Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Not from what I've seen from the past several years. The left likes to shout down anyone with a contrary opinion because they see themselves as liberal intellectuals who know what's best for everyone. I regard the left as over-educated and under-skilled.

There's a saying along the lines of, anyone that doesn't agree with you is wrong. This applies to all sides.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Unfortunately he also didn't care about rule of law and the regulations that apply to office. He would have been fine if SOMEWHERE along the line he had said that he was sorry, rather than saying he'd do the same thing again in the same situation. The word "hubris" comes to mind.

I must admit he adamant about some things. But come on, he used $3000 for a charity, not like he used it for a trip to the caribbean. Look at what the Catholic School board did. I call that a waste.

Just because he says he can, doesn't mean he can.

"It was unclear Monday if Ontario Superior Court Justice Charles Hackland’s decision disqualifies Ford from running in any mayoral byelection held before the regularly scheduled October 2014 civic election."

I just saw the judge give a statement. I think it was the judge, I didn't catch the first part of the news.

But here is what they have to say:

The judge then began to summarize his reasons for the ruling.

The judge then declared Rob Ford’s seat on council vacant, but noted that because the guilty verdict was not based on his malfeasance, but rather his ignorance, no further punishments would be dealt beyond that which was required by law.

I am, therefore, required by s. 10(1)(a) of the MCIA to declare the respondent’s seat vacant. In view of the significant mitigating circumstances surrounding the respondent’s actions, as set out in paragraph 48 of these reasons, I decline to impose any further disqualification from holding office beyond the current term.
I hope I don't misunderstand that. English is not my strong point
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There's a saying along the lines of, anyone that doesn't agree with you is wrong. This applies to all sides.

Lefty logic: We are smart, we know best. We don't use guns, we don't like guns, guns are bad. Therefore no one should own guns, ban all guns. And as a result, gun violence will be reduced or eliminated. Only stupid people use guns.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I must admit he adamant about some things. But come on, he used $3000 for a charity, not like he used it for a trip to the caribbean. Look at what the Catholic School board did. I call that a waste.

The money is immaterial. He debated and voted over an issue in which he had a personal interest in the outcome. That's textbook conflict of interest. It's not a matter of being "adamant", but rather one of being unwilling to follow the rules.

As to the comment regarding Ford's 'ignorance', it was deemed to be wilful ignorance. In other words he didn't know, because he didn't want to know.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Lefty logic: We don't use guns, we don't like guns, guns are bad. Therefore no one should own guns, ban all guns. And as a result, gun violence will be reduced or eliminated.

Arguing against imaginary people doesn't make Ford a better person or candidate.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The irony of it all is now the city has to spend probably millions for another election for what....$3000? Then elect another liberal to implemet ridiculous taxes..vehicle tax and plastic tax and whatever taxes they can pull out of their *****. I ain't a conservative but let's just call spade a spade. He speaks his mind...most of the time too much for his own good but at least he calls it the way he sees it and not sugar coat a lot of things most politician do.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The money is immaterial. He debated and voted over an issue in which he had a personal interest in the outcome. That's textbook conflict of interest. It's not a matter of being "adamant", but rather one of being unwilling to follow the rules.

I agree, its not about the amount.

Besides. its not like someone put a gun to his head and said "break the rulezzz". He did it to himself, and he made it worse by how he acted afterwards. So really, I can see how the OCJ had no choice. They had a person who made it a point not to follow the rules, showed no remorse, didnt' pay it back, acted like he was entitled to do what he did. So really... what did he expect?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The irony of it all is now the city has to spend probably millions for another election for what....$3000? Then elect another liberal to implemet ridiculous taxes..vehicle tax and plastic tax and whatever taxes they can pull out of their *****. I ain't a conservative but let's just call spade a spade. He speaks his mind...most of the time too much for his own good but at least he calls it the way he sees it and not sugar coat a lot of things most politician do.

There's an old maxim, that Mr. Ford should have learnt when he was at his mother's knee: "'Tis better to silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

Have you heard his answer regarding the definition of "corruption"?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Tarnished?? Because he spent $3000 from the city?
That's probably lunch $$ for most politicians, lol

It's not the $3k anymore.

If he runs again right away, he is unlikely to win
I'll bet a double-double on that
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I agree, its not about the amount.

Besides. its not like someone put a gun to his head and said "break the rulezzz". He did it to himself, and he made it worse by how he acted afterwards. So really, I can see how the OCJ had no choice. They had a person who made it a point not to follow the rules, showed no remorse, didnt' pay it back, acted like he was entitled to do what he did. So really... what did he expect?

Yup it's not about the amount or how much good he was doingfor his football team or the yonge kids in etobicoke. He was in the wrong and the law is black and white.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yup it's not about the amount or how much good he was doingfor his football team or the yonge kids in etobicoke. He was in the wrong and the law is black and white.

Do I care if a burglar helps out at a soup kitchen on weekends? The rules are the rules and they are there to not only remove impropriety, but even the appearance of impropriety. If he had been at all apologetic, had verbalized that he had made an error in judgment rather than saying he did what he had meant to do, he would have walked away scot-free.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Anyone who reduces a political argument to "right vs. left" is being either wilfully stupid, overly simplistic, downright careless, fearmongering and / or isn't smart enough to come to an understanding about the issues at hand.

That goes for both sides. I agree that there's been a witch hunt for Ford, but it's also clear that he's brought this upon himself, after having been given repeated opportunities to make it right.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

According to his detractors, Rob Ford broke the law. What law exactly? Does he have a record now? Is he a criminal? Because if he did break the law, wouldn't he be automatically disallowed to run for public office again?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The money is immaterial. He debated and voted over an issue in which he had a personal interest in the outcome. That's textbook conflict of interest. It's not a matter of being "adamant", but rather one of being unwilling to follow the rules.

As to the comment regarding Ford's 'ignorance', it was deemed to be wilful ignorance. In other words he didn't know, because he didn't want to know.

Are you telling me all politicians follow the rules and never break them?

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Are you telling me all politicians follow the rules and never break them?


When you get busted for speeding, do you start off your defense with "other people do it too!"?

What does that have to do with anything?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Are you telling me all politicians follow the rules and never break them?

Unfortunately, a high percentage of politicians have a law background and know how to toe the line just enough to keep themselves from getting toppled over. Ford had no such history which made him an easier target.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Great article from the National Post

This is a good summary of my personal view-

"I don’t know if he could have said anything. But his insistence that he wasn’t in a conflict of interest by Rob Ford’s definition of a conflict of interest, his breezy admission that he’d never even read the basic operating rules of the government he leads, and his mind-boggling claim that he knew all he needed to know about government because his daddy was an MPP were all just too much. I support a lot of Ford’s agenda. I think he had a lot of the right ideas. But he was just too much of a basketcase. He’ll no doubt appeal the verdict, and the journalist in me hopes for lots of exciting drama and courtroom adventures. But the bigger part of me hopes he just goes away and that a more competent right-winger is able to take over."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Have you heard his answer regarding the definition of "corruption"?

No but I did hear some things which left me thinking if he was on crack or something.
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