Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I dont like or dislike the guy, I sympathize with him.

The idea of facing execution over something so minor is preposterous.

Integrity isn't a minor issue.

Intelligence isn't a minor issue either !

At the end, this is a story of a guy screwing himself out of a job.
He is no victim of the left, the pinkos, the radical law, blah blah blah... he's a victim of his own incompentence to handle his own problems

Nobody was paying attention to the trial because nobody thought the judge had the cojones to fire him... it was a surprise, wasn't it?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Intelligence isn't a minor issue either !

At the end, this is a story of a guy screwing himself out of a job.
He is no victim of the left, the pinkos, the radical law, blah blah blah... he's a victim of his own incompentence to handle his own problems

Nobody was paying attention to the trial because nobody thought the judge had the cojones to fire him... it was a surprise, wasn't it?

I would say that he's a victim of his own incompetence, which gave a way for the "vast liberal conspiracy" to oust him. No, there is no "vast liberal conspiracy" but if it makes him feel better to think that there's a Marxist hiding behind every potted plant, then who are we to tell him otherwise? We simply don't have to believe his delusion ourselves.

And no, it wasn't really a surprise for me, given what I had been hearing about the trial. It would have been more of a surprise if the judge had bent the law to let him off.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Intelligence isn't a minor issue either !

At the end, this is a story of a guy screwing himself out of a job.
He is no victim of the left, the pinkos, the radical law, blah blah blah... he's a victim of his own incompentence to handle his own problems

Nobody was paying attention to the trial because nobody thought the judge had the cojones to fire him... it was a surprise, wasn't it?


Although the judge was pretty well backed into a corner in terms of what Ford's punishment was. The law is very clear with very little leeway, in other words if the individual is guilty then he MUST vacate office. Ford also through his own testimony pretty well screwed himself out of any exceptions to being found guilty. I mean, the guy readily admitted he didn't read the rules, and clearly had no idea what "conflict of interest" meant. Are you freakin' kidding me?? If that's not a slap in the face to taxpayers, I don't know what is. We expect our elected officials to at least be marginally competent at their jobs. If any of us in our own jobs showed the same amount of contempt for rules/regulations, we'd be turfed on our rear ends.

Get another centrist or conservative into the Mayor's chair. They can continue the mandate without the ridiculous antics and jingoistic antagonism from the Ford twins.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Where the so called conspiracy comes on is why just him on this trivial matter?

Just some big ones.... Hazel voted on her son's developments (way more than 3K) but why are these guys not going after her to hold her accountable? Then there is the Ontario Liberal government proroguing parliament so they cannot be held in contempt of parliament for the power plant fun and games, then there is ORNGE.... the list goes on and on. I was also shocked while going to some of the local debates for people running for city council how many times things were coming up like "you voted on X developers project while that developer was remodeling your kitchen..." (who has a developer remodel their kitchen...). If we want to hold politicians accountable then we should hold them all accountable, not just the ones the activist lawyer and his buddy do not like.

Like Ford or not, this comes down to people with money and free time using the courts to overturn election results you do not like. I can guarantee that if any of Toronto's politicians (left or right) were held under this same microscope the courts would be tied up for years in these cases.

Don't get me wrong, Ford screwed up large but there is much bigger corruption that these activists choose to ignore because the like the corrupt politician's policies.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

^ Hazel's trial is next year.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did not know that, but that leads to my next question... why the delay for her vs what seems like a hurry-up offense for Ford?

Vast left wing conspiracy I suppose?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Enjoy spending 7 million of your tax dollars on a by election , toronto fruitcakes
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

According to his detractors, Rob Ford broke the law. What law exactly? Does he have a record now? Is he a criminal? Because if he did break the law, wouldn't he be automatically disallowed to run for public office again?

Politicians make our laws. When politicians break the laws that they make, they don't get a criminal record. There are plenty slap-on-the-wrist measures to deal with them, not involving jail or criminal records. Being kicked out of the office is one of them. If I stole $3000 of city of Toronto property and donated it to the Argos, I'm sure I would have faced a lot stiffer penalties than the guy we hired to run our city with fairness, honesty and integrity.

