I got to stop posting here so I am out.
Anyone wanna do a drinking game? Every time ZXSJW says he's leaving?
I got to stop posting here so I am out.
It is damn sad to be honest, everyone is an expert on their own views regardless of facts or anyone's elses point of view.
Like this stupid argument I am having above, I am not offended personally by the bad hombre comment, but I can understand why many latin americans are, is to do with context, the messenger and the tone of it, but these guys with no insight on the culture pretend to know what should or should not be..... just unbelievable.
I got to stop posting here so I am out.
Not sure if this was posted yet - I'm just going to leave this here.
I'm not concerned about us conflict with Russia if Hillary wins. It will just be sabre rattling of the Cold War. If trump wins then I expect Russia to walk into territories like the Ukraine unopposed by trump.
Anyone wanna do a drinking game? Every time ZXSJW says he's leaving?
What has he done to earn forgiveness? On the contrary, he's given many reasons to believe he's just as racist and sexist as ever.@fastar1... See what it takes to obtain a label these days.. This is my point on Trump. As for Sen Byrd, yeah he may have atoned for his previous beliefs, not arguing that; merely how it's a forgiveness Trump apparently isn't afforded.
What has he done to earn forgiveness? On the contrary, he's given many reasons to believe he's just as racist and sexist as ever.
At least somebodies talking an actual, factual, issue around here. Something to look into.
For those of us without a legal degree
Hillary gets diplomats killed. But Trump needs to seek forgiveness for 'mean words' LOL
Well, it's not like over time he would not have a body count attached to his name if commander-in-chief .... it goes against the grain of US international policies, regardless who is in the oval office.
Otherwise great guy ...
Terms like "hombres" are arguably not "racist" directly so, but most certainly serve as a dog whistle for a percentage of his followers who most certainly are over the top racists.
He knows his audience, no question there.
Maybe not. The Donald doesn't seem to fit in with the establishment at all. With Hillary it's a GUARANTEE, more of the same BS foreign policy and hostility.
Aside from everything he's said and done in the last 6-9 months showing what a huge douchefriggate he is, yeah, great guy.
Elitism and generalizations
Clinton's remarks, like Obama's in 2008, smacked of liberal elitism — liberals talking to liberals about a group of people they don't really know or hang out with, but feel free to opine about when talking to each other.
It's always problematic to speak in generalizations, something liberals would be the first ones to point out. At the point in which you hear yourself saying that you might begin talking in "grossly generalistic terms," it's probably best to re-think what's coming next. That's especially true when you don't have data to back up your point.
The biggest problem in Clinton's statement is that she said "half" of Trump supporters are racists, xenophobes and otherwise bigots. Half means equal or near-equal parts. There's no data to support such a specific number.
Pardon me for repeating myself, but you're repeating your irrational line of argument so you're not leaving me much choice.The spurious commentary continues. So you think using the word hombre makes him a racist? What about the sexism? You never bothered to reference actual current comments yourself, instead choosing to proclaim because his detractors say it's so... Funny that doesn't work for you when it's HC who's the target..
Again, they're both **** in their own ways; just pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. How the Demo's can get behind HC after everything that we've learned about the Primaries and the corruption of the DNC. Insane.