Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's hardly news. In fact they know their vote isn't enough and they have the clout to convince a lot of people that public interest is best served when the government gives businesses what they want. It doesn't really bear the simplest scrutiny, but people fall for it.

That's because they have mouthpieces like Quebecor spewing propaganda to the masses. A person's decisions are always as good as the information they're based on.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Man, here's another example that makes me wonder if dude must've been doing something right. If the best people can do is get all uppity about driving while reading, passing a street car door, getting the name of a city wrong, refusing to step on that scale for the weigh-in, missing gay pride to spend time with family, etc. then what does that say about the people complaining?

Granted, the street car door thing's actually a pretty big deal, but so many of the things that made the news just seemed like nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking (this most recent debacle is one of the few incidents that I think is actually worth making the news).

I know some insider information about the guy that could get me in a lot of trouble if I told :o

things like being fat are inconsequential to his ability to lead, i don't care if he eats like a pig or like an ethiopian, as for showing up for gay pride parade, that's more PR for an event than anything else and is really of no consequence, i don't know if he gained as many votes as he lost from that. how ever driving while reading the paper, driving past open street car doors, refusing advice on actions to take that would eventually cost him his job well that's poor judgement and him saying he's above the law (how he managed to avoid being charged with careless or dangerous driving for the newspaper incident i don't know, maybe the cops used it as leverage against him). do we really need another leader who thinks he's above the law?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Apparently he is free to run in a by-election.

I want to vote for him because he's about the only politician in the country (Maybe western world) that has the guts (Double entendre intended) to point out the pathetic truth about public spending. (Unfortunately he has a few hypocritical moments). I do get tired of turning the other cheek when he does dumb things.

Has he learned his lesson?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You should take note that I mentioned nothing about MVa in that post.

User pay is scary. It would make the cost of socialism more apparent. While that may be good for welfare abuse it would also affect the attitudes about our "Free" medical coverage. I don't think our present model would work.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You really don't know the Ford brothers.

Worth listening to the end.

Private sectors and public sectors are polar opposites. The private sector has to get the job done while the public sector has to cater to the ignorant masses and life drags on indefinately. The Fords are private sector minded which is good but Rob in particular hasn't learned about diplomacy.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Great piece in the Star today on how many chances Ford had to get out of this before it all blew up. The system is designed to protect the mayor from ever getting themselves into this kind of trouble, but nobody could tell Ford anything.

It's a good read.:

The inside story on Rob Ford’s self-inflicted destruction...

-- Typed with thumbs on glass. Expect errors in both content and judgement.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Private sectors and public sectors are polar opposites. The private sector has to get the job done while the public sector has to cater to the ignorant masses and life drags on indefinately. The Fords are private sector minded which is good but Rob in particular hasn't learned about diplomacy.

The private sector is about making money - get the most amount from the unwashed masses (directly or through the government) for the smallest amount of resource expenditure, not about getting things done. It can still work with an accountable government that cracks the whip and keeps them on a tight leash. The problem is that the private sector owns most of the elected officials on our continent. I'll give you one example from south of the border.. Rocky Anderson, while he was running SLC, instituted a preference policy for contractors who pay their employees living wages. It worked well - the city got good work from well-fed professionals who spent money in the community and even developed a healthy surplus in the budget. Companies that preferred to own slaves greased a few politicians on the state level, paid a few media outlets to spew propaganda and ended up closing "the Rocky loophole". Their interest to make the owner even richer trumps the community's interest to choose who they hire and have decently paid residents putting that money back into the community. The problem with North America and most of Western Europe is that the private sector is too powerful. It controls the mass media and the elected officials, so relying on it for essential services will just mean that we'll keep getting less for more. If there is a proper balance between the private sector and public interests, it can be made to work, but as I said - takes a motivated government with a short leash and a painful lash.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Great piece in the Star today on how many chances Ford

Not even bothering to read this.. The Star is not gonna report on Ford objectively. They instituted a real witch hunt against him, so objectivity is not to be expected. I don't like the guy but I'd prefer a less antagonistic news source :cool:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Sure, it might not be perfectly objective, but wisdom comes from considering all perspectives.

-- Typed with thumbs on glass. Expect errors in both content and judgement.
BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Star and Sun are both blatantly biased , but the fact remains that , witch-hunt or not , Robby sure gave his opponents a LOT of ammunition to bring him down , coupled with his stubborn , entitled approach to so many issues .... Toronto deserves a lot better than the Ford brothers .... Just my 2 cents .... Cheers !

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well since Ford is gone does that mean we can spend the city broke again? I mean it was nice ending all the over spending and bringing the deficit down, but I really think we should let the liberals run the city into the ground. Let's start with a 7 million dollar by-election. Then we could spend more on the Jarvis bike lanes...oh and after that more studies on how bad traffic will be with streetcar only routes, but we'll go ahead and get them anyway. It's like a car crash. I can't help but watch and cringe.

He was hated because he did what he said he was going to do?

