Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He was probably being "combative" because people were threatening to fire him over collecting donations for youth football, something which essentially cost the city nothing, and gained HIM nothing. He spoke up at the previous vote because he was being attacked by members of council who hate him as much as some of you guys. Not exactly a far stretch to fail to see where this "conflict of interest" lies. The judge is a twat, the citizen who initiated the charges is a twat, and anybody who thinks this is at all reasonable is also a twat.

I don't love the guy at all, but you guys seem to be frothing at the mouth with hate for the dude. Keep on keepin' on.

I read this as "the mandatory minimum is too harsh so the judge should ignore the facts and find him not guilty".

I don't hate him, Rob doesn't either, but guess what. elections are about putting the best people in charge. Simply put, conservatives can offer better. The majority of this country is center right. There are a million people better than this guy. The End.

Its guys like Ford, and his blind supporters that refuse to recognize that he is a turd, that drive centerist voters to the left. He should be excised, because supporting him is a good way to lose elections.
I thought you were supposed to be all pro law and order, I guess that only applies when convenient.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

For the record, I don't particularly hate Ford and I'd pick him over Miller any day of the week,but bottom line is that he screwed up and then screwed up again and again and again until the judge could only rule one way. It wasn't a leftist conspiracy that did him in. It was his actions and attitude.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He was probably being "combative" because people were threatening to fire him over collecting donations for youth football, something which essentially cost the city nothing, and gained HIM nothing. He spoke up at the previous vote because he was being attacked by members of council who hate him as much as some of you guys. Not exactly a far stretch to fail to see where this "conflict of interest" lies. The judge is a twat, the citizen who initiated the charges is a twat, and anybody who thinks this is at all reasonable is also a twat.

I don't love the guy at all, but you guys seem to be frothing at the mouth with hate for the dude. Keep on keepin' on.

Who hates him? Given the last round of candidates I would have voted for the guy, if i was a citizen of Toronto. Would again now, if the situation was the same and he could learn to follow the rules.

Whatever you might think, he didn't have the right to enter into that debate. He could say whatever he wanted to in his own defence in the media, but not in council chambers. Those are the rules. That's the law.

The judge acted as required by the law which so many conservatives state is what he should do, rather than making a judgment himself that doesn't follow the letter of the law. Now conservatives seem to be lambasting this judge for doing what they would otherwise demand he do, if it wasn't a conservative who was on the receiving end. I suggest that you read the decision, so that you can understand the reasoning behind it. It is remarkably well considered.
BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I read this as "the mandatory minimum is too harsh so the judge should ignore the facts and find him not guilty".

I don't hate him, Rob doesn't either, but guess what. elections are about putting the best people in charge. Simply put, conservatives can offer better. The majority of this country is center right. There are a million people better than this guy. The End.

Its guys like Ford, and his blind supporters that refuse to recognize that he is a turd, that drive centerist voters to the left. He should be excised, because supporting him is a good way to lose elections.
I thought you were supposed to be all pro law and order, I guess that only applies when convenient.

What mandatory minimum man? 10(2) quite clearly shows that there is effectively nothing "mandatory" about it at all. Error of judgement is a pretty damn wide net.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What mandatory minimum man? 10(2) quite clearly shows that there is effectively nothing "mandatory" about it at all. Error of judgement is a pretty damn wide net.

What you just don't seem to grasp, is that there was no "error in judgment." He made a calculated decision. He stated that he made a calculated decision. Seriously; read the judge's decision.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What mandatory minimum man? 10(2) quite clearly shows that there is effectively nothing "mandatory" about it at all. Error of judgement is a pretty damn wide net.

Maybe you should try reading more than just one sentence of anything. You make the same mistake as Ford, which is that words in statutes are somehow interpreted to mean whatever YOU think it means. Read the below and say with a straight face that the judge didn't try to give him the chance. Christ the Judge even goes out of his way to quote a report that talkis about how the MCIA remedy is bad.

