Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

By the time the appeal is over, his elected term will be about done...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

"By law, Hackland could have barred Ford from running again for office for a period of up to seven years.

However, the judge did not place any such restrictions on his ruling "beyond the current term." Council would either have to vote to appoint someone to the mayor's office to serve until the 2014 municipal election or vote to hold a byelection for the office of mayor."

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

This decision goes to show you what politics is really all about. Ford was a dufus, but to get kicked out over 3 grand?
Politicians wipe their *** and flush it down the toilet with more money than that, every single day... yet everyone is going to make a big deal over 3 grand all of a sudden... lol

There's a difference. Sure, they flush more down the toilet every year on Post-it Notes. The difference here is that Ford used his position to forward a personal agenda. I can think of at least one councillor who should have been kicked out of office for something similar, ie. using her office budget to support a soccer team to promote herself, but unfortunately there weren't specific rules in place to use in slapping her down for it. In Ford's case there clearly were, though he refused to read the material that would have informed him of that fact.

Rules are rules. The issue isn't actually about $3K. Quite the contrary. It's about a mayor of councillor debating and taking part in a vote, in which he has personal interest. Ford should have removed himself from the debate and vote. In fact if he had, rather than thinking that he knew everything about Parliamentary Procedure, there would have been nothing to find him guilty of. Instead he got his back up and decided that he had to 'defend himself', when City Council actually voted in his favour anyway. He has shown a pattern of such behaviour in which he patently thinks his way is right, whether or not rules or laws exist that state the exact opposite.

You can't fix stupid.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I always find it amazing how right wing this forum seems to be. If going by this forum, Ford's approval rating would be over 90%. In reality, it's a hair above 40%. Assuming the other mayors are still at the same rating, that would still put Ford at the second lowest in Canada; The lowest, Gérald Tremblay of Montreal, recently resigned over a huge corruption scandal.

BTW, the complaint was brought up by a private citizen, not the lefty city council.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am always amused when people suggest that the are somehow being victimized when they are being right wing...

Even if it were true that being a conservative makes you targeted, guess how you can solve that? by not ****ing up. not flouting conflicts rules, not acting like you are entitled to not know the rules, and generally not being an dick. If you broke the rules, you at least apologize, we all learned that in grade 1.

What I am annoyed about is that this the best that the right wing has to offer. There are many legitimate fiscal conservatives out there that aren't embarrassing like this fool.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

This decision goes to show you what politics is really all about. Ford was a dufus, but to get kicked out over 3 grand?
Politicians wipe their *** and flush it down the toilet with more money than that, every single day... yet everyone is going to make a big deal over 3 grand all of a sudden... lol

It is not that simple. This is Rob Ford's own fault. At the end of the day, he still is his own worst enemy.

Please read the story, it is an interesting one. He screwed up so many times along the way. He had multiple chances to pay back the money and defuse the situation (Janet Leiper, Integrity Commissioner, asking him 6 times in writing to pay the money back but he didn’t). At the end, he let the situation escalate to legal action and now it’s too late, it blew up already on his face...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am always amused when people suggest that the are somehow being victimized when they are being right wing...

Even if it were true that being a conservative makes you targeted, guess how you can solve that? by not ****ing up. not flouting conflicts rules, not acting like you are entitled to not know the rules, and generally not being an dick. If you broke the rules, you at least apologize, we all learned that in grade 1.

What I am annoyed about is that this the best that the right wing has to offer. There are many legitimate fiscal conservatives out there that aren't embarrassing like this fool.

I've noticed, in general, that fiscal conservatives don't usually run for municipal politics, particularly in Toronto.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am always amused when people suggest that the are somehow being victimized when they are being right wing...

Even if it were true that being a conservative makes you targeted, guess how you can solve that? by not ****ing up. not flouting conflicts rules, not acting like you are entitled to not know the rules, and generally not being an dick. If you broke the rules, you at least apologize, we all learned that in grade 1.

What I am annoyed about is that this the best that the right wing has to offer. There are many legitimate fiscal conservatives out there that aren't embarrassing like this fool.

I'd do it but I don't live here, I just work here.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So now what - Doug Ford for Mayor? He would basically inherit all of Rob Ford's voters and he is probably a little more polished than his brother is.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Oh great, now the Olivia Chow supporters are drooling in anticipation.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So now what - Doug Ford for Mayor? He would basically inherit all of Rob Ford's voters and he is probably a little more polished than his brother is.

There's nothing to prevent Ford from running again, if council calls for an election.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I always find it amazing how right wing this forum seems to be. If going by this forum, Ford's approval rating would be over 90%. In reality, it's a hair above 40%. Assuming the other mayors are still at the same rating, that would still put Ford at the second lowest in Canada; The lowest, Gérald Tremblay of Montreal, recently resigned over a huge corruption scandal.

BTW, the complaint was brought up by a private citizen, not the lefty city council.

Thats cause MAJORITY of motorcycle owners are logical people who think outside the box, and not sheep like the left. :D
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There's nothing to prevent Ford from running again, if council calls for an election.

According to 680 earlier today, it's a little blurry if he would be able to run immediately in a byelection. The next proper election is fair game though.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

According to 680 earlier today, it's a little blurry if he would be able to run immediately in a byelection. The next proper election is fair game though.

He is running again, he had a speech on the news.

Its pretty sad because he was the only politician I really liked. He was "for" the people and "the" people.
He fought for what he believed in and didn't care about the naysayers
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Is he running again?
Why bother? It's too soon
He is tarnished, he will lose for sure
Again, one of his knee-jerk reactions... just be patient, dude!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Thats cause MAJORITY of motorcycle owners are logical people who think outside the box, and not sheep like the left. :D

By definition, the left are the free thinkers
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He is running again, he had a speech on the news.

Its pretty sad because he was the only politician I really liked. He was "for" the people and "the" people.
He fought for what he believed in and didn't care about the naysayers

Just because he says he can, doesn't mean he can.

"It was unclear Monday if Ontario Superior Court Justice Charles Hackland’s decision disqualifies Ford from running in any mayoral byelection held before the regularly scheduled October 2014 civic election."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He is running again, he had a speech on the news.

Its pretty sad because he was the only politician I really liked. He was "for" the people and "the" people.
He fought for what he believed in and didn't care about the naysayers

Unfortunately he also didn't care about rule of law and the regulations that apply to office. He would have been fine if SOMEWHERE along the line he had said that he was sorry, rather than saying he'd do the same thing again in the same situation. The word "hubris" comes to mind.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Is he running again?
Why bother? It's too soon
He is tarnished, he will lose for sure
Again, one of his knee-jerk reactions... just be patient, dude!

Tarnished?? Because he spent $3000 from the city?
That's probably lunch $$ for most politicians, lol
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

By definition, the left are the free thinkers

Not from what I've seen from the past several years. The left likes to shout down anyone with a contrary opinion because they see themselves as liberal intellectuals who know what's best for everyone. I regard the left as over-educated and under-skilled.
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