wsj takes trump to task

Both valid points... but what has he been trying to do for the better part of a year? Oh yeah...

Don't forget the trigger point for them all to finally come forward was his secret recordings from last week. The issue became front and center at that point, likely prompting them to come out of the woodwork with some feeling of protection given the nature of the situation.
Don't forget the trigger point for them all to finally come forward was his secret recordings from last week. The issue became front and center at that point, likely prompting them to come out of the woodwork with some feeling of protection given the nature of the situation.

2005... Only adds to the marginalization given that timeline. Not saying it's right, nor just; but it is.... questionable.
So now that the all-important question following sexual assault allegations, "why now?", is out there, I guess there's no space left to inquire whether it's a good idea or a bad idea for the US to elect a probable sexual predator. Putting aside all the other valuable attributes he may bring to the office of President, of course.
2005... Only adds to the marginalization given that timeline. Not saying it's right, nor just; but it is.... questionable.

When the likely outcome, had they come out in 2005 would have been being sued into financial ruin, a likely public attitude that they were gold digging, and perhaps followed up by a Gomeshi like court case where eventually Trump would walk away from it all....I can see how a lot of them decided just saying nothing was preferable.
When the likely outcome, had they come out in 2005 would have been being sued into financial ruin, a likely public attitude that they were gold digging, and perhaps followed up by a Gomeshi like court case where eventually Trump would walk away from it all....I can see how a lot of them decided just saying nothing was preferable.

Spin it however you like; that's the progressive thing to do.

Point still stands. If it was about ensuring this guy never became president, this could and should have been done early in his race. The fact that it wasn't had the inevitable outcome... Allegations of politically driven agenda, which at this point, this far into the process, it is.

Result? Marginalized... not saying it's right; just saying it is.

I'm 1000% behind women standing up and saying enough, I just can't understand why so many shoot their own cause in the foot. Like when a legit victim of some superstar athlete takes the money. The message and legitimate is diminished in the eyes of many; particularly those with the resources to buy/influence, thus the behavior continues. The timing is **** for many many reasons, unless your a democrat of course.
So now that the all-important question following sexual assault allegations, "why now?", is out there, I guess there's no space left to inquire whether it's a good idea or a bad idea for the US to elect a probable sexual predator. Putting aside all the other valuable attributes he may bring to the office of President, of course.

Of course it's a terrible idea. Do you still support WJC? Would you vote for Hillary knowing she has benifited a great deal from her marriage to a man cut from the same sexually abusive cloth?


Do you know who Jeffrey Epstein is? You should look into that.
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Vice versa, spin goes both ways.

It's more a feeling of being troubled by this being used for political gain. Again, done during the primaries, it would be about the issue, done now, it's about winning the election. That's sad.
When the likely outcome, had they come out in 2005 would have been being sued into financial ruin, a likely public attitude that they were gold digging, and perhaps followed up by a Gomeshi like court case where eventually Trump would walk away from it all....I can see how a lot of them decided just saying nothing was preferable.

You bring up Gomeshi as if he's a guilty man, when his accusers were flat out conspiring against him and got busted on their BS and lies. Just goes to show what a smear campaign of false sexual harassment accusations really does to a man... Gomeshi is ruined, despite the "women" (I wanna use a harsher term) being proven liars.
You bring up Gomeshi as if he's a guilty man, when his accusers were flat out conspiring against him and got busted on their BS and lies. Just goes to show what a smear campaign of false sexual harassment accusations really does to a man... Gomeshi is ruined, despite the "women" (I wanna use a harsher term) being proven liars.
pls don't hesitate & enlighten the masses ??????????????
It's more a feeling of being troubled by this being used for political gain. Again, done during the primaries, it would be about the issue, done now, it's about winning the election. That's sad.
It was perfectly clear before this latest news broke that the GOP had elected a thin-skinned, reactionary, entitled, ignorant egomaniac to lead its efforts to reclaim the White House. To imagine that that would end well at any time before, during, or after the election is what's sad.
It was perfectly clear before this latest news broke that the GOP had elected a thin-skinned, reactionary, entitled, ignorant egomaniac to lead its efforts to reclaim the White House. To imagine that that would end well at any time before, during, or after the election is what's sad.

I agree, but sad in equal parts non the less.
It was perfectly clear before this latest news broke that the GOP had elected a thin-skinned, reactionary, entitled, ignorant egomaniac to lead its efforts to reclaim the White House. To imagine that that would end well at any time before, during, or after the election is what's sad.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

The GOP is now reaping what they have sown....and it's gone even more off the rails then I think even they could ever have possibly anticipated.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

The GOP is now reaping what they have sown....and it's gone even more off the rails then I think even they could ever have possibly anticipated.

Really? I gotta start paying more attention. I thought everybody who was anybody in the GOP did everything to derail Dt's nomination? He got nominated by protest vote by everybody else on account of status quo being snafu.
I thought everybody who was anybody in the GOP did everything to derail Dt's nomination?

Sure, lots did...but ultimately at the GOP convention, they majority of the delegates voted him in. There was an option to maneuver and deny him the nomination...they ultimately didn't take it.

There's an argument to be made that by things going the way they did the delegates were simply respecting the vote of the people in the primaries who got him to the point where he could have actually won, but they HAD an option to stop that train when they realized (early on) that it was a disaster in the making...and again, ultimately, for fear of voter backlash and possible destruction of the party as a result... they didn't take it.

That doesn't seem to have worked out so well for them now since the party is well on it's way to self destruction now regardless.
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