Trump is a social experiment. The actor inside the suit will peel off the silicon mask on the eve of the election to let you know what the outcome of the experiment was.
If he does play the "I didn't really want to be president anyways, surprise!" game at the end of all this I sure hope the American people are outraged about it.
I think he's done so much damage to his brand that he's going to feel financial repercussions regardless - face it, 50% of the American population think he's a loon and will no longer support him in any way, shape, or form - so his businesses will suffer. Of the remaining 40-50% (not all of whom think he's the second coming of Christ like some of his supporters do), how many will continue to support his business ventures? If he gets half of that group, he's down to 25% of the American population. And of that 25%, a huge portion is uneducated and financially they aren't staying in high end hotels, buying memberships in exclusive golf clubs, etc.
A lot of the wealthy people who were his bread and butter are likely going to distance themselves from him in the coming years because either they don't want to support him, or the optics of doing ANY business with him is plain bad. That's gonna hurt.
If the rumoured "Trump TV" does come to fruition, I questions it's longevity. Fox news is favored by the hard right, but it's it's own network. A hard right conspiracy whackjob oriented TV station might find issues getting carriage on any major networks or cable companies. If it costs extra, the whole "poor and uneducated" thing comes into play again - will people pay for it? And advertisers are unlikely to rush to it either.
Trump is going to lose, but if I were American I would not vote for Hilary. She is completely false.
If you look at the fact checking websites you'd see that Hillary is being truthful in her statements exponentially more often vs Trump, who seems to just shout out the first thing that comes to his mind even when it's patently false. It's amazing to watch him stand there on TV and say "I didn't say that!" or his other favorite, "False"...when a 5 second Google search turns up clip after clip of him saying exactly what he claims he didn't say.