wsj takes trump to task

what a pleasure that lame as it gets cnn coverage wasn't the only game in town,

i liked the abc Stephanopoulos show

Well, lets start a tally of all the batshit crazy promises he made that quietly go away now, or that he tries to do but gets stonewalled because..well, they're batshit crazy and/or simply not realistic. I think his own party is going to stand in his way with a lot of it.

I think the **** is going to hit the fan when markets open today, and if he starts a trade war that ends up blowing up in his face it's going to take a long long time to undo the damage.

There's no choice now except to hope for the best, but for anyone who actually looked behind the rhetoric of the race and spent any time looking at his policies (or lack thereof in many cases), well, it's hard to not question the path ahead.

It's gonna be an interesting next 4 years.

Spoken like a politician.

Haha... indeed

I do however agree that much of the rhetoric was just that, and it did the job. He can and likely will back away from things like Roe v Wade, and even deportation forces, but you will see a stop to refugee intake and you will see boarder crackdown to the south. There will be no wall, but it may seem like one with a likely exponential increase in boarder patrol funding.

What will happen is a marked shift right in the judicial branch, with 3-4 justices near retirement in the supreme court, and the appointments he makes may have a decades long effect.

It's been an entertaining 24 hrs; CBC was great.. Can't remember the name of the lady, but she went on a diatribe about how the Media won this election for Trump because they covered him too much lol.. And another on RT, who no matter what the other panelist said, went straight to "this is rampant misogyny", and "America doesn't want a women President".. Nothing else was even possible in her mind. Even the assertion that the uneducated, racist and sexist white males came out in droves and won this election on their own, well in part true due to their support for him, ask yourself, when has that segment supported anything but the right? ...Trailer parks alone don't win the Presidency and there were a lot of unexpected Trump votes from all walks of life.

Anyway, the elitist left SJW's are literally descending into hysteria and just can't seem to stop opening their mouths before thinking about what they should say... Maybe Trump actually is the President for all haha
keep fantasizing

There will be no wall, but it may seem like one with a likely exponential increase in boarder patrol funding.

so much for one of the main lame repeated points that came to roost

hey man, dude's

reminds me of loser harper & his trudeau "nice hair" logic

can't wait to see what obama has to say next, legacy? from 10 to 20 trilion over 8 years

apparently, they think tweeting in the wee hours is totally beyond the norm?!?! ..gimme a break & talk about la la land

yup, thataway to win an election, NOT

lame arguments or main points = lame results..

a basket of deplorables indeed! lol
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I don't think he can just forget most of the, not-so-realistic, promises/things. Remember, the people who got him in will not just roll-over, like most of democrats/liberal voters these days (just look up here ... Libs pound us with non-sense policy after non-sense policy, which was not exactly yelled to the voters, and nothing happens). Vast majority of his supporters love guns, pickup trucks, and don't mind to ruffle few feathers with minority groups etc. .... in another words, I can see how they would turn on him if he just backs down ... he simply cannot, and that's why it will be fascinating to watch, how will this played out. I hope if he starts selling a different medicine, his masses should absolutely let him know ... since in Trump they believe.

While, I also do not like him as a presidential candidate, I appreciate the message and principle it sends to old fashioned trough politicians .... people, if presented with candidate they don't mind, can take the establishment down. Hopefully it can be repeated next time, just with much more acceptable candidate for me personally.
I don't think he can just forget most of the, not-so-realistic, promises/things. Remember, the people who got him in will not just roll-over, like most of democrats/liberal voters these days (just look up here ... Libs pound us with non-sense policy after non-sense policy, which was not exactly yelled to the voters, and nothing happens). Vast majority of his supporters love guns, pickup trucks, and don't mind to ruffle few feathers with minority groups etc. .... in another words, I can see how they would turn on him if he just backs down ... he simply cannot, and that's why it will be fascinating to watch, how will this played out. I hope if he starts selling a different medicine, his masses should absolutely let him know ... since in Trump they believe.

While, I also do not like him as a presidential candidate, I appreciate the message and principle it sends to old fashioned trough politicians .... people, if presented with candidate they don't mind, can take the establishment down. Hopefully it can be repeated next time, just with much more acceptable candidate for me personally.

All he needs to do is quietly back away from the unrealistic and make gains in the areas that are actually attainable, like reworking or eliminating NAFTA and honestly, an immediate ban/moratorium on refugee intake will buy him a year minimum with his supporters straight away. The other factor which could work out well for him I mentioned earlier; with the possibility of stacking the supreme court in the rights favour, we could see reversals of liberal decisions, whilst Trump hardly lifts a finger... Combine this with a House and Senate lockout..

Another interesting possibility; Obama made waves in his second term with his use of executive orders to side step congress on key and controversial issues (gun control and immigration particularly iirc) and detractors warned the many who defended these actions as just, they should remember "Obama will not be the last POTUS". If Trump goes the same route to circumvent congressional opposition, will those same pundants continue to defend the President's article 2 right with such zeal? I doubt it.
A lot of the crazies who actually believed he was going to do every single little thing he promised, including the deportation forces, the wall etc will try to hold him to it for a year or so, however when (likely in the second half of his term when reelection starts to pop up on everyone's minds again) it starts to become obvious that he's really not going to accomplish any of that batshit crazy stuff..they'll conveniently forget and forgive.

The only thing that has potential to bring him down and have the very people that supported him at the very core turn on him is for the blue-collar economy to get even worse. If four years from now all of those jobs he promised simply didn't materialize, all those people who were assured they were going to be put back to work in great paying jobs..,are still working at 7-Eleven, that sort of thing – that's what will hurt him.

There will still be a core group of supporters for whom he can do no wrong even if the USA was a glowing crater thanks to a nuclear war or unemployment went up to 20-30%....but there's no helping those sorts.
A lot of the crazies who actually believed he was going to do every single little thing he promised, including the deportation forces, the wall etc will try to hold him to it for a year or so, however when (likely in the second half of his term when reelection starts to pop up on everyone's minds again) it starts to become obvious that he's really not going to accomplish any of that batshit crazy stuff..they'll conveniently forget and forgive.

The only thing that has potential to bring him down and have the very people that supported him at the very core turn on him is for the blue-collar economy to get even worse. If four years from now all of those jobs he promised simply didn't materialize, all those people who were assured they were going to be put back to work in great paying jobs..,are still working at 7-Eleven, that sort of thing – that's what will hurt him.

There will still be a core group of supporters for whom he can do no wrong even if the USA was a glowing crater thanks to a nuclear war or unemployment went up to 20-30%....but there's no helping those sorts.

A lot of black people thought Obama would make meaningful change for them in his Presidency. Do you think they would have turned their backs on him had they had the opportunity to vote for him again. All you need is the illusion, particularly with the special interest groups you reference. The question will be, can he do the less radical things that may have swung many more moderate voters in his favour, like bring back jobs (as you mentioned) and "drain the swamp" that is DC... His chances at a second term will hinge on keeping the swing states like Pennsylvania, which are not the hillbilly havens everyone is so quick to attribute his win to.
There will be lots of Americans that stepped behind the magic curtain and cast a vote to "send a message" to Camp Hillary. And a lot that would never admit to liking what the Donald said, but went that way. Not unlike when the NDP got Ontario. Now come the real challenge for US and Canadian business groups to keep trade deals on the tables and a market for 70% of our exports (and lets be real, they like our 30% discount dollar). He'll spend the first year just figuring out who does what in Washington, and trying to not get the boot at a G20 meeting.
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