up chicks , but no luck so far....

HAHAHAHA!! keep trying dude! lol

I think the females that already ride here will have a different perspective and therefore I doubt you could pick em up or get their number unless you have some good looks/game. We can see if they chime in. My friend says everytime he waves at cute girls in T.O, most of them wave back and smile. Bikes are just sexy machines and girls like it. Plus these chicks likely are not wife material anyways, just get laid and see ya later.

I saw in your later post that you thought i meant picking up chicks on motorcycles, honestly thinking about it i have never tried that, its maybe just me but i so far haven't found most of the bikers chicks attractive that i have seen or met on the road as my type, i feel biker chicks become a bit too manly or aggressive like they have something to prove, i prefer the natural beauty, clean well dressed good girls on cute scooters and bicycles.lol girls always say im cute/good looking, but i never mentioned that because with a helmet on that would not apply to these situations i guess. i get hit on alot by milfs and cougars, but i hate that, im not at that stage in my life.lol

IMHO it has something to do with their personality. Chicks riding bicycles are a very special breed. Not every lady is willing to hop onto a two wheeler and expose herself to public with little to no makeup, no high heels, no fancy purse, no $300 worth hair and nails, etc. Based on personal experience these type of females are more laid back, down to earth, open and honest, know what they want but at the same time don't mind fooling around, and LOW MAINTENANCE.

So when a dude riding a motorcycle appears on their radar - it melts them inside out ;)
All you have to do is initiate a conversation.

I think this is the best reply to what i have experienced and feel about these types of girls, but i do see alot of these girls well dressed and hair done, like they were the girls from the 1950 movies.lol i guess im an old soul, i like women with class, uni chicks are always whoring out.

Ale3rt i think you've been there done that a few times as well, you know exactly what im talking about.lol

Dude, it is not the motorcycle.

The motorcycle is a crutch, a prop. So before you keep going thinking "why is it so easy to meet girls this way?", analyze what YOU did right (leave the motorcycle out of the equation for a minute).

I think other people are posting similar questions on other forums, "I was driving my 2014 BMW M6 Gran Coupe around Yorkville, and I got her digits, why is it so easy to meet girls this way?".

Somebody else may be posting "I was a the Rob Ford rally yesterday at City Hall, met these cool girls straight out from Suicide Girls.com, and after we all yelled at The Man we went for beers, why is it so easy to meet girls this way?"

Also, if the invention of "I'm lost, do you know where this or that street is?" is working out for you, keep it up. BUT realize that you don't need a motorcycle to do that. Just a pair of balls, and you can use it even when you are walking around.

Last, when the girls at your school look at your and your bike, and act like "I'm too good for him", MAYBE just maybe THEY ARE TOO GOOD FOR YOU, even when in fact they're walking, or waiting for the bus. Forget about money for a minute, forget about the motorcycle for a minute, Ask yourself, who do you want to meet?

I have simple conversation openers for different sanerios, for when im riding, for when im walking my dog, when im bicycling, jogging, at the gym, in class, at work, etc, very simple one liners to open a conversation that suits the situation, always works, because im not hitting on them at first, so there is no guard up, a little joke here and there, see the girl is into it, then flirt a bit, and get her info, and leave her at a high note, so she thinks about you all day long.lol ...dunno works for me, simple and straight up. but the bike thing is just cool that some girls can like you without even seeing your face first.

I agree im not going to be every girls type of guy, but with my helmet on i don't see how they can tell im not good looking or what not.lol my friends who also ride tell me its because Uni girls are spoilt little brats, who don't work, don't go outside their Uni life, have nothing better to do then judge and screw around...until eventually reality settles in after the 3 or 4 years and they start acting all different. and that some people are just jealous when they see others their age have so much more.

I've never actually had a female do that im too good for your look when im not riding, my face is showing and i have no helmet in my hand. its a different type of im not interested, not the type i get sometimes from these women when i ride, its always when im riding when it happens if it does once in a while, and its always those makup plastered fake tan chicks.lol that are not my type ayways. im into ride or die kinda chicks not, fake roasted grilled sweet chicken.lol

The other day I was stopped at the lights on my bike and when I look two cars down to my side I see this hot young chick... She looks at the same time and starts smiling, very flirtatious...

My thought was: "Really! You can't even see my face!"

I guess im mostly surprised because they seem so approachable even with my helmet on, when im not riding i still approach women anywhere i feel like but, the feeling you get in a situation like when your full face is covered you kinda feel like your talking to a person who is interested in you without even seeing your face first, which makes me feel the chick likes my personality and is not being judgemental.....I've had younger girls 9/10's in my area, ask me to take my helmet off, i got ****** and gave them the finger, because i knew those chicks were gold diggers, they saw me ride around in my area, and wanted to see how i looked, that typical spoilt brat brainwashing...

guess what imtrying to say is i never expected to still find genuine beautiful girls in this day and age the old school way.lol

i don't know maybe its me but i find women/girls on bicycles and on scooters dressed up clean so much more sexier then one on a motorcycle. Im usually like whatever when i see a chick on a motorcycle.lol
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The other day I was stopped at the lights on my bike and when I look two cars down to my side I see this hot young chick... She looks at the same time and starts smiling, very flirtatious...

My thought was: "Really! You can't even see my face!"

Women like mystery. There's something sexy about not seeing a guy's face (master chief, phantom of the opera, ninjas.... etc)
Wait....is this Plenty of Fish?

Oooops, wrong website.

BTW, after more than 50 years, I've learned one sure thing: The more a guy brags about picking up women, the less action he's getting,
Get laid and make breakfast (with morning fooling around is a plus) actually

What about the constant nagging?
Women are biologically attracted to a-holes because their traits resemble those needed for survival - Strength, physical power and bravery. How does this apply to guys on motorcycles? They equate us as risk-takers and thus danger. Danger is good in the mind of a woman. It's exciting.
What about the constant nagging?

If your woman is nagging constantly you're probably doing something wrong (this may includefinding the right women).
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