wsj takes trump to task

I agree, but sad in equal parts non the less.
I consider the timing of the realease of the damning video to be merciful. If it had been released during the primaries, we may never have known the true depth of depravity that GOP electors are capable of, and if it had been released after a Trump win it would harm more than just him. And if it had never been released, something else would have come along to finally unveil the true ugly face of The Donald, potentially doing even more harm than a sex abuse scandal could do.
I consider the timing of the realease of the damning video to be merciful. If it had been released during the primaries, we may never have known the true depth of depravity that GOP electors are capable of, and if it had been released after a Trump win it would harm more than just him. And if it had never been released, something else would have come along to finally unveil the true ugly face of The Donald, potentially doing even more harm than a sex abuse scandal could do.

Wow, Colour blind? Looked into J. Epstein yet? *Hint Hint* Billy and Trump sitting on jet, gonna fly to an island and see how much....

.. I leave it to your imagination.
Sure, lots did...but ultimately at the GOP convention, they majority of the delegates voted him in. There was an option to maneuver and deny him the nomination...they ultimately didn't take it.

What would China do?

lol... nevermind.
It was perfectly clear before this latest news broke that the GOP had elected a thin-skinned, reactionary, entitled, ignorant egomaniac to lead its efforts to reclaim the White House. To imagine that that would end well at any time before, during, or after the election is what's sad.

hmm, alliteration??
Really? I gotta start paying more attention. I thought everybody who was anybody in the GOP did everything to derail Dt's nomination? He got nominated by protest vote by everybody else on account of status quo being snafu.
The GOP isn't only made up of its executives, the electorate are also GOPers.

Even so, the executives and leading voices of thep party could have refused to let Trump run as a Republican early on, but they didn't have the backbone because they didn't want to alienate the crazies who form a significant portion of his support. They could have kicked him out at any later time during the primaries for several reasons. They could have denounced the stupid things he was saying, more could have refused to endorse him earlier.

If Trump was mostly elected due to protest votes then he's served his purpose and can be disposed of now. Based on what Trump has done to the GOP already, it'll be an entirely different party if it still exists in four years.
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Wow, Colour blind? Looked into J. Epstein yet? *Hint Hint* Billy and Trump sitting on jet, gonna fly to an island and see how much....

.. I leave it to your imagination.
No. I've been on too many wild goose chases on GTAM before. If there's an argument to be presented, you're free to present it here yourself.
Don't forget the trigger point for them all to finally come forward was his secret recordings from last week. The issue became front and center at that point, likely prompting them to come out of the woodwork with some feeling of protection given the nature of the situation.

No, I think the trigger point was during the 2nd debate when he denied ever sexually assaulting a woman.
No. I've been on too many wild goose chases on GTAM before. If there's an argument to be presented, you're free to present it here yourself.

It's an interesting phenomena, this willful ignorance one side is willing to engage in, simply for a pure, unabated hate of Trump.

I'm not going to hold your hand, it's a simple google search and small read of any single one of the articles that search returns. The fact that you refuse shows it's more about your politics than any of the issues you raise.
No, I think the trigger point was during the 2nd debate when he denied ever sexually assaulting a woman.
Yes, but he was only forced to deny it because the video was leaked. That was the trigger for this whole set of revelations.
Just got finished arguing with someone who was very upset that Obama had repealed the Pledge of Allegiance.
Anyway, she's agreed to ask her kids who say it at school.
Why or who would admit to that, especially on national tv?

Well let's see what happens now.

Considering the other things he has said over the last year it would be refreshing to hear something that could be believed. A contrite admission is something that he could build on. A man humbling himself in front of God does wonders for the evangelicals. A little soft organ music in the background wouldn't hurt and Hallelujah, I am redeemed.

I am nauseatingly cynical today.
Considering the other things he has said over the last year it would be refreshing to hear something that could be believed. A contrite admission is something that he could build on. A man humbling himself in front of God does wonders for the evangelicals. A little soft organ music in the background wouldn't hurt and Hallelujah, I am redeemed.

Worked for WJC; one needs only read through this thread to see the bleeding hearts have all but forgotten his misdeeds
Originally Posted by nobbie48

Considering the other things he has said over the last year it would be refreshing to hear something that could be believed. A contrite admission is something that he could build on. A man humbling himself in front of God does wonders for the evangelicals. A little soft organ music in the background wouldn't hurt and Hallelujah, I am redeemed.

one of his gal mouthpieces already alluded to trump finding his personal savior jc etc

next, it may be sex addiction lol
Considering the other things he has said over the last year it would be refreshing to hear something that could be believed. A contrite admission is something that he could build on. A man humbling himself in front of God does wonders for the evangelicals. A little soft organ music in the background wouldn't hurt and Hallelujah, I am redeemed.

I am nauseatingly cynical today.

sound great but
face being charged
face civil lawsuits

(not that much different than Bill Cosby's path)
trump takes on "CORRUPT MEDIA" talk about loooong overdue words

I'd like someone to explain to me when, in a (for all intents and purposes) capitalist economy like the US, where "media" outlets are for-profit companies run, for the most-part, by public corporations with investors etc, there is any expectation that said media will be politically unbiased.

Is Limbaugh unbiased? Fox News and guys like Hannity and O'Reilly? Breitbart? Drudge? Newsmax? WorldNetDaily? Coulter?

Or are conservatives like Trump just angry that the total, net apparent bias seems to lean away from them?
He didn't complain that media is biased, but that they're corrupt. Which means they accept money in exchange for compromising their values.

I don't know that there's a whole lot of examples of media corruption to support his claim though. The only such example I can think of is the one when Fox pulled reporters from a story linking Monsanto products to cancer: So there's certainly a case to be made for Fox corruption.

On the other side of the spectrum, public radio and TV are often critical of anybody in government even though that's who pay their bills. A great example is Amy Goodman who has given a hard time to:
- Senator Obama
- Speaker Gingrich (after which he stopped giving news conferences as Speaker)
- And this classic radio exchange with President Clinton which is a case study in how media are supposed to interview public officials, though he then cut her off from any future interviews.

Clearly no corruption of her values there, despite the cost to her professionally.
Just need to look past your political bias Fastar. They're all bias, and many corrupt. Left and right. I don't expect you to trouble yourself with watching this, but it's a great insight into the problems within the MSM, and more to the point, peoples misguided trust in their reporting. Someone will benefit I'm sure.

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