Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford should create a new website again that lists all council votes and spending. His track record spoke for itself and THAT is why i voted for him. There ought to be a website setup for all politicians on every level showing exactly what they voted for and how much tax payer dollars they wasted. A quick reference guide to see who's full of it and who is actually one of the good ones.

That is actually an awesome idea... however how many of the politicians would vote yes to implement it?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford should create a new website again that lists all council votes and spending. His track record spoke for itself and THAT is why i voted for him. There ought to be a website setup for all politicians on every level showing exactly what they voted for and how much tax payer dollars they wasted. A quick reference guide to see who's full of it and who is actually one of the good ones.

A great idea as long as they state how much they spent, regardless of where the money came from, and how much of the regular 9-5 work day they and their staff spent on something other than city business.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The unfortunate reality - the thing no one wants to come out and say - is that Rob Ford is simply too stupid to be the mayor of a city the size of Toronto.

He may mean well (I suppose) but his massive sense of entitlement, his lack of respect for rules and his inability to take responsibility for his actions are huge impediments to being a successful Mayor, and those problems are not going away.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Hahaha, amen to that!!

Its funny how so many people say how Ford was stubborn, yada yada.
Hey, he saw no wrong in that! If someone were to accuse me of Jay walking and told me what I did was wrong, etc. I would have the same attitude as that guy.

If someone was to pick on me constantly and criticise every move I make, I'd have the same attitude as that guy.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

When you have to point at the other guy in order to justify your own position, you've already lost the debate.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Amen to that !! Ya can't fix stupid ..... Here's a good article from today's Star :

Unfortunately that article suffers from two things I've seen in spades from The Star lately; blind hatred of Ford, and assumptions that their personal views are the correct ones. Toronto NEEDS to eliminate services that other cities don't provide, despite the fact that those other cities have higher property taxes with which to fund them. Torontonians aren't paying the price of their services. As a result you either pare services down to a more reasonable level, increase taxes in order to pay the real price of them, or a little from column "A" and a little from column "B".
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Oooo, the Sun delivers a sharp uppercut, countered by a swift jab by the Star. The Sun steadies itself for another go, as the Star ducks and dives in response.

Nail biting stuff.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob , the Sun is no better, and you are correct about the tax situation in Toronto...... James' article is an "opinion" only....... Torontonians get a LOT more services than outlying areas at bargain (by comparison) rate taxes..... there is absolutely no disputing this..... I pay 30% higher property taxes than a house worth nearly double what mine is in TO , and get way less services..... My rate goes up between 2.5 and 4% EVERY year...... Ford promises zero , or low tax increases to get elected, and then blames previous administrations and the unions for their lack of revenue ........ You can't have everything and pay the same thing year after year..... and Toronto's infrastructure is crumbling beneath our feet ! But tax increases are a no-no , can't do that ........... easier to blame the unions and lefties...... There HAS to be some compromises and communication made at City Hall , and the Ford brothers can't grasp the concept...... time for a real mayor....... conservative , liberal , righty , lefty , whatever...... enough of the Circus !
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There HAS to be some compromises and communication made at City Hall , and the Ford brothers can't grasp the concept...... time for a real mayor....... conservative , liberal , righty , lefty , whatever...... enough of the Circus !

How about one that doesn't fit in those labels? I want my politicians that represent me to be able to embrace any idea regardless if its left, right, conservative, liberal, red, blue, green or centralist. Some times a socialist idea is needed, others an environmental, sometimes a capitalist idea is required. Or a combination there of. Garbage collection fees are great, it cuts down on the garbage (environment) and it reduces the cost to the city on a service (conservative).

