Trump Guilty | Page 9 |

Trump Guilty

With a bull on their shirt...
I don’t know about that, but remember when they said to kill all the cows in Ireland because they fart and it’s effecting climate.

Who said that?
Other than water cooler fodder, politics has become a reality TV show where the players are paid in a similar manner. It might be even a little more transparent as political donations are known.

Opinions vary and anything posted only affirms the poster’s point of view. There is no enlightenment or consensus building.

I can substitute this thread for an oil thread and it would read the same way. 😂
Explain the Electoral College and gerrymandering. Take your time...
As in you want to know what they are/mean, or how they impact a democracy?

Both have pros and cons. Redistricting happens in most democracies, gerrymandering is when the exercise influences the outcomes of elections by concentrating or isolating voters -- it stands in the way of the USA being considered a full democracy.

Electoral College's role on elections is not an impediment to democracy. Canada's first past the post system has the same challenges.

And we are a full democracy.
As in you want to know what they are/mean, or how they impact a democracy?

Both have pros and cons. Redistricting happens in most democracies, gerrymandering is when the exercise influences the outcomes of elections by concentrating or isolating voters -- it stands in the way of the USA being considered a full democracy.

Electoral College's role on elections is not an impediment to democracy. Canada's first past the post system has the same challenges.

And we are a full democracy.
Definitely, the British parliamentary system on which Canada's government is based is a lot closer - not perfect but closer.
Gerrymandering is just plain wrong - period.
The electoral system places undue influence on certain states over others - this too is wrong.
Why can't the Excited States just have a popular vote for POTUS, or as we do here, base the job on who's party got the most seats ?
Because the system was designed over 250 years ago and they won't change. Their constitution is considered a holy document.
Definitely, the British parliamentary system on which Canada's government is based is a lot closer - not perfect but closer.
Gerrymandering is just plain wrong - period.
The electoral system places undue influence on certain states over others - this too is wrong.
Why can't the Excited States just have a popular vote for POTUS, or as we do here, base the job on who's party got the most seats ?
Because the system was