Read paragraphs 45-59

This part also sums it up (emphasis mine)

"Several cases were cited in argument, in which the error in judgment saving provision was successfully relied on. These arise in situations involving reasonable mistakes of fact about whether the matter at hand engaged the elected official’s pecuniary interests and cases of novice elected officials relying on erroneous legal advice. In contrast, this respondent has served on City Council for 12 years, the last two years as Mayor. He acknowledged, in cross-examination, that prior to this proceeding, he had never read or familiarized himself with the MCIA. Moreover, the respondent admitted that he never sought out legal advice as to his entitlement to speak or vote on the Code of Conduct issues before Council on February 7, 2012, or indeed with respect to several previous conflicts with the Office of the Integrity Commissioner. He stated that he did not see the need to attend briefing sessions offered by the MCIA to newly elected councillors, or to read the councillor’s handbook which addresses conflicts of interest."
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am always amused when people suggest that the are somehow being victimized when they are being right wing...

Even if it were true that being a conservative makes you targeted, guess how you can solve that? by not ****ing up. not flouting conflicts rules, not acting like you are entitled to not know the rules, and generally not being an dick. If you broke the rules, you at least apologize, we all learned that in grade 1.

What I am annoyed about is that this the best that the right wing has to offer. There are many legitimate fiscal conservatives out there that aren't embarrassing like this fool.

While I like much of what he has done and would have voted for him again if he did the Ooops thing and paid the $3K I now have concerns.

What if he uses the same bad judgement on something much larger that will cost the city millions forever? His libel suit is on his own dime I believe as he wasn't mayor at the time.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

voted for him.....very happy with the progress he's made on behalf of what I expect from a municipal politician

will happily vote for him again....but would prefer if he'd brush up on his speech quality and quit being sooo damn stubborn

the fact that he get's the lefties so bent....and gets the legal eagles justifying decisions that make no common sense but support the rule of law...makes me like him even more

I'll happily vote for the person who prooves he's/she's there to work FOR me....since I pay his/her wage....and NOT the person who professes to be smarter than me

people who profess to be smarter than me inevitably want to dictate how I carry my groceries, tend to my yard, cook in my kitchen and behave in my bedroom

no politician can be trusted.....but a guy like Ford gives me the shortest leash....and I'll take his sort every time over the rest of the BS artists

that's all I got
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The judge is a twat, the citizen who initiated the charges is a twat, and anybody who thinks this is at all reasonable is also a twat.
Lol, u've got a knack for words, good sir

I'll happily vote for the person who prooves he's/she's there to work FOR me....since I pay his/her wage....and NOT the person who professes to be smarter than me

people who profess to be smarter than me inevitably want to dictate how I carry my groceries, tend to my yard, cook in my kitchen and behave in my bedroom

no politician can be trusted.....but a guy like Ford gives me the shortest leash....and I'll take his sort every time over the rest of the BS artists

that's all I got

Amen, chief!
At least the guy is predictable, lol. Dont we all hate the uncertain?

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I would like to know who paid Clayton Ruby's fees.

Maybe you should ask who paid Lenczer's fees.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Regarding those basic facts you're talking about........

The issue is that he participated in a debate and ultimately the vote regarding an issue that he had pecuniary interest in. It isn't about the $3,500.00.

Just sayin'.

Whats your point I wasn't debating that, where did i day it was about 3500?? I was debating the other false information. Just sayin try not to be a know it all
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Whats your point I wasn't debating that, where did i day it was about 3500?? I was debating the other false information. Just sayin try not to be a know it all

There was plenty of correct information coming straight from the horse's (jackass'?) mouth and that's what was used to convict him.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Whats your point I wasn't debating that, where did i day it was about 3500?? I was debating the other false information. Just sayin try not to be a know it all

My point is that you don't seem to know what the case was about either. Not that you're alone in it.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Where did I say something about the case that was wrong

You didn't, because your comment wasn't really about the case. You were commenting on the money, which is only peripheral to the issue.
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