He was hated because he saved the city some money?

Really? Toronto would rather have Nooooooooooooooooo body! Vs. a guy that was outed for trying to raise money for kids? Its not like he stole money to snort coke off of virgins
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't think that anyone with a shred of sanity is suggesting a return to reckless spending........... It would just be good to have an accountable mayor who doesn't act like a spoiled child ..... The Fords are spoiled rich kids that inherited their Daddy's successful business , and don't think that rules apply to them ..... When Robby was a counsellor , he railed on about other elected officials taking advantage of perks etc..... Now he's one of the biggest abusers himself (using city employees and vehicles for his pet football program, pothole and pavement repairs, grass cutting at his family business right before an anniversary event, having people booted off a bus for his football team etc etc) , never having read the manuals for how to be a city official, and these are just recent ones........ He also PROMISED to quit the football coaching if elected mayor, and that he would make paramedics an essential service...... and " NO service cuts, guaranteed " In my opinion, Rob Ford the counsellor , would not approve of Rob Ford the Mayor........ And no one is against anyone raising money for underpriveledged kids, but using it as a license to do whatever he likes is an insult to the average citizen....... Surely the Conservatives can come up with a better candidate to run the fine city of Toronto...... Robby's typical "I don't remember" or "I didn't understand" responses are getting a little tiring........ again, just my 2 cents.......... Cheers
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't think that anyone with a shred of sanity is suggesting a return to reckless spending........... It would just be good to have an accountable mayor who doesn't act like a spoiled child ..... The Fords are spoiled rich kids that inherited their Daddy's successful business , and don't think that rules apply to them.

Exactly. Sounds like the guys running the office at my last job. City council meetings look exactly like our meetings looked like. Same type of idiots making up reality as they see fir "No, I don't have to abstain from this vote, my opinion must be heard!"

Good riddance.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I think the best mayor for Toronto would be a centrist or simply a BETTER conservative candidate. I mean, you can have your fiscally responsible agenda without the Ford&Ford circus act. I'm curious as to whether John Tory will make a go of it this time.

Either way, I think Toronto needs someone with a shred of integrity and personal accountability. Someone who won't constantly use their charitable work as a political shield for poor behaviour.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't think that anyone with a shred of sanity is suggesting a return to reckless spending........... It would just be good to have an accountable mayor who doesn't act like a spoiled child ..... The Fords are spoiled rich kids that inherited their Daddy's successful business , and don't think that rules apply to them ..... When Robby was a counsellor , he railed on about other elected officials taking advantage of perks etc..... Now he's one of the biggest abusers himself (using city employees and vehicles for his pet football program, pothole and pavement repairs, grass cutting at his family business right before an anniversary event, having people booted off a bus for his football team etc etc) , never having read the manuals for how to be a city official, and these are just recent ones........ He also PROMISED to quit the football coaching if elected mayor, and that he would make paramedics an essential service...... and " NO service cuts, guaranteed " In my opinion, Rob Ford the counsellor , would not approve of Rob Ford the Mayor........ And no one is against anyone raising money for underpriveledged kids, but using it as a license to do whatever he likes is an insult to the average citizen....... Surely the Conservatives can come up with a better candidate to run the fine city of Toronto...... Robby's typical "I don't remember" or "I didn't understand" responses are getting a little tiring........ again, just my 2 cents.......... Cheers

Ford's responses are typically, "I understood, even if I didn't read the rules." I liked the fact that he talked about not spending so much on office budgets but when he filled the budget void with his own money, obtained by his family business, it isn't exactly a fair comparison to the average counsellor who doesn't have millions of dollars backing him.

I don't begrudge him the time off for the football team. Other counsellors have done similar, for less worthy causes. Using the Office of the Mayor to benefit the team is a different story. Having city employees make phone calls in support of them, during regular business hours, is a different story.

In government you must not only avoid impropriety, but even the APPEARANCE of impropriety. The clean-up that was done around the family business wasn't anything more than other businesses get routinely from the city, just by asking. Sometimes the answer is "no", but often it's "yes." It should not have been the mayor who asked for it though, for the reason stated above.

The simple fact is that conflict of interest is conflict of interest. It isn't a conservative or liberal thing. That's something that everyone, on both sides of the political spectrum, has to get through their heads.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

All I have to say is an honest good luck to Rob Ford. If I lived in Toronto I'd vote for him again.

This is my signature
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford should create a new website again that lists all council votes and spending. His track record spoke for itself and THAT is why i voted for him. There ought to be a website setup for all politicians on every level showing exactly what they voted for and how much tax payer dollars they wasted. A quick reference guide to see who's full of it and who is actually one of the good ones.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford should create a new website again that lists all council votes and spending. His track record spoke for itself and THAT is why i voted for him. There ought to be a website setup for all politicians on every level showing exactly what they voted for and how much tax payer dollars they wasted. A quick reference guide to see who's full of it and who is actually one of the good ones.

amen to that!
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