Integrity isn't a minor issue.

It is in the light of the massive left-wing conspiracy, threatening to end the world as we know it :shock How dare we consider punishing a politician for using our tax dollars for his personal gains :cool:

^ Hazel's trial is next year.

Hazel is a competent mayor. There's a reason she doesn't need to campaign. With that being said, any issues with her integrity should be dealt with harshly. Politicians need to be held accountable. We hire them to represent our interests.

Enjoy spending 7 million of your tax dollars on a by election , toronto fruitcakes

We will have to waste that because we were stupid enough to vote Ford into the office. How stupid can you get to vote this guy into the office?

-Do politicians put their hands in the cookie jar? - Yep, perfectly normal
-Do politicians get caught with their hand in the cookie jar? Yep, happens all the time
-Do they hire a PR team, issue an apology, make things right and avoid the flak? - Yep, perfectly normal
-Do they say "my hand was supposed to be in the jar, who are you to judge me? This is a leftist conspiracy!" - Only if they're idiots
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Politicians make our laws. When politicians break the laws that they make, they don't get a criminal record. There are plenty slap-on-the-wrist measures to deal with them, not involving jail or criminal records. Being kicked out of the office is one of them. If I stole $3000 of city of Toronto property and donated it to the Argos, I'm sure I would have faced a lot stiffer penalties than the guy we hired to run our city with fairness, honesty and integrity.

It is in the light of the massive left-wing conspiracy, threatening to end the world as we know it :shock How dare we consider punishing a politician for using our tax dollars for his personal gains :cool:

Hazel is a competent mayor. There's a reason she doesn't need to campaign. With that being said, any issues with her integrity should be dealt with harshly. Politicians need to be held accountable. We hire them to represent our interests.

We will have to waste that because we were stupid enough to vote Ford into the office. How stupid can you get to vote this guy into the office?

-Do politicians put their hands in the cookie jar? - Yep, perfectly normal
-Do politicians get caught with their hand in the cookie jar? Yep, happens all the time

-Do they hire a PR team, issue an apology, make things right and avoid the flak? - Yep, perfectly normal
-Do they say "my hand was supposed to be in the jar, who are you to judge me? This is a leftist conspiracy!" - Only if they're idiots

you dont even know what happened, he wasnt caught with his hand in the cookie jar and he didnt gain personally from this. im tired of people not knowing at least the basic facts. I had to argue with another person who was convinced Ford stole tax dollars for the football team he supports....why cant people read.
He solicited donations on city hall letterhead for the football team he supports he didnt steal money or gain personally. he acted stupidly afterwards though yes.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Thats the positive thing about Ford, he doesn't need to put his hand in the cookie jar.

Sometimes you are better with the devil you know........

Stubborn prick though, that was his downfall.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

you dont even know what happened, he wasnt caught with his hand in the cookie jar and he didnt gain personally from this. im tired of people not knowing at least the basic facts. I had to argue with another person who was convinced Ford stole tax dollars for the football team he supports....why cant people read.
He solicited donations on city hall letterhead for the football team he supports he didnt steal money or gain personally. he acted stupidly afterwards though yes.

Actually he solicited money for his youth football foundation.... not even his team directly.

It's all a huge joke, and according to MCIA s.10(2) the judge absolutely had the discretion to NOT toss him out of office if found guilty. Its also popping up in articles that Judge Hackland rejected arguments by Ford's defense who were arguing that he made an error in judgement on the matter. The judge, much like many other disgruntled (and minority) Torontonians didn't like Ford's attitude. Apparently Ford cares too much about football and not enough about running the city... despite only missing 14% of council votes last 2 years, compared to David Miller missing a whopping 40%.

