Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I understand your point but you get to a point where someone has to clean the mess, Ford has to be one sided now and save lke we have never saved before. When things are a bit balanced then yes he has to change his game plan, Like I said before he isnt the best for the job but hes the ONLY one to date that has the balls to try and control the spending spree at city hall and for that he has my vote and respect.

Not sure what mess you're talking about, other than the one he's creating.

The 2013 budget isn't balanced, for the first time ever (despite being required by law). TTC subsidy has decreased while ridership and fares continue to increase. Taxes are increasing. Services are being cut. We are continuing to dip into the reserve fund to balance the budget even though a plan was in place before Ford Nation came barreling into town, that would have eliminated our dependance on it.

And that's just the finances (ignoring the cost of all the legal action he's brought on himself).

As is obvious by now, the guy is a loose cannon. Can you imagine if a major event like SARS were to hit the city and Rob was interviewed by CNN? He'd make Mel Lastman look like a seasoned and rational diplomat!

If you only look at the cuts it's great. Just ignore the fact that he's not helping the bottom line, that he's only crippling the city.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Fairly sure Rob Ford wouldn't call in the Army after five inches of snowfall in D/T Toronto. :)
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The staff recommended 2013 operating budget of $9.4 billion is balanced, pending the Police Board's decision to fulfil a corporate-wide budget directive to meet a 0% increase in its operating budget. With current assumptions of a 0% increase in the Police budget, the staff recommended 2013 operating budget includes a modest property tax increase of 1.95% for residential properties and 0.65% for the multi-residential property class and commercial/industrial businesses, and eliminates the use of surplus funds from $102 million to $0. The proposed budget also includes the approved 5-cent fare increase for the TTC.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Fairly sure Rob Ford wouldn't call in the Army after five inches of snowfall in D/T Toronto. :)

He would just call them in to take care of the roads leading to his family business and make sure the kids got to and from Football practice.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He now cancel the Mayor's levee. I don't see the point in the event nor would I ever go, but this is something every mayor does and is part of the roles of the Mayor's Office. Once again bad advice from his staff or pure arrogance.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He now cancel the Mayor's levee. I don't see the point in the event nor would I ever go, but this is something every mayor does and is part of the roles of the Mayor's Office. Once again bad advice from his staff or pure arrogance.

The claim is that they are looking into a more "family friendly" event.

*EDIT* Now it's back on, apparently.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The radio said that he went on vacation?

At risk of getting the boot, and he choses to go on vacation for one week? When he comes back from his week-long vacation, it will be time for the Xmas vacation at City Hall, isn't it?

Any regular, average guy *whose job is on the line* would NOT take time off... but he's something else!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The radio said that he went on vacation?

At risk of getting the boot, and he choses to go on vacation for one week? When he comes back from his week-long vacation, it will be time for the Xmas vacation at City Hall, isn't it?

Any regular, average guy *whose job is on the line* would NOT take time off... but he's something else!

Whatev. The guy causes REAL problems, and this is not one of them.

That's one of the things I hate about the activist left; taking jabs at every opportunity instead of picking the important fights.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The haters can start hating him again, cause he's still on the job like he should be.
After hearing the specific details about what he was being accused of, i laughed even more.
I thought he had used city funds for his football team, when in fact all he did was use city letterhead while raising money for the kids.
Are you friggin kidding me?
That's what all the square idiots wasted time and money over? For completely minor stupidities?
I bet it cost 10x as much to try to pick on him and get him fired.
Only in Ontario...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Paul Madger felt entitled.

well...he just might be entitled to pay a chunk of Ford's legal bills
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

They are complaining that his apology is not genuine & they say he might do it again, pfffff.

These guys are like high school bullies picking on the fat kid. Pardon the pun

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

And the guy with Purple T-shirt wearing his diaper sobs on Adam Vaughan's shoulder, or is it the other way around?

I vote for Rob again and again and again....

Anyone going down to Maple Leaf Gardens to see what sack of **** is elected to run our Have Not Province?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

They are complaining that his apology is not genuine & they say he might do it again, pfffff.

These guys are like high school bullies picking on the fat kid. Pardon the pun

Sent from my tablet using my paws

Unfortunately this verdict does absolutely nothing to curtail Ford's disdain for the rules which apparently everyone else, except him, must follow.

This applies to anyone on City Council, regardless of political affiliation. The rulz is the rulz.

And what's with Mammoliti? Didn't he learn from Ford getting sued for slander?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Unfortunately this verdict does absolutely nothing to curtail Ford's disdain for the rules which apparently everyone else, except him, must follow.

This applies to anyone on City Council, regardless of political affiliation. The rulz is the rulz.

And what's with Mammoliti? Didn't he learn from Ford getting sued for slander?

LoL, all he did was use the city's letterhead. Nobody got hurt.... well, except those guy's feelings.
I saw a cop didn't make a full stop at an intersection, does that bother you too??
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The haters can start hating him again, cause he's still on the job like he should be.
After hearing the specific details about what he was being accused of, i laughed even more.
I thought he had used city funds for his football team, when in fact all he did was use city letterhead while raising money for the kids.
Are you friggin kidding me?
That's what all the square idiots wasted time and money over? For completely minor stupidities?
I bet it cost 10x as much to try to pick on him and get him fired.
Only in Ontario...

Funny how things snowball when self-righteous, prickly people try to serve their own agenda at the expense of everyone else, right?

Wait, am I talking about the mayor or the lefties? I don't know anymore.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So we are becoming like the US. Left and Right. Are we this stupid and arrogant to see this kinda talk is not in anyone's best interest.
Instead of complaining about Ford, the other camps should find some qualified people to run against him.
IMO Torontonians are lazy and uninvolved. They prefer to accept someone they can tell if lying to them vs. someone trying to make a go at it.
It seems Politics is where we keep staying inside the box yet expecting different results.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So we are becoming like the US. Left and Right. Are we this stupid and arrogant to see this kinda talk is not in anyone's best interest.
Instead of complaining about Ford, the other camps should find some qualified people to run against him.
IMO Torontonians are lazy and uninvolved. They prefer to accept someone they can tell if lying to them vs. someone trying to make a go at it.
It seems Politics is where we keep staying inside the box yet expecting different results.

This is a mentality that will not go away.

Right vs left forever lol
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I bet it cost 10x as much to try to pick on him and get him fired.
Only in Ontario...

You gotta knock off the only in Ontario shtick, we only have one Mayor to send to jail, Quebec has several complete thieves in city politics, and allegedly in the construction business.
Glass houses and all that....
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well....How about that.
Phew. Welcome back Robby.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

LoL, all he did was use the city's letterhead. Nobody got hurt.... well, except those guy's feelings.
I saw a cop didn't make a full stop at an intersection, does that bother you too??

Like so many others who automatically took Ford's side, you missed the point. What he did was take part in a debate and vote on an issue that he had pecuniary interest in. THAT was where he ran afoul of the rules. Ford doesn't follow the rules. Not while acting in a civic capacity, nor while driving, and all that happens is people (police chief and courts) bloody enable him.

And yes, it bothers me when police don't follow the laws that they should be enforcing. Did you know that they are required to stop at stoplights and make sure that the way is clear to proceed, even when they have their lights and sirens on?
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