Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Like so many others who automatically took Ford's side, you missed the point. What he did was take part in a debate and vote on an issue that he had pecuniary interest in. THAT was where he ran afoul of the rules. Ford doesn't follow the rules. Not while acting in a civic capacity, nor while driving, and all that happens is people (police chief and courts) bloody enable him.

And yes, it bothers me when police don't follow the laws that they should be enforcing. Did you know that they are required to stop at stoplights and make sure that the way is clear to proceed, even when they have their lights and sirens on?

Did you know that alot of politicians don't follow the rules by LYING??? Good Lord...
To me, you have to choose your fights, that was a little lie and I can accept that.

I am certainly aware of the emergency vehicles having to stop at intersections. Next time I'll give u a call when I see that happens :D
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did you know that alot of politicians don't follow the rules by LYING??? Good Lord...
To me, you have to choose your fights, that was a little lie and I can accept that.

I am certainly aware of the emergency vehicles having to stop at intersections. Next time I'll give u a call when I see that happens :D

Some jurisdictions have recall legislation, specifically to counter things like lying during campaigns. What he did wasn't a lie, it was a breach of conflict of interest rules. Same thing that Hazel McCallion was accused of and, in my own opinion, was guilty of and should have been censured for. And I LIKE Mayor Hazel.

You choose your fights by making examples of appropriate people. That puts a little fear into the other ones, who would otherwise act in the same way. Perhaps even worse, using similar tactics to line their own pockets. THAT is why you rigorously enforce conflict of interest legislation.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Until I see video of Ford snorting coke off a hooker's ***, keep on keepin' on Robby! Stick it to those whiny, leftard sore losers.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Until I see video of Ford snorting coke off a hooker's ***, keep on keepin' on Robby! Stick it to those whiny, leftard sore losers.

Everytime I break the law I think about it as sticking it to the whiny, lefttard sore losers, it makes it not wrong.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I see things are ramping up nicely. As an outsider looking in I have to admire Rob Frods' git 'er done M.O. He doesn't have a wait problem, that's for sure. We need more like him.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

After 8 long years of Millertime, Ford is refreshingly blunt.

"Strong like ox, smart like bull" doesn't get the job done any better than slick and spendthrift does. When you're just one vote on council you have to be a conciliator, not hard headed and arrogant.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm not a Torontonian, but I'm pleased they dont have to pony up the projected 7million to run a by election. Fords an arrogant buffoon, but he seems to have been the best choice TO has seen in a long time.

I like his subtle approach, like a hand granade.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I like Ford's policies in general but I'm not sure they will all work in the long run. However it's his loose cannon attitude that scares me and what worries me is he doesn't show any sign of changing.

So far the damage his attitude has caused has been minimal in the great scheme of things. Appologies and explanations are fine when the damage is minimal but when someone gets run over by an SUV driven by a person reading and chatting "Gee I'm sorry but I had a urgent meeting" doesn't cut it.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I like Ford's policies in general but I'm not sure they will all work in the long run. However it's his loose cannon attitude that scares me and what worries me is he doesn't show any sign of changing.

So far the damage his attitude has caused has been minimal in the great scheme of things. Appologies and explanations are fine when the damage is minimal but when someone gets run over by an SUV driven by a person reading and chatting "Gee I'm sorry but I had a urgent meeting" doesn't cut it.

"Gee I'm sorry but I had an urgent meeting" doesn't cut it is something I can get behind. Any shmo can make that grievous error in judgement, it doesn't really have much to do with being the Mayor. Wow, politics in T.O. are brutal, any little thing......
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!


I'm still waiting for them to go after Kyle Ray and his $10, 000 personal going away party.

He asked people to donate to his charity. The only mistake was it was on a piece of paper that said it came from the mayors office.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Unfortunately there was no rule against what Kyle Ray did, though there obviously should be. There should also be rules against councilors using their office budgets to support local sporting teams, as it's a transparent buying of votes. Those things are in serious need of correction.

There IS a rule against what Ford did.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Unfortunately there was no rule against what Kyle Ray did, though there obviously should be. There should also be rules against councilors using their office budgets to support local sporting teams, as it's a transparent buying of votes. Those things are in serious need of correction.

There IS a rule against what Ford did.

If you really thought you were living in a perfect world you wouldn't need to use capital letters to make your point. Again.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If you really thought you were living in a perfect world you wouldn't need to use capital letters to make your point. Again.

Where, in my comment regarding there needing to be a rule for this and that, did you read me saying that it was a perfect world?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Nothing Rob MacLennan said is wrong.

However with all the ridiculous things going on with government spending. The fact that he voted wrongly on a motion to force him to pay back the money to the people who donated to the charity NOT to him personally is a farce.

I did not see half those councilors get as upset with Kyle Ray as they did over Rob Ford.

Or when they all voted to allow certain office expenses to be expensed under general expenses instead of there own office budgets.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Where, in my comment regarding there needing to be a rule for this and that, did you read me saying that it was a perfect world?

??? Nowhere. I said "if". So why hold Rob Frod to that standard? Are you new to real world politics? It's not a board game.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

??? Nowhere. I said "if". So why hold Rob Frod to that standard? Are you new to real world politics? It's not a board game.

I hold them all to that standard and none come close to meeting it. Ford is just the target of the moment. I find the fact that everyone else seems to want to make excuses for those of their own political stripe, or that they want to point and say, "But what about what that other guy did?" to be annoying in the extreme.

At least I'm consistent, across political boundaries.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I hold them all to that standard and none come close to meeting it. Ford is just the target of the moment. I find the fact that everyone else seems to want to make excuses for those of their own political stripe, or that they want to point and say, "But what about what that other guy did?" to be annoying in the extreme.

At least I'm consistent, across political boundaries.

Well then you'll have plenty to grouse about across political boundaries going forward. Don't think for a minute I wouldn't want all politicians to meet your high standards.
I don't think everyone else is making excuses for those of their own political stripe, only those that you hear and read doing it you can be sure about. The rest is speculation. Yes, extremely annoying if true.
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