Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Not much more to add but what I find ironic is that the "activist" Judge was appointed by Harper and the plaintiff was a business executive...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He broke the law, the mandatory penalty under the statute he broke was vacating the office.

I keep hearing this, but its contradicted by MCIA 10(2). So unless Im reading that part wrong, the judge absolutely could have found Mr. Ford guilty but not remove him from office due to it simply being 'bad judgement' or 'inadvertence'.

I think its absolutely INSANE that the democratically elected mayor of Canada's largest city gets tossed for something so asinine. Yes, he should've just played the role of politician and lied or apologized to get out of the mess.... but he stood up for his principles.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If he really was so fiscally conservative, he should have not broken the rules because he is wasting a ton of taxpayer money. and for what? his stupid "i am a victim" argument? My left wing opponents are bullying me argument? All this shows is that you have a guy that will spend as much of YOUR money as he wants on his pride. You want to vote for him again? go nuts. Just because there are other politicians out there that are also unworthy of their office is not at all a reason to support this guy.

Being overly dramatic?

The guy used city letterhead to solicit donations for a youth sports foundation. He's getting kicked out of office for not realizing it was a conflict of interest to vote on whether he should or shouldn't have to pay the donated amount back.... which, btw, council voted in his favour.

This hardly shows me that he will spend MY money on his own pride. It does, however, show me that his opponents are willing rape Torontonians for $5-10 MILLION to hold another election. Tell me again who respects my tax dollars?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Maybe Jarvis street will get the bike lanes reinstalled..............................

LOL and the removed, end then reinstalled, and then removed, and then...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He is running again, he had a speech on the news.

Its pretty sad because he was the only politician I really liked. He was "for" the people and "the" people.
He fought for what he believed in and didn't care about the naysayers

Even if you hate everything about politics right down to the word itself, do you really think this is a reasonable way to approach anything?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I keep hearing this, but its contradicted by MCIA 10(2). So unless Im reading that part wrong, the judge absolutely could have found Mr. Ford guilty but not remove him from office due to it simply being 'bad judgement' or 'inadvertence'.

I think its absolutely INSANE that the democratically elected mayor of Canada's largest city gets tossed for something so asinine. Yes, he should've just played the role of politician and lied or apologized to get out of the mess.... but he stood up for his principles.

Actually he couldn't have done that for two reasons: Ford was stupid and Ford was stupid. He couldn't have ruled inadvertence because Ford stated that he did exactly what he meant to, under cross. He was given multiple opportunities to change his course of action, actually being asked before the vote in question if he really really really really wanted to vote. He couldn't have claimed error in judgment for the same reason. He repeatedly showed obstinance and arrogance, where the rules were concerned. His own mouth buried him. the text of the judgment states as much.

I think that it's insane, but for a different reason: I simply can't believe that the mayor of the 5th largest city in North America could act like such a complete moron.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I keep hearing this, but its contradicted by MCIA 10(2). So unless Im reading that part wrong, the judge absolutely could have found Mr. Ford guilty but not remove him from office due to it simply being 'bad judgement' or 'inadvertence'.

How? He was precluded from doing so by Ford's own testimony. It simply wouldn't be the truth.
BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

By your guys account it was bad judgement on Rob Ford's part to vote on the matter... which seems to satisfy 10(2) if the judge chose to go that route.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

By your guys account it was bad judgement on Rob Ford's part to vote on the matter... which seems to satisfy 10(2) if the judge chose to go that route.

You are making the assumption that any wrong decision can constitute "bad judgment", which is clearly not the case.

*EDIT* By the way, the actual term used in the legislation is "error in judgment."
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Being overly dramatic?

The guy used city letterhead to solicit donations for a youth sports foundation. He's getting kicked out of office for not realizing it was a conflict of interest to vote on whether he should or shouldn't have to pay the donated amount back.... which, btw, council voted in his favour.

This hardly shows me that he will spend MY money on his own pride. It does, however, show me that his opponents are willing rape Torontonians for $5-10 MILLION to hold another election. Tell me again who respects my tax dollars?

Err I am not talking about the 3k, I am talking about the money being used by him because of this whole debacle.

He could have just apologized...
He is wrong, he refuses to admit it.

From what I actually read, it looked like the judge tried to give him a way out, but was precluded from doing so because of Ford's own testimony.

How the hell is a court going to find he did it inadvertantly if he straight up says he did it on purpose!
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

By your guys account it was bad judgement on Rob Ford's part to vote on the matter... which seems to satisfy 10(2) if the judge chose to go that route.

Ford didn't assert that he made an error... You want the court to make up his defense for him? Seriously? we get it you like him... and that means you can overlook a guy who thinks he is above the rules.

stop acting like he is some kind of amazing unicorn and that conservatism would crumble without him. The guy likes subways, great, so do tons of people. and I am sure most of them can like subways without acting like a complete *******.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'd rather a common guy lead the city than a hot shot lawyer who think he is smarter than everyone.

So a hot shot businessman who thinks he's smarter than everyone is OK?

Ignore the fact that he's a hard working, straight talking, cost-cutting object of your sexual desire for a second. It was plain as day to literally everyone (left and right) that he made a mistake, yet he couldn't admit it himself. And this is the guy who's judgment you trust MOST to steer the city straight?

Yes, the severity of the punishment was out of proportion to the severity of the 'crime', but you know, when the law was drafted nobody imagined anyone could be so mule-headed and unapologetic over $3000 as Ford is. The law was even written to include loopholes so that little mistakes didn't get caught in the net, but Ford made it impossible to apply those loopholes in his case. I'm sure when they set the minimum sentence, they reasonably assumed that it would catch serious wrongdoings on a large scale from people who actually deserved to be ousted from office. Well, maybe Ford's ethical misstep wasn't as serious as that, but quite probably his arrogance IS.

It's not about left and right, or about $3000. It's about competence.

Being overly dramatic?

The guy used city letterhead to solicit donations for a youth sports foundation. He's getting kicked out of office for not realizing it was a conflict of interest to vote on whether he should or shouldn't have to pay the donated amount back.... which, btw, council voted in his favour.

This hardly shows me that he will spend MY money on his own pride. It does, however, show me that his opponents are willing rape Torontonians for $5-10 MILLION to hold another election. Tell me again who respects my tax dollars?

So you're OK with democracy as long as it's cheap? Then if it starts to cost too much, what form of governance do you propose in its place?
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BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I dont like or dislike the guy, I sympathize with him.

The idea of facing execution over something so minor is preposterous.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

We have alot of those around. They tend to herd their sheep and don't want people to ask questions.

You just described Rob Ford. Only difference is most people are smart enough to not put their head in a noose over $3K and get themselves hanged.

Rob Ford has shown nothing but a disdain for the rules and it caught up with him. When you think you can do anything you want it catches up with you.

Pulling TTC busses and kicking passengers off to benefit his football team is just the latest example of a guy so convinced the city revolves around him and his interests at the cost to taxpayers. The whole gravy train thing is a smoke screen. I would love to see a record of how much he has saved the city against how much he has cost the city.

In the end like everyone has said you can't fix stupid. I really hope the movement of the 'everyman' played by millionaires will end and we can vote on real people who have solid financial plans and not running on bumpersticker slogans.
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