Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The only silver lining in all of this, is how engaged people of Toronto have become in politics, at least they're talking about City politics.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The only silver lining in all of this, is how engaged people of Toronto have become in politics, at least they're talking about City politics.

Unfortunately the type of 'engagement' is tantamount to a military one, as most people seem to just be lining up on one side or the other based on personal political alignment. It isn't generating a REASONED discussion.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Unfortunately the type of 'engagement' is tantamount to a military one, as most people seem to just be lining up on one side or the other based on personal political alignment. It isn't generating a REASONED discussion.

I can count on one hand how many times the word 'reason' and 'politics' were part of any discussion I've had.

I get what you're saying but there's a part of me that actually hopes all this attention and publicity about the mayoral situation in Toronto gets some more (youthful?) people involved and interested into what's going on in Toronto. One can hope.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Unfortunately the type of 'engagement' is tantamount to a military one, as most people seem to just be lining up on one side or the other based on personal political alignment. It isn't generating a REASONED discussion.

I'm lost there. Dont we vote somebody due to personal gains?
I was never interested in politics until it payed an impact on me

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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm lost there. Dont we vote somebody due to personal gains?
I was never interested in politics until it payed an impact on me

Sent from my phone using my paws

Think about how many people didn't vote for him just because he's a fatso.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Think about how many people didn't vote for him just because he's a fatso.

I mentioned that already. The hipsters dont like ugly ppl

Sent from my phone using my paws
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I wonder how many young, image-obsessed urbanites aka hipsters actually voted last election? I get the impression they like to whine and tweet about issues that bother them but are they really proactive about anything? Is going to a polling station and casting a vote not cool, not even ironically cool? Until there's a voting app available for Iphones, the hipster vote is null and void.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I wonder how many young, image-obsessed urbanites aka hipsters actually voted last election? I get the impression they like to whine and tweet about issues that bother them but are they really proactive about anything? Is going to a polling station and casting a vote not cool, not even ironically cool? Until there's a voting app available for Iphones, the hipster vote is null and void.

Apparently more than came out for the last Provincial election, if the voter turnout stats are to be believed. Far more suburbanites than usual too, by an even larger margin.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I didn't like him because he offered a simple "solution" to a bunch of complex problems. The reason I didn't vote was that there wasn't a candidate that I would have wanted to support even though he sucked a little bit less than the other guys, but considering his competition, it doesn't say much.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I didn't like him because he offered a simple "solution" to a bunch of complex problems. The reason I didn't vote was that there wasn't a candidate that I would have wanted to support even though he sucked a little bit less than the other guys, but considering his competition, it doesn't say much.

In my opinion all levels of government should adopt a "declined ballot" policy, as is used in Provincial elections, so that votes of protest can be assessed.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

In my opinion all levels of government should adopt a "declined ballot" policy, as is used in Provincial elections, so that votes of protest can be assessed.

I agree.. Unfortunately, we were stupid enough to vote against it in the referendum that was on the fed election ballot a few years back.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I agree.. Unfortunately, we were stupid enough to vote against it in the referendum that was on the fed election ballot a few years back.

I don't recall that. I do recall the issue of proportional representation, but nothing about declining ballots.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't recall that. I do recall the issue of proportional representation, but nothing about declining ballots.

Might have been an additional referendum item in the same election or another one but I distinctly remember it and was mad that people voted against it. Last provincial elections, I showered, shaved, put on my Sunday's best, walked over to the local elementary school and declined the ballot.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Might have been an additional referendum item in the same election or another one but I distinctly remember it and was mad that people voted against it. Last provincial elections, I showered, shaved, put on my Sunday's best, walked over to the local elementary school and declined the ballot.

All that I remember was voting against proportional representation. I certainly would have been for a declined ballot option, had it been presented. As far as I know the item was recommended by Elections Canada, in something like 2001, but never came up.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

All that I remember was voting against proportional representation. I certainly would have been for a declined ballot option, had it been presented. As far as I know the item was recommended by Elections Canada, in something like 2001, but never came up.

Didn't they try to introduce a hybrid system that was trying to balance the urban and rural votes, not a full rep by pop?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm lost there. Dont we vote somebody due to personal gains?
I was never interested in politics until it payed an impact on me

Sent from my phone using my paws

That's one approach, favoured by the Ayn Rand types. The other perspective is that society is greater than the sum of it's parts, more of a Marxian take on things. I favor the latter view.

We are not voting for a mayor of you or me, but a mayor of the city. In some instances, decisions will be made that run against my best interest but that are better for the city overall. And in the end, a healthy city is good for me too. Fact is, I can't think of a single policy that benefits me directly, but there may be millions of rules that impinge on me, from taxes to one-way streets. But somehow I end up better off in the end with a functioning, liveable city than I could in the libertarian fantasyland envisioned by the right.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's one approach, favoured by the Ayn Rand types. The other perspective is that society is greater than the sum of it's parts, more of a Marxian take on things. I favor the latter view.

We are not voting for a mayor of you or me, but a mayor of the city. In some instances, decisions will be made that run against my best interest but that are better for the city overall. And in the end, a healthy city is good for me too. Fact is, I can't think of a single policy that benefits me directly, but there may be millions of rules that impinge on me, from taxes to one-way streets. But somehow I end up better off in the end with a functioning, liveable city than I could in the libertarian fantasyland envisioned by the right.

It would break your heart to find out most business men vote only because it will benefit their business.
I'm sure some large corporations contribute to Political Candidates hoping to get a favour in return when elected.

I wish life was as you described
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

All that I remember was voting against proportional representation. I certainly would have been for a declined ballot option, had it been presented. As far as I know the item was recommended by Elections Canada, in something like 2001, but never came up.

It's possible that it was suggested but never put to vote.. Been a while since then.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It would break your heart to find out most business men vote only because it will benefit their business.
I'm sure some large corporations contribute to Political Candidates hoping to get a favour in return when elected.

I wish life was as you described

That's hardly news. In fact they know their vote isn't enough and they have the clout to convince a lot of people that public interest is best served when the government gives businesses what they want. It doesn't really bear the simplest scrutiny, but people fall for it.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It would break your heart to find out most business men vote only because it will benefit their business.
I'm sure some large corporations contribute to Political Candidates hoping to get a favour in return when elected.

I wish life was as you described

That's exactly why the Citizens United ruling is so scary
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