Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I would be interested to see (if anyone cared enough to dig it up), the amount of Rob Ford supporters in this thread that also supported the concept of mandatory minimums...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Turfed by a convoluted piece of legal mumbo jumbo. Although not illegal, Mayor Miller did much worse when he was nowhere to be found during the G20 or garbage strike.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

When you get busted for speeding, do you start off your defense with "other people do it too!"?

What does that have to do with anything?
So you're saying if you're caught you're more guilty than if you were to get away with it?
Lying and wiggling your way out of a lie doesn't make you less guilty.

edit: oh wait, you're a lawyer, you won't understand

He can run? i thought he rolled into the office
I never get the agenda of those who bust his balls. We elected him for a Mayor, not a friggin model. If good looks were the qualification of Mayor, I would've selected a Calvin Klein model
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

edit: oh wait, you're a lawyer, you won't understand

pretty standard response from someone who doesn't have a point.

I, and other competent conservatives, are concerned with getting a respectable conservative in power, while guys like you are concerned with what? defending a guy who thinks he is above following the laws of the city? What a waste of time.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Tarnished?? Because he spent $3000 from the city?
That's probably lunch $$ for most politicians, lol

I'm not apologizing for Rob Ford, but I believe the $3000 was not city money. It was money raised for Ford's football team using city logos and letterhead. This is misrepresentation, possibly a conflict of interest and it violates city rules. The real conflict of interest came when Ford voted on the moton to repay the money to his donors. If he had abstained from the vote, he would have been OK.

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Are you crazy? He was for himself, and his football team. The guy is an ignorant, self important idiot. Not someone who should be leading the largest city in the nation. He can barely string a coherent sentence together.

He is running again, he had a speech on the news.

Its pretty sad because he was the only politician I really liked. He was "for" the people and "the" people.
He fought for what he believed in and didn't care about the naysayers
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

While I agree with some of his objectives (cutting spending, etc.) ... the old saying comes to mind: "You can't fix stupid."

And, ignorance of the law is no excuse ... particularly with regards to something that you are directly involved with (e.g. being a mayor ... running a municipality).

But even failing that (there are too many laws, and perhaps it's understandable that not anyone can know all of them), when you are TOLD about the law in question, to simply deny it and press on regardless instead of going back and fixing the situation ... is mind-blowing.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Are you telling me all politicians follow the rules and never break them?

To that I will give the same answer that I give to all of the people who say the same sort of thing, when talking about Stephen Harper. If you say that you'll be different than the guy you'll be replacing, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. When you turn out to be just as bad as the guy you're replacing after all, I'll land on you twice as hard for being a liar too.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He can barely string a coherent sentence together.

I'd rather a common guy lead the city than a hot shot lawyer who think he is smarter than everyone.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

pretty standard response from someone who doesn't have a point.
I think my response that I stated earlier on is a valid point to the discussion. Unless you're empty and have NO rebuttal, then I guess we can move on :rolleyes:

So you're saying if you're caught you're more guilty than if you were to get away with it?
Lying and wiggling your way out of a lie doesn't make you less guilty.

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I never get the agenda of those who bust his balls. We elected him for a Mayor said:
True but taking care of yourself is a good sign that youre a healthy person who pays attention to yourself and things around you in general. In his case its things A-Round_him which is pretty much the whole GTA lol but all in all, youre right, its mostly just for laughs because you can be a good politician and be out of shape for sure. Not in his case, his performance is the same in the office as on the green.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'd rather a common guy lead the city than a hot shot lawyer who think he is smarter than everyone.

I would rather it be some hot shot who actually *IS* smarter than everyone. Otherwise you're voting in a bunch of monkeys, hoping that they'll eventually type out the script to Hamlet.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Funny yes, but it's all show.

He has 30 days or so to appeal, and most likely once he files that he will be allowed to stay in office. It will take 6 months to hear and rule on the appeal. Which most likely he will win.

After the appeal, it will take 6 more months to schedule a new trial and 6 months to hear it and make a ruling.

That's no less than 18 months when he is up for re-election in 24, so it's just a big waste of our tax dollars.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I think my response that I stated earlier on is a valid point to the discussion. Unless you're empty and have NO rebuttal, then I guess we can move on :rolleyes:

Empty on what? empty on the fact that I refuse to back up someone who obviously isn't competent for the office?

He broke the law, the mandatory penalty under the statute he broke was vacating the office.
Unless your view of being pro law and order is that it applies to everyone but you. Then there is only one result, he gave his opponents something big and they ran with it. He has no one to blame but himself.

If he really was so fiscally conservative, he should have not broken the rules because he is wasting a ton of taxpayer money. and for what? his stupid "i am a victim" argument? My left wing opponents are bullying me argument? All this shows is that you have a guy that will spend as much of YOUR money as he wants on his pride. You want to vote for him again? go nuts. Just because there are other politicians out there that are also unworthy of their office is not at all a reason to support this guy.

I'll vote for a conservative that isn't such a turd. Thank you.

You can go back to bashing lawyers, its guys like Ford, and people that support him, that give conservatism a bad name.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

LOL, that's funny schnitz. He's a politician not a professional footballer

I would rather it be some hot shot who actually *IS* smarter than everyone. Otherwise you're voting in a bunch of monkeys, hoping that they'll eventually type out the script to Hamlet.
We have alot of those around. They tend to herd their sheep and don't want people to ask questions.

Let's just say "May the best Man Win". Now that we're getting an election.

I'm out
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

LOL, that's funny schnitz. He's a politician not a professional footballer

We have alot of those around. They tend to herd their sheep and don't want people to ask questions.

Let's just say "May the best Man Win". Now that we're getting an election.

I'm out

Then maybe we need to have one of them in office rather than your 'common guy' millionaire?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Just because there are other politicians out there that are also unworthy of their office is not at all a reason to support this guy.
To be honest, there wasn't much of an option the last election. I guess we shouldn't vote. I should just give a blank vote to protest my options.
We'll have to see the options this time. Sometimes selecting the "less dumb" is all you have
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Theres conservatives on this forum!!!! Things surprise me everyday. :confused:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

To be honest, there wasn't much of an option the last election. I guess we shouldn't vote. I should just give a blank vote to protest my options.
We'll have to see the options this time. Sometimes selecting the "less dumb" is all you have

Really? i thought the reason I am not supporting Ford was because "I am a lawyer" so apparently I can't understand how the behaviour below is what I should expect from the Mayor of Toronto. BTW that is also written by a supporter. He just manages to understand that having principles means that unacceptable behavior isn't somehow acceptable just because you voted for a guy or that he is not as bad as the other guy.

"I don’t know if he could have said anything. But his insistence that he wasn’t in a conflict of interest by Rob Ford’s definition of a conflict of interest, his breezy admission that he’d never even read the basic operating rules of the government he leads, and his mind-boggling claim that he knew all he needed to know about government because his daddy was an MPP were all just too much. I support a lot of Ford’s agenda. I think he had a lot of the right ideas. But he was just too much of a basketcase. He’ll no doubt appeal the verdict, and the journalist in me hopes for lots of exciting drama and courtroom adventures. But the bigger part of me hopes he just goes away and that a more competent right-winger is able to take over."
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