Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

law-abiding is "high" to you? wow.

Yup, standards sure have slipped over time, haven't they? There was a time when my 'high standards' would have been referred to as 'having standards.'
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yup, standards sure have slipped over time, haven't they? There was a time when my 'high standards' would have been referred to as 'having standards.'

Would those times coincide with your younger, more naive days? I would suggest standards have always fluctuated within an envelope. What's changed recently is hyper vigilance via technology. Not unlike police behaviour caught on camera.
I truly believe what Rob Frod did re: football program is standard practice the world over. Is it right? Well, I couldn't defend it but........
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Would those times coincide with your younger, more naive days? I would suggest standards have always fluctuated within an envelope. What's changed recently is hyper vigilance via technology. Not unlike police behaviour caught on camera.
I truly believe what Rob Frod did re: football program is standard practice the world over. Is it right? Well, I couldn't defend it but........

When I was 6 years old my parents would come home from work and ask me how things were going in Vietnam, and I would tell them. You can call me idealistic if you like, but I haven't been naive since I was in diapers.

What Ford did, using his office letterhead to generate funding for an organization, is actually against conflict of interest guidelines in the vast majority of First World nations. Your name is your own, but The Office belongs to The People.

And Ford is already off to a great start, coming off his legal victory. He used his show on CFRB to attack Karen Stintz over the contract extension, for the TTC news stands. Funny thing: He gets updates from the TTC meetings regularly. Perhaps if he wasn't screwing up so much that he was constantly having to deal with it in court or in the media, he'd actually have time to read the information that hits his desk?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

When I was 6 years old my parents would come home from work and ask me how things were going in Vietnam, and I would tell them. You can call me idealistic if you like, but I haven't been naive since I was in diapers.

What Ford did, using his office letterhead to generate funding for an organization, is actually against conflict of interest guidelines in the vast majority of First World nations. Your name is your own, but The Office belongs to The People.

And Ford is already off to a great start, coming off his legal victory. He used his show on CFRB to attack Karen Stintz over the contract extension, for the TTC news stands. Funny thing: He gets updates from the TTC meetings regularly. Perhaps if he wasn't screwing up so much that he was constantly having to deal with it in court or in the media, he'd actually have time to read the information that hits his desk?

Yes yes we already know what Frod did but I'm more interested how you got the inside scoop on Vietnam. All I ever got was the popular media. Naive is not a put down, I used to believe people mostly told the truth. I don't feel bad about that.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

law-abiding is "high" to you? wow.

I suspect that people's respect for the law has been eroding gradually with all the unenforced laws and what I call 'nuisance laws' that keep getting added to the books. Traffic laws are an excellent example. You have jaywalking, cell phone use, turn signals. Or what about that "new material only" tag on mattresses? I've driven and cycled with people who respected the law 100% at all times, and boy were they and pain in the *** to everybody around them!

Same thing with avoiding city letterhead, when everyone knows a letter from Rob Ford is a letter from the mayor. In fact if he had a shred of humility he would have fixed his error right away and never suffered any consequence for breaking the law. Which is how it should have been.

Legislators can't expect to be able to just keep piling laws upon laws indefinitely, without some broader consequences.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Justice was served and Robbie is off the hook.. the law has spoken.

As for using city letterhead to solicit donations for a troubled youth program? Sorry but whats the difference between that, and attaining those funds through an actual "city program" paid for by taxpayers? Nothing. People are crying over a technicality because they hate Rob Ford. Boo hoo.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yes yes we already know what Frod did but I'm more interested how you got the inside scoop on Vietnam. All I ever got was the popular media. Naive is not a put down, I used to believe people mostly told the truth. I don't feel bad about that.

Inside scoop? Hardly, but I was fully capable of analyzing various news agencies' reports and synthesizing an opinion.

As I said, right is right.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I suspect that people's respect for the law has been eroding gradually with all the unenforced laws and what I call 'nuisance laws' that keep getting added to the books. Traffic laws are an excellent example. You have jaywalking, cell phone use, turn signals. Or what about that "new material only" tag on mattresses? I've driven and cycled with people who respected the law 100% at all times, and boy were they and pain in the *** to everybody around them!

Same thing with avoiding city letterhead, when everyone knows a letter from Rob Ford is a letter from the mayor. In fact if he had a shred of humility he would have fixed his error right away and never suffered any consequence for breaking the law. Which is how it should have been.

Legislators can't expect to be able to just keep piling laws upon laws indefinitely, without some broader consequences.

Funny, but it's The People who clamour for these laws and consistently re-elect politicians who pass them.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

As if we really had a choice.

Don't tell them that you think they're doing wrong and you won't get a choice. Don't reward people who lie to you, or create obfuscatory laws with re-election. Methinks they would learn the lesson, fast.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So they either need to stop complaining because they got what they askedd for or, and here's a radical idea, smarten the hell up.

Actually there's only one option; smarten the hell up. As long as a significant number of people, or the more vocal ones, keep repeating "there outta be a law" then candidates will cave to their demands. That's why as mmmnaked said, there is currently no real choice.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Inside scoop? Hardly, but I was fully capable of analyzing various news agencies' reports and synthesizing an opinion.

As I said, right is right.

:) A 6 yr. old analyzing various news agencies' reports to synthesize an opinion to report back to parents. Some how I sensed you were'nt a regular kid. That is so darling:cool: Me? On a good day I was blowing snot bubbles.
Are you sure you're not wasting your time here peddling the obvious to the down trodden?:p
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

:) A 6 yr. old analyzing various news agencies' reports to synthesize an opinion to report back to parents. Some how I sensed you were'nt a regular kid. That is so darling:cool: Me? On a good day I was blowing snot bubbles.
Are you sure you're not wasting your time here peddling the obvious to the down trodden?:p

Well SOMEONE has to look down his nose at the masses.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well SOMEONE has to look down his nose at the masses.

I'll take over when you're on break.

Seriously, there needs to be some kind of test of citizenship every year, or something to stop millions of oblivious people from making demands and taking decisions on subjects that they don't understand.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'll take over when you're on break.

Seriously, there needs to be some kind of test of citizenship every year, or something to stop millions of oblivious people from making demands and taking decisions on subjects that they don't understand.

Read "Starship Troopers" by Heinlein (ignore the crappy movie).
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well SOMEONE has to look down his nose at the masses.

Oh, while I have your attention: I'd like to start a new thread, will it be deleted or have we moved on from that?
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