Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

the fact that he get's the lefties so bent....and gets the legal eagles justifying decisions that make no common sense but support the rule of law...makes me like him even more

That's what I enjoyed the most about Ford. I live and work deep in Ford-hate country and have to listen to lefty academics chirp away about how much they despise him and how Olivia Chow would make a much better mayor. These people have their heads in the clouds while turning their noses up at all the "stupid suburbanites".
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's what I enjoyed the most about Ford. I live and work deep in Ford-hate country and have to listen to lefty academics chirp away about how much they despise him and how Olivia Chow would make a much better mayor. These people have their heads in the clouds while turning their noses up at all the "stupid suburbanites".

Ahh how I miss the Liberty Village area (not!).

I think I seriously considered causing large amounts of discomfort to some of the folks I met there.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's what I enjoyed the most about Ford. I live and work deep in Ford-hate country and have to listen to lefty academics chirp away about how much they despise him and how Olivia Chow would make a much better mayor. These people have their heads in the clouds while turning their noses up at all the "stupid suburbanites".

Oblivious Cow would bankrupt Toronto.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You didn't, because your comment wasn't really about the case. You were commenting on the money, which is only peripheral to the issue.

No.i wasn't. I commented on the ignorance of people who think he had his hand in the cookie jar and benefitted personally.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No.i wasn't. I commented on the ignorance of people who think he had his hand in the cookie jar and benefitted personally.

It doesn't matter if he benefited personally or he misused the city resources to benefit a pet cause. The city resources weren't earmarked for that. Regardless, he could have got away with it with only The Star frothing at their mouths and nobody taking them seriously had he manned up, paid up and apologized... Or had he not spoken on his own behalf where speaking out involved a conflict of interest.. Or had he backed down and made up for his idiocy during one of many opportunities he got in court.. Instead, he stuck to his "I'm a lost babe in the woods but the laws of the land don't apply to me anyway" spiel and blew a buttload of opportunities that he had to have this swept under the rug and never spoken about again.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It doesn't matter if he benefited personally or he misused the city resources to benefit a pet cause. The city resources weren't earmarked for that. Regardless, he could have got away with it with only The Star frothing at their mouths and nobody taking them seriously had he manned up, paid up and apologized... Or had he not spoken on his own behalf where speaking out involved a conflict of interest.. Or had he backed down and made up for his idiocy during one of many opportunities he got in court.. Instead, he stuck to his "I'm a lost babe in the woods but the laws of the land don't apply to me anyway" spiel and blew a buttload of opportunities that he had to have this swept under the rug and never spoken about again.

Of course it matters. Donations from third parties aren't the same as stealing. What are you talking about. It doesn't make a difference to the outcome just all the dummies who think he stole city funds.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Laws are not black and white. Laws are guidelines and meant to be interpreted. Otherwise lawyers wouldn’t have the pretentions to deviate from the rules, searching for loop holes and CONniving gainfully to attain their big bucks – no matter what – manipulating the condemned. In the climate of
our society, authority should be questioned, and if you disagree with something – oppose it.

Removing Ford from office, is not about one thing. He broke the law, bad boy, bye bye? I don’t think so. When you assess all of the player s, their roles and motives…You get a different story. Never believe what you are told, use your insight to see through the media krap and discover the sneaky truth.

People get away with murder in this country. People get out of speeding tickets. Fines are reduced.
Sentences are altered. If legal technicalities are screwed up, Bop – you’re free.

Ousting Ford out is a greater picture reflecting the weak political fabric of municipal government. He did not commit a heinous crime; he simply messed up with a few buck and slightly bent the rules. So fine him, slap his wrist. For those in opposition of Ford, have fun humiliating him and get your rocks off.

The bigger picture tells us that uprooting our Mayor from his civic duties and responsibilities will cause extreme confusion in the system of running the city, be costly, and deceitful politicians will rub their hands together thinking of ways to take advantage for their own personal profits.
Taking down our leader, takes down the moral & trust within the council of dedicated, hardworking, people who have a healthy vision for the future of our city. Politics goes through movements and the evidence of this current situation will make sense, when it is in the past.

Taking down the general, the army is scattered and running amuck.

I sent my friend Rob an email. “Stand up for your convictions, continue to do your mission for our city”. etc.
What I didn’t say: Punch them out and break their balls.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Laws are not black and white. People get away with murder in this country. People get out of speeding tickets.

Best argument so far! The ex mayor should be forgiven for any of his transgressions including misuse of public resources and conflict of interest because people get away with murder :cool:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Laws are not black and white. Laws are guidelines and meant to be interpreted. Otherwise lawyers wouldn’t have the pretentions to deviate from the rules, searching for loop holes and CONniving gainfully to attain their big bucks – no matter what – manipulating the condemned. In the climate of
our society, authority should be questioned, and if you disagree with something – oppose it.

Removing Ford from office, is not about one thing. He broke the law, bad boy, bye bye? I don’t think so. When you assess all of the player s, their roles and motives…You get a different story. Never believe what you are told, use your insight to see through the media krap and discover the sneaky truth.

People get away with murder in this country. People get out of speeding tickets. Fines are reduced.
Sentences are altered. If legal technicalities are screwed up, Bop – you’re free.

Ousting Ford out is a greater picture reflecting the weak political fabric of municipal government. He did not commit a heinous crime; he simply messed up with a few buck and slightly bent the rules. So fine him, slap his wrist. For those in opposition of Ford, have fun humiliating him and get your rocks off.

The bigger picture tells us that uprooting our Mayor from his civic duties and responsibilities will cause extreme confusion in the system of running the city, be costly, and deceitful politicians will rub their hands together thinking of ways to take advantage for their own personal profits.
Taking down our leader, takes down the moral & trust within the council of dedicated, hardworking, people who have a healthy vision for the future of our city. Politics goes through movements and the evidence of this current situation will make sense, when it is in the past.

