wsj takes trump to task

You're assuming that most of Trumps customers and clients are they Uber rich. Sure, some of his businesses cater to that segment of society, however when you look at many of his businesses they are office towers and real estate that people like you and me live in.

Assuming they were there for a love of trump in the first place. I suspect location, price and amenities where much higher on the list than the name on the roof; I also suspect that wont change. Then again, I'm not one for predictive hyperbole.... how about you?
Anything that doesn't go his way is "rigged". That's his modus operandi.
Thread tldr....but in reference to @PrivatePilot talking about the Trump brand being tarnished :
Fwiw, many years ago I picked up a couple of his books. After reading the first, I didn't bother with the second and gave them away. He imho is a complete idiot. He has no business ethics and tbh I think he was just lucky to be where he is. He is great for entertainment value, but scares the beejeezus outta me thinking that this guy could be president. The quote that stuck with me is " if someone screws you, you screw them back twice as hard".
I don’t like to live my life like that. How about dealing with people in a way that they don't screw you in the first place? Or maybe because the think Trump is a sucker? Bottom line: a guy with that attitude shouldn't have the power to push the button.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Hey look, footage from the third debate! (This is amusingly fitting, actually...)

kumbaya, the fix is in

wow, cnn ponders & mulls over the role of (..ahem, corrupt) media in the elections ..go figure
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Center for Public Integrity reports over 96% of personal donations made by media have gone to Clinton

Search Google for Project Veritas and ask yourself how people on the DNC payroll, caught on tape, admitting to paying individuals (even the mentally ill) to attend opposition rallies and incite violence, does not return a signal result from the MSM...

Google filters? An attempt to paint this as another "conspiracy theory"?

Alphabet INC has a lot of money into the democrat candidates, no? If you add Fox News, CNN, CBC, all of a sudden you start getting some results; predictably, attacking from the right, and explaining away as a "setup" from the left... But you have to ask, why, if searched alone on the main page, are you led to nothing but easily dismissed blog/tabloid page types?

Bing and Yahoo return similar with Yahoo returning the most relevant. In fact if you click on News results in both Bing and Google, you get a list that consists of Snopes, Heavydotcom, The nation, and Salon... all before anything like the Washington Post, Cnn, or NY Times.. lol
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apparently, suggesting the elections are rigged, is a supreme affront to american democracy, right (lots anyway ..geezers) or left, maan, must be all of mankind too..

no worries tho, hilarious has all the answers, just join that kumbaya

Donald Trump vs. America
He’s no longer running against Hillary Clinton. He’s running against our democracy itself.
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apparently, suggesting the elections are rigged, is a supreme affront to american democracy

Yet repeated and concerted efforts to influence the electoral process, within the DNC itself, on the wrong side of legal guidelines, garner little to no attention. Amazing. I can only imagine the firestorm that would engulf the GOP had a Project Varitas type scandal revealed they were paying right wing groups to go to DNC rallies and get in peoples faces. We'd probably be talking about how it nearly #BrokeTwitter
i musta gone thru a wormhole..,d.cGc

[TABLE="width: 360, align: left"]

The dishonesty in all this is simply stunning
This is why you can’t take the media’s coverage of any debate or of the campaign in general as reliable or authoritative. They will twist everything that happens to suit their preferred narrative, no matter what the facts are.
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Can't believe I missed this :p

Thread tldr....but in reference to @PrivatePilot talking about the Trump brand being tarnished :

Well, I called that...

Trump brand loses appeal among wealthy people

Residents at Donald Trump apartment building don’t want his brand on the front anymore

Trump, Name Now Awash in Controversy, Readies Scion as New Brand

Brands come and go, but damage to Trump’s reputation will last

You're presuming the uber rich have the same moral compass as the rest of us; I'm presuming you don't get that rich by being an all around decent human being. If doing business with trump means $$$ made, I bet "optics be damned" is the mantra. He'll be fine IMO

Perhaps not so much huh?

Besides the most glaring fact, that being, these are OPINION pieces, the conversation was what happens after the election was it not? Your quite honestly naive if you think once the spotlight shifts and K. West has said something ridiculous to draw the American people's attention, this is going to tarnish Trump long term. Just like WJC would never been seen the same again after cheating in the oval AND flat out lying about it.. then admitting it.. then being hit with god knows how many sexual assault scandals; yet here we are in 2016, and I don't even have to look past this thread to see he's just as revered now as he was before all that, as ludicrous as that is..

Edit; This one's hilarious

At least 81 residents of 220 Riverside Boulevard have signed a petition to rename the tower and remove its large gold “Trump Place” sign

This building has 441 units.. Hopefully the anti Trumpers get closer to a majority on election night
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Besides the most glaring fact, that being, these are OPINION pieces

There's lots of substance to several of the stories that makes them more than opinion. Foot traffic is down to Trump properties, their hotel rates are dropping in a direct effort to actually fill rooms while other local hotels in the same markets are sold out with rates more than double the Trump properties, and they're rebranding their new hotels to avoid the Trump name.

That's quite the spin you put on it though. Trump himself would be proud.

Face it, ~50% of the US population now dislike (or downright despise) him, including apparently a segment of the well heeled. A huge segment of the people that love him the most are also amongst those without anywhere near the sort of financial means to even dream of stepping into any of his properties.

To suggest that this won't effect his businesses negatively, well..I'm not sure it's me being naive here.
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