Anyone saying that the judge's hands were tied, or that this is all according to the word of law, is full of ****. The judge single-handedly made the decision to oust the democratically elected mayor of Canada's largest city. Fact.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Actually he solicited money for his youth football foundation.... not even his team directly.

It's all a huge joke, and according to MCIA s.10(2) the judge absolutely had the discretion to NOT toss him out of office if found guilty. Its also popping up in articles that Judge Hackland rejected arguments by Ford's defense who were arguing that he made an error in judgement on the matter. The judge, much like many other disgruntled (and minority) Torontonians didn't like Ford's attitude. Apparently Ford cares too much about football and not enough about running the city... despite only missing 14% of council votes last 2 years, compared to David Miller missing a whopping 40%.

Anyone saying that the judge's hands were tied, or that this is all according to the word of law, is full of ****. The judge single-handedly made the decision to oust the democratically elected mayor of Canada's largest city. Fact.

Are you saying that the judge was "disgruntled" and was out to get El Fordo?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Actually he solicited money for his youth football foundation.... not even his team directly.

It's all a huge joke, and according to MCIA s.10(2) the judge absolutely had the discretion to NOT toss him out of office if found guilty. Its also popping up in articles that Judge Hackland rejected arguments by Ford's defense who were arguing that he made an error in judgement on the matter. The judge, much like many other disgruntled (and minority) Torontonians didn't like Ford's attitude. Apparently Ford cares too much about football and not enough about running the city... despite only missing 14% of council votes last 2 years, compared to David Miller missing a whopping 40%.

Anyone saying that the judge's hands were tied, or that this is all according to the word of law, is full of ****. The judge single-handedly made the decision to oust the democratically elected mayor of Canada's largest city. Fact.

You obviously didn't read the decision. The judge spent over half of the decision discussing the saving provisions. There was nothing there to indicate any type of bias, but you assert it simply on the basis that you loooooovvveee this guy.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

you dont even know what happened, he wasnt caught with his hand in the cookie jar and he didnt gain personally from this. im tired of people not knowing at least the basic facts. I had to argue with another person who was convinced Ford stole tax dollars for the football team he supports....why cant people read.
He solicited donations on city hall letterhead for the football team he supports he didnt steal money or gain personally. he acted stupidly afterwards though yes.

Regarding those basic facts you're talking about........

The issue is that he participated in a debate and ultimately the vote regarding an issue that he had pecuniary interest in. It isn't about the $3,500.00.

Just sayin'.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Actually he solicited money for his youth football foundation.... not even his team directly.

It's all a huge joke, and according to MCIA s.10(2) the judge absolutely had the discretion to NOT toss him out of office if found guilty. Its also popping up in articles that Judge Hackland rejected arguments by Ford's defense who were arguing that he made an error in judgement on the matter. The judge, much like many other disgruntled (and minority) Torontonians didn't like Ford's attitude. Apparently Ford cares too much about football and not enough about running the city... despite only missing 14% of council votes last 2 years, compared to David Miller missing a whopping 40%.

Anyone saying that the judge's hands were tied, or that this is all according to the word of law, is full of ****. The judge single-handedly made the decision to oust the democratically elected mayor of Canada's largest city. Fact.

As I said before, you would have to assume that every screw-up that everyone makes is an "error in judgment" for that to be true. When someone makes a decision, is given multiple opportunities to change that decision before it becomes final, and then is combative when dealing with the person whose very job is to enforce the rules that you decided that you wanted to flout, it rises to a level well beyond "error in judgment."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He was probably being "combative" because people were threatening to fire him over collecting donations for youth football, something which essentially cost the city nothing, and gained HIM nothing. He spoke up at the previous vote because he was being attacked by members of council who hate him as much as some of you guys. Not exactly a far stretch to fail to see where this "conflict of interest" lies. The judge is a twat, the citizen who initiated the charges is a twat, and anybody who thinks this is at all reasonable is also a twat.

I don't love the guy at all, but you guys seem to be frothing at the mouth with hate for the dude. Keep on keepin' on.
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