Taking down the general, the army is scattered and running amuck.

I sent my friend Rob an email. “Stand up for your convictions, continue to do your mission for our city”. etc.
What I didn’t say: Punch them out and break their balls.

Actually in this case it will have very little effect on the city. In Toronto the mayor is little more than a figurehead. He is only one vote in council and doesn't have much additional power, over that of a regular councillor. Worst case: The now even number of votes on council results in tied votes.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Laws are not black and white. Laws are guidelines and meant to be interpreted.

Taking down our leader, takes down the moral & trust within the council of dedicated, hardworking, people who have a healthy vision for the future of our city. Politics goes through movements and the evidence of this current situation will make sense, when it is in the past.

Wow really .... any lawyers here care to comment..... My understanding is that laws are black and white as examples:
You either killed someone or you didn't, you either stole something or you didn't.... you were in conflict of interest or you weren't. I don't see the grey here or guidelines aspect here. Yes lawyers make a living arguing about the interpretation of Law but fundamentally it's black and white.

Have you watched a recent Council meeting? "moral and trust".... really this is the most divided council ever the amount of time they spend arguing is embarssing.

and I ask what is the "healthy vision for the future of our city"? I haven't seen anything
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

voted for him.....very happy with the progress he's made on behalf of what I expect from a municipal politician

What progress has Ford made exactly? Honest question.

I haven't heard of a single applause worthy thing. I guess for some it could be removed the extra plate fee but at the cost of what to the city? Has he cut enough expenses to make up the loss in revenue to an already cash strapped city? The reality is that cutting these user based taxes and revenue streams will just have to result in a property tax hike (Which I am fine with as long as its reasonable). The city needs money and shaving office supplies won't make up the difference.

Ford acts more entitled than many of the lefties he rails against. Pulling public resources to assist his football program (the TTC bus thing) is the very thing conservatives should rally against. It's entitlement. I can't believe so many conservatives rally behind this buffoon. The City of Toronto can do better and no I would never vote for Chow either. I'm a centerist and there needs to be a solution that works with both sides to make a better city not just two polar opposite views who refuse to work together.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's not like he blew the cash on limousines, pancakes and smoking rooms at the Ritz.
The money was used for a high school football team, and he admits it openly, he should get a pat on the back for doing something productive for the kids.
Let's audit every government employee, i bet we'll dig up things that make Ford look like a saint.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Talk about missing the point.

The conflict of interest results from him insisting to vote on a proceeding to decide a possible penalty to HIMSELF.

you guys think its ok for someone to break the law, and then end up as part of a panel adjudicating his guilt? Thats the part thats ****ed. Sheesh. No one is arguing against raising money for kid's football.

All he had to do was not act like an entitled freak and nothing would have happened. the council would have voted for him NOT to have to pay back the 3k even if he sat on his hands.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's not like he blew the cash on limousines, pancakes and smoking rooms at the Ritz.
The money was used for a high school football team, and he admits it openly, he should get a pat on the back for doing something productive for the kids.
Let's audit every government employee, i bet we'll dig up things that make Ford look like a saint.

Its not like he is enhancing football programs around the city or for those in the most need of assistance. He has been using his influence as mayor along with city staff to give special treatment to a single school in a well funded catholic board. It is self serving and not some Robin hood action to be rewarded. No different in principle to Tony Clement stocking his riding with expensive gazebos during G20 which everyone had issue with.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What progress has Ford made exactly? Honest question.

He stood up to that weasel union rep Craig Ferguson and held fast. No more 39 day garbage strikes for at least the next 4 years. He handled the occupy movement very well. Let them have their say for a few months then vacated them without any violence after a public park was turned into a drug-infested toilet bowl. He axed another lame Toronto Olympics bid saving millions for an event no one wants, that was fully supported by everyone including the left. He did many things that were positive for this city.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What progress has Ford made exactly? Honest question.


1) locked in a taxpayer-friendly contract with the unions with no strike....and it was obvious that the unions were completely turtling to the Ford Admin...the unions was scared that he'd pull a Ronald that to Miller's summer-long garbage strike and I call that the most progress I've seen with the city unions in more than a decade

2) TTC was declared an essential service....being a daily rider of the Yonge subway line for 20+ years and being on the short end of quite a few strikes.....I would say that this again is the type of progress that I'm very happy with

3) the city's budget was successfully carved back......we're now spending less than the previous year....and compared too Miller's mind-numbing annual increases over his tenure.....I'd once again call this progress

4) turfing the car tax.....I will be very content renewing the stickers on my vehicles this January when I buy 2-year stickers for 3 cars and 1 bike (which collectively don't even hit 10,000 kms per year) and the total cost doesn't resemble an annual insurance premium

5) privatized garbage pickup west of yonge....I live about 1-2 kms west of Yonge St. and I now have the private operation picking up my garbage...from my perspective, nothing has changed....I put the bins out and the garbage is picked up on the day they said it would be....but that service now cost millions of dollars less per year.....therefore, more progress

I would like this progress to math says I'm getting comparable or better service on a regular basis versus the previous Miller Admin.....and yet I'm now paying less.....I've seen no garbage piled up in local arenas and parks, no picket lines and have not seen any sort of wildcat srike from the folks at the TTC

this has happened over 2 short years with the new Admin.....I would like to see this progress continue over the next 2 years and would like to see the Admin get another 4 year term with this type progress where the Gov't lives well within it's means and stops with knee-jerk tax hikes as the answer to's been quite refreshing versus the ever-increasing sum of money Miller continually swiped from my wallet where I saw nothing in return for the increases
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