Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I would like this progress to math says I'm getting comparable or better service on a regular basis versus the previous Miller Admin.....and yet I'm now paying less.....I've seen no garbage piled up in local arenas and parks, no picket lines and have not seen any sort of wildcat srike from the folks at the TTC

this has happened over 2 short years with the new Admin.....I would like to see this progress continue over the next 2 years and would like to see the Admin get another 4 year term with this type progress where the Gov't lives well within it's means and stops with knee-jerk tax hikes as the answer to's been quite refreshing versus the ever-increasing sum of money Miller continually swiped from my wallet where I saw nothing in return for the increases

A few of those I can agree were good. I also was not a fan of David Miller and his union catering.

1) I agree
2) it remains to be seen if that will cost the city more as essential services get their demands met as they can't strike (think TPS). Time will tell. Although I do agree transit is an essential service in the city.

3&4) Turfing pay to play taxes such as vehicle tax and cutting the cities spending on its services may seem positive on paper but it will lead to an even more crumbling infrustructure. The city of Toronto is falling apart and needs a massive investment in infrustructure. That money has to come from somewhere. It is inevitable that a city wide tax hike will need to take place. I also don't agree with many of the areas Ford has cut in order to reduce the city budget. All cuts strike at the most vulnerable among our society which is where we will just have to disagree on our philosophies. The city budget was only balanced by the surplus left by the previous admin. If it was purely on Fords policy we wouldn't be taking in enough money. Will he be able to balance the budget next year? We won't know now but whoever takes over has a massive challenge to find new streams of revenue for the city. How many millions did Ford cost the city in contract cancellations with nothing to show?

5) I don't agree with privatization of essential services. The cost might seem low for a while but as private corporations are solely about making money the costs will increase and once the city sells its garbage collecting capability the cost to bring it back are enormous. With only a tiny amount of private companies able to service it won't be long before they realize they have the city over a barrel and can charge more. I don't agree with privatization of energy services either but again that is a difference in mindset we will have to agree to disagree.

I guess time will tell on how Rob Ford's policies will effect Toronto. Some good some bad. We won't see the outcome for years so its all speculation.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did anyone nag on the "BY BY" on the title? Too many pages to look back.

Noticed it but I know OP was frothing at the mouth with excitement. It was excusable

It's not like he blew the cash on limousines, pancakes and smoking rooms at the Ritz.
The money was used for a high school football team, and he admits it openly, he should get a pat on the back for doing something productive for the kids.
Let's audit every government employee, i bet we'll dig up things that make Ford look like a saint.
Pfff, things could've been worse. Remember the mayor of new york hired some hookers? That guy was going places


1) locked in a taxpayer-friendly contract with the unions with no strike....and it was obvious that the unions were completely turtling to the Ford Admin...the unions was scared that he'd pull a Ronald that to Miller's summer-long garbage strike and I call that the most progress I've seen with the city unions in more than a decade

2) TTC was declared an essential service....being a daily rider of the Yonge subway line for 20+ years and being on the short end of quite a few strikes.....I would say that this again is the type of progress that I'm very happy with

I think the hipsters are more concerned about the image of the city than the contributions made. Hence, why they're calling him fat, unfit, ugly, etc :D

They want a good lookin mayor

Sent from my phone using my paws
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

3&4) Turfing pay to play taxes such as vehicle tax and cutting the cities spending on its services may seem positive on paper but it will lead to an even more crumbling infrustructure. The city of Toronto is falling apart and needs a massive investment in infrustructure. That money has to come from somewhere. It is inevitable that a city wide tax hike will need to take place. I also don't agree with many of the areas Ford has cut in order to reduce the city budget. All cuts strike at the most vulnerable among our society which is where we will just have to disagree on our philosophies. The city budget was only balanced by the surplus left by the previous admin. If it was purely on Fords policy we wouldn't be taking in enough money. Will he be able to balance the budget next year? We won't know now but whoever takes over has a massive challenge to find new streams of revenue for the city. How many millions did Ford cost the city in contract cancellations with nothing to show?

Eventually someone is going to have to bite the damned bullet (or eat a political gun barrel) and increase the basic mill rate. It could be sold by tossing out all of the stupid additional "do you want fries with that" effective taxes like the double home sale transfer tax. Increasing the mill rate gives you a stable tax base, which is a necessity, rather than depending upon things that can fluctuate wildly. It would also eliminate the nickle and diming that this city has partaken of in recent years.