Ones that quash an idea because their party didn't come up with it are not our true representatives.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob , the Sun is no better, and you are correct about the tax situation in Toronto...... James' article is an "opinion" only....... Torontonians get a LOT more services than outlying areas at bargain (by comparison) rate taxes..... there is absolutely no disputing this..... I pay 30% higher property taxes than a house worth nearly double what mine is in TO , and get way less services..... My rate goes up between 2.5 and 4% EVERY year...... Ford promises zero , or low tax increases to get elected, and then blames previous administrations and the unions for their lack of revenue ........ You can't have everything and pay the same thing year after year..... and Toronto's infrastructure is crumbling beneath our feet ! But tax increases are a no-no , can't do that ........... easier to blame the unions and lefties...... There HAS to be some compromises and communication made at City Hall , and the Ford brothers can't grasp the concept...... time for a real mayor....... conservative , liberal , righty , lefty , whatever...... enough of the Circus !

Unfortunately, with both papers, it's getting more and more difficult to separate the 'opinion' from the 'news'.

You missed one other group that Torontonians blame for failing infrastructure; 905ers. Sure, blame the people who drive in from outside and actually GENERATE money in the city, but don't use much in the way of those additional services. They talk about how those roads are falling apart, but forget how badly trashed what is UNDER those roads has become.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I voted for him and will do so again. I don't care if hes stupid or fat etc etc as long as he saves money and dose his job thats all I care about. All we need is another Miler to cut another lane off on St Clair, or to add more bike lanes.

Toronto is being run on a credit card. Spending has to stop. Take a minte and think of another Toronto Mayor that has done what he has done in terms of cutting spending going after unions etc etc.

People seem to get caught up with everything else about him but seem to forget that he's doing his job. At the end of the day thats all that maters to me.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Sure, just don't give him any leeway that you wouldn't give Miller. Good government knows no political affiliation.

Removal has been stayed, pending the outcome of his appeal.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I voted for him and will do so again. I don't care if hes stupid or fat etc etc as long as he saves money and dose his job thats all I care about. All we need is another Miler to cut another lane off on St Clair, or to add more bike lanes.

Toronto is being run on a credit card. Spending has to stop. Take a minte and think of another Toronto Mayor that has done what he has done in terms of cutting spending going after unions etc etc.

People seem to get caught up with everything else about him but seem to forget that he's doing his job. At the end of the day thats all that maters to me.

That's such a one dimensional perspective on the role of government. Cut spending, that's it. If everythig else is secondary then yeehaw, let's just get rid of government altogether - no more spending! And you wonder why the right are seen as simpletons? Chances are, there is a lot more to a healthy city than just not doing anything!

Now sure, there is such a thing as waste, as in the unions IMO. But that's not what you talked about. Your praise for Ford is entirely about cuts. At some point, you have to acknowledge there is some value in spending money in certain areas. Like transportation alternatives, for example.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's such a one dimensional perspective on the role of government. Cut spending, that's it. If everythig else is secondary then yeehaw, let's just get rid of government altogether - no more spending! And you wonder why the right are seen as simpletons? Chances are, there is a lot more to a healthy city than just not doing anything!

Now sure, there is such a thing as waste, as in the unions IMO. But that's not what you talked about. Your praise for Ford is entirely about cuts. At some point, you have to acknowledge there is some value in spending money in certain areas. Like transportation alternatives, for example.

I understand your point but you get to a point where someone has to clean the mess, Ford has to be one sided now and save lke we have never saved before. When things are a bit balanced then yes he has to change his game plan, Like I said before he isnt the best for the job but hes the ONLY one to date that has the balls to try and control the spending spree at city hall and for that he has my vote and respect.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I understand your point but you get to a point where someone has to clean the mess, Ford has to be one sided now and save lke we have never saved before. When things are a bit balanced then yes he has to change his game plan, Like I said before he isnt the best for the job but hes the ONLY one to date that has the balls to try and control the spending spree at city hall and for that he has my vote and respect.

Before he does ANYTHING, he first needs to stop accusing people of criminal activity without any evidence. Have you heard the exchange that he had with Adam (The Turd) Vaughan over the condo proposed for his Ward? Ford STILL has not learned that words have consequences.
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