wsj takes trump to task

Btw- Why all that money and time wasted trying to convict Mike Duffy only to have the charges dropped???
Either they are too inept and just file charges and launch investigations OR ...

The saying in my business is "chaos is cash". Big pool of public money needs spending. How many times has the public been victimized by expensive scandal then re-victimized by expensive criminal investigations, trials, inquiries, commissions and what not? It's a make work program a lot of the time.
cnn election coverage is as lame as it gets

as far as trump fans go, they associate the media in general, akin to nazi type propaganda

looks like trump is in, to hell with it all, i'm doing my thing, without restraints mode

overall, an out with the old in with the new battle theme going on here, with lotsa old garbage in this one that excel with noise
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the hillary machine blaming their email woes on the russians is also beyond lame
Thank Goodness Trump is done, this time for real.
And you dare ask how we end up with the people we have.
You wasted everyone's time and made fun of our system for your personal fun.

You could have held a 'bake sale' to raise money.

Your antics undermined the value of politics and the ACTUAL impact to people's lives.

You clearly had no intentions of leading your electorate. People trusted you and voted for you (the ones that was not in on your game) only to be let down.
Those votes including your friends could have went to another candidate that was actually trying to make things better.

WOW! Give your head a shake.

***-D- presumes he read/comprehend the post properly***

Dude. Give your head a shake. Taking a few hundred votes from already disenfranchised voters undermined the entire Canadian political system? You honestly believe that he mislead people with his manifesto to heat up Canada's Arctic to turn it into a tropical playground and people actually trusted him that he was going to do it?

Come on, I just can't take you seriously, reminds me of the Monty Python sketch... "Is this the right room for an argument?" Are you really serious?

I'll be very honest. I actually enjoyed the story. I personally think it was great, and its a great, great cause.

OP. I was a big brother in Vancouver for many years. It's a great organisation and they really help those youths without a father/mother figure or mentor in their lives. The ones that are most in danger of slipping between the cracks. You know, the ones that our elected officials should be helping. If any of that cash went to keep a kid from ending up on the wrong side of the law.... Well done!!!
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Dude. Give your head a shake. Taking a few hundred votes from already disenfranchised voters undermined the entire Canadian political system? You honestly believe that he mislead people with his manifesto to heat up Canada's Arctic to turn it into a tropical playground and people actually trusted him that he was going to do it?

Come on, I just can't take you seriously, reminds me of the Monty Python sketch... "Is this the right room for an argument?" Are you really serious?

I'll be very honest. I actually enjoyed the story. I personally think it was great, and its a great, great cause.

OP. I was a big brother in Vancouver for many years. It's a great organisation and they really help those youths without a father/mother figure or mentor in their lives. The ones that are most in danger of slipping between the cracks. You know, the ones that our elected officials should be helping. If any of that cash went to keep a kid from ending up on the wrong side of the law.... Well done!!!

pls keep monty out of serious debates lol i may then burst out laughing prematurely...
Dude. Give your head a shake. Taking a few hundred votes from already disenfranchised voters undermined the entire Canadian political system? You honestly believe that he mislead people with his manifesto to heat up Canada's Arctic to turn it into a tropical playground and people actually trusted him that he was going to do it?

Come on, I just can't take you seriously, reminds me of the Monty Python sketch... "Is this the right room for an argument?" Are you really serious?

I'll be very honest. I actually enjoyed the story. I personally think it was great, and its a great, great cause.

OP. I was a big brother in Vancouver for many years. It's a great organisation and they really help those youths without a father/mother figure or mentor in their lives. The ones that are most in danger of slipping between the cracks. You know, the ones that our elected officials should be helping. If any of that cash went to keep a kid from ending up on the wrong side of the law.... Well done!!!

uhm why don't you google a few elections in the GTA in the last 10 years and I think you will find that some ppl won/lost by a few votes.
The main point is you support ppl using our right to vote for their personal clowning...stupid dead soldiers...what were they thinking.
The sexual assault allegation trigger has been pulled, as expected... same as its been used against a number of other famous/powerful men at pivotal times in their lives/careers. Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger immediately pop into mind. It's such an awkward thing. You'd think these women would've come forward far earlier - especially in Trump's case, a guy who has always been in the spotlight and always been rich. I suppose each individual "assault" wasn't a big deal to the "victims" until now? It took exactly X number of years and this pivotal moment for these scorned women to come forward.. and they'll disappear into obscurity right around November 9th.
The sexual assault allegation trigger has been pulled, as expected... same as its been used against a number of other famous/powerful men at pivotal times in their lives/careers. Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger immediately pop into mind. It's such an awkward thing. You'd think these women would've come forward far earlier - especially in Trump's case, a guy who has always been in the spotlight and always been rich. I suppose each individual "assault" wasn't a big deal to the "victims" until now? It took exactly X number of years and this pivotal moment for these scorned women to come forward.. and they'll disappear into obscurity right around November 9th.

Where were they in the primaries when the GOP could have turned to someone else in their bid to regain the Presidency? I often hear/read about the 'attempts to denigrate the claims of abused women'. In this case, I would argue they're doing it themselves. FTR this is no defense of Trump; if true, the matter should be pursued.. Maybe he can ask WJC for some pointers; he seems to have come out the other end rather unscathed
People might be willing to let a douche be for the sake of not dealing with lawyers cops etc, letting a douche become president is a harder pill to swallow
I thought for sure it would be smooth sailing for Donald Trump. Need to bone up on intercontinental politics I reckon. And what's the deal with this Hilary gal? This election cycle seems different.
looks like 'loose lips sink ships' has come to roost,

it started with such supreme confidence that

~ "i can shoot someone & get away with it"

then near the end of an election cycle BAM

loose lips from ~ 10 years ago then surface,

next thing you know, that has become an end
less loop, all that matters cnn feeding frenzy


no way this will all end with an election result,

it's like a stunters swarmers election process
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The sexual assault allegation trigger has been pulled, as expected... same as its been used against a number of other famous/powerful men at pivotal times in their lives/careers. Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger immediately pop into mind. It's such an awkward thing. You'd think these women would've come forward far earlier - especially in Trump's case, a guy who has always been in the spotlight and always been rich. I suppose each individual "assault" wasn't a big deal to the "victims" until now? It took exactly X number of years and this pivotal moment for these scorned women to come forward.. and they'll disappear into obscurity right around November 9th.

FWIW we had Gomeshi but if you understood the difficulty of getting a conviction in a "He said, she said" trial and the cost to the victim you might understand why most women don't pursue legal action when they can just "get over it". When the entire country is going to be ruled by DT it's a different rage.
You'd think these women would've come forward far earlier - especially in Trump's case, a guy who has always been in the spotlight and always been rich. I suppose each individual "assault" wasn't a big deal to the "victims" until now? It took exactly X number of years and this pivotal moment for these scorned women to come forward.

Are you suggesting he's innocent? Lets refresh ourselves on those recordings, shall we?

Donald Trump said:
I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,
You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.And when you’re a star, they let you do it, You can do anything, Grab them by the pussy, You can do anything.

No, that doesn't sound like anyone who's ever actually done exactly what he's bragging about.

If you actually read some of the stories of those making the claims the reasons for not report it long ago are many, and legitimate....the common demoniator (to list but one) being that Trump considers lawsuits just another thing on his daily to do list as a method of shutting people up. Look at the one he threatened the New York Times with recently as a great example - difference is...they have some high priced lawyers to fight back.

Now that there's an election involved and the optics of suing these ladies into oblivion is not very good, a few of them are feeling protected enough to actually come forth. Don't be surprised to see him sue the living crap out of all of them once the election is over, however, assuming (as seems evident and likely now) he looses. He will be a vengeful hateful person even moreso and will be looking for all sorts of people for whom he can place the blame on and get vengeance at.

None of this is his fault, remember.
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People might be willing to let a ****** be for the sake of not dealing with lawyers cops etc, letting a ****** become president is a harder pill to swallow

FWIW we had Gomeshi but if you understood the difficulty of getting a conviction in a "He said, she said" trial and the cost to the victim you might understand why most women don't pursue legal action when they can just "get over it". When the entire country is going to be ruled by DT it's a different rage.

Both valid points... but what has he been trying to do for the better part of a year? Oh yeah...

Like I said, they are unfortunately marginalizing their claims given the last minute timing. Seriously, how can you objectively look at the when and not raise an eyebrow; regardless of the who and how.
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