There is a cost to having an infrastructure that doesn't use clay and lead piping, and streets and bridges that aren't crumbling. Having services that other cities don't provide, while not expecting to have to pay for them, results in fiscal shortfalls. These shortfalls are typically evidenced in deferred necessary preventive maintenance. When that maintenance isn't performed, you end up having higher costs when actual repairs are needed. Sure, you can run your motorcycle on one oil change for the next 10 years, but eventually your engine is going to toast.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I guess time will tell on how Rob Ford's policies will effect Toronto. Some good some bad. We won't see the outcome for years so its all speculation.

well....with regard to the garbage deal....I think Etobicoke has been running private for well over a decade and it's running smooth....Toronto used their success as the model for change

as I said previously....I don't trust politicians, and I like Ford cause we can keep him on a short leash....Ford doesn't possess the ability to polish a turd linguistically and that's just fine with me....his lack of polish makes the unions squirm, and after a decade of wondering if I should have bailed on school years back and became a city worker cleaning offices for $60k per year with a gold pension...I'm glad to see the ship turning around
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

A few of those I can agree were good. I also was not a fan of David Miller and his union catering.

3&4) Turfing pay to play taxes such as vehicle tax and cutting the cities spending on its services may seem positive on paper but it will lead to an even more crumbling infrustructure.

On a more policy oriented note. I actually agree that we shouldn't be cutting consumption taxes - GST/HST, and other forms of user fees. We should be raising these taxes while dropping income taxes. There are a few good reasons for this.

- it puts incentives in the right place - income taxes create disincentives to earn more at higher tax brackets, it also taxes money that would otherwise be savings. ( the savings part is my main complaint here ).
- it puts the cost on the user. If you use particular services more, you should pay more for them.
- it is more localized - consumption taxes are often related to the services you use locally - less people in ottawa deciding how to split money across all provinces and territories.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Eventually someone is going to have to bite the damned bullet (or eat a political gun barrel) and increase the basic mill rate. It could be sold by tossing out all of the stupid additional "do you want fries with that" effective taxes like the double home sale transfer tax. Increasing the mill rate gives you a stable tax base, which is a necessity, rather than depending upon things that can fluctuate wildly. It would also eliminate the nickle and diming that this city has partaken of in recent years.

There is a cost to having an infrastructure that doesn't use clay and lead piping, and streets and bridges that aren't crumbling. Having services that other cities don't provide, while not expecting to have to pay for them, results in fiscal shortfalls. These shortfalls are typically evidenced in deferred necessary preventive maintenance. When that maintenance isn't performed, you end up having higher costs when actual repairs are needed. Sure, you can run your motorcycle on one oil change for the next 10 years, but eventually your engine is going to toast.

I agree 100% and would support a property tax hike. Tax hikes are the thing Ford any many of the ilk run against claiming they can pay for everything with cuts which is simply not true. Everyone so far has passed the buck and Ford has also on top of cutting current revenue streams leaving us even shorter on cash. I agree a solid long term tax plan is the smart approach too bad raising taxes is consider a 'lefty thing' and the fiscal responsibility is a 'righty thing'. Can they not be smart approaches from the middle? Someone stating in a campaign to raise property taxes would never get in because most voters are so myopic they don't see the big picture (or plan to move out of Toronto before such plans pay off).

well....with regard to the garbage deal....I think Etobicoke has been running private for well over a decade and it's running smooth....Toronto used their success as the model for change

as I said previously....I don't trust politicians, and I like Ford cause we can keep him on a short leash....Ford doesn't possess the ability to polish a turd linguistically and that's just fine with me.

That is an interesting take I haven't heard before. I may not agree 100% but I can appreciate the merits. I guess I still hold out hope for a 'good' politician. Call me a dreamer I guess. :)
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Eventually someone is going to have to bite the damned bullet (or eat a political gun barrel) and increase the basic mill rate. It could be sold by tossing out all of the stupid additional "do you want fries with that" effective taxes like the double home sale transfer tax. Increasing the mill rate gives you a stable tax base, which is a necessity, rather than depending upon things that can fluctuate wildly. It would also eliminate the nickle and diming that this city has partaken of in recent years.

There is a cost to having an infrastructure that doesn't use clay and lead piping, and streets and bridges that aren't crumbling. Having services that other cities don't provide, while not expecting to have to pay for them, results in fiscal shortfalls. These shortfalls are typically evidenced in deferred necessary preventive maintenance. When that maintenance isn't performed, you end up having higher costs when actual repairs are needed. Sure, you can run your motorcycle on one oil change for the next 10 years, but eventually your engine is going to toast.

I am not really with you on the mill rate ( I don't own property in Toronto ), because I don't really agree with a situation where a person chooses to buy property closer to work so that he can walk, or ride a bike, or whatever ( which I think is an admirable thing ), to pay more taxes than the guy who chose to buy a slightly cheaper property further away, but uses the delta for a parking space and a car.

So from a policy perspective. I really think it should be based on use. (now I am not talking about weighing your garbage), but if I change my habits and use less water, I think i should pay less. I don't agree with this "all you can eat" kind of method of charging and to the extent that we can itemize things effeciently, we should do so. imo
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

On a more policy oriented note. I actually agree that we shouldn't be cutting consumption taxes - GST/HST, and other forms of user fees. We should be raising these taxes while dropping income taxes. There are a few good reasons for this.

- it puts incentives in the right place - income taxes create disincentives to earn more at higher tax brackets, it also taxes money that would otherwise be savings. ( the savings part is my main complaint here ).
- it puts the cost on the user. If you use particular services more, you should pay more for them.
- it is more localized - consumption taxes are often related to the services you use locally - less people in ottawa deciding how to split money across all provinces and territories.

I totally agree. We should be getting more money from foreigners not penalizing our citizens for making more money.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I think the hipsters are more concerned about the image of the city than the contributions made. Hence, why they're calling him fat, unfit, ugly, etc :D

They want a good lookin mayor

Sad but true. That whole story of negative trending about Ford on twitter cracked me up. Just goes to prove anti-Fordists are a bunch of thumb-twiddling Iphone addicts with nothing better to do. Of course there wasn't much positive tweeting, his supporters aren't engaged with junk culture social media trivialities.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Sad but true. That whole story of negative trending about Ford on twitter cracked me up. Just goes to prove anti-Fordists are a bunch of thumb-twiddling Iphone addicts with nothing better to do. Of course there wasn't much positive tweeting, his supporters aren't engaged with junk culture social media trivialities.

How insightful of you. I would tell you to run but I don't want conservatives to lose.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Eventually someone is going to have to bite the damned bullet (or eat a political gun barrel) and increase the basic mill rate. It could be sold by tossing out all of the stupid additional "do you want fries with that" effective taxes like the double home sale transfer tax. Increasing the mill rate gives you a stable tax base, which is a necessity, rather than depending upon things that can fluctuate wildly. It would also eliminate the nickle and diming that this city has partaken of in recent years.

There is a cost to having an infrastructure that doesn't use clay and lead piping, and streets and bridges that aren't crumbling. Having services that other cities don't provide, while not expecting to have to pay for them, results in fiscal shortfalls. These shortfalls are typically evidenced in deferred necessary preventive maintenance. When that maintenance isn't performed, you end up having higher costs when actual repairs are needed. Sure, you can run your motorcycle on one oil change for the next 10 years, but eventually your engine is going to toast. 15 years, my property taxes have basically it's not like we've been frozen

I'n not adverse to paying taxes or increases, but with limitation......Ford is cleaning up the if a guy like him inevitably raises my taxes I'm pretty confident he's simultaneously weeding out the crap like TDSB carpenters charging $165 to install a pencil sharpener

Miller....that guy would never admit to the level of waste and just keep hiring while increasing PT adding fees etc

I'll take Ford any day over that goof
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did you post this from your Iphone? :D

No. I don't have one. My phone is a work tool, not a toy. Trying to suggest that I am a hipster or some kind of crazy leftist is one of the most laughable things I have ever heard.

According to some of you fools. I am a leftist hippy 1%er who is out of touch and has too much money who is also a wall street fat cat who manages to also be a activitist criminal lawyer who makes money of poor innocent homeowners defending themselves. Grow up.

In case you didn't see the US example. alienating moderate right wingers with stupid rhetoric is a really good way to lose elections.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am not really with you on the mill rate ( I don't own property in Toronto ), because I don't really agree with a situation where a person chooses to buy property closer to work so that he can walk, or ride a bike, or whatever ( which I think is an admirable thing ), to pay more taxes than the guy who chose to buy a slightly cheaper property further away, but uses the delta for a parking space and a car.

So from a policy perspective. I really think it should be based on use. (now I am not talking about weighing your garbage), but if I change my habits and use less water, I think i should pay less. I don't agree with this "all you can eat" kind of method of charging and to the extent that we can itemize things effeciently, we should do so. imo

Toronto's mill rate is one of the lowest in the GTA. The surrounding major cities all have higher rates. Toronto citizens pay more than that, collectively, via various nickel and dime fees/taxes. What I'm saying is cut the waste and then rationalize the multiplicity of taxes/fees into the mill rate, with a reasonable increase, instead of trying to hide the REAL costs of living in Toronto via bafflegab.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Going off at a tangent here, why did OpenGambit got banned :D
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Huh? I wasn't offended nor did I report him to a mod. I can take some jabs, not made of sugar and spice.

Turbo in disguise reported him? :D Realistically, OG is ok - can get worked up and start insulting people, but offers a hell of a lot more than your typical GTAM member. Even when I don't agree with him, I respect his arguments when they are backed up with facts (most of the time).
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Called Retro a hillbilly?


Turbo in disguise reported him? :D Realistically, OG is ok - can get worked up and start insulting people, but offers a hell of a lot more than your typical GTAM member. Even when I don't agree with him, I respect his arguments when they are backed up with facts (most of the time).

How often is his arguments backed up as facts?

I must admit its childish of me for giving him a hard time, but how can I resist when the last time he told me he's a lawyer and I can't afford him. :D
I can't resist making fun of cocky people :D
Shame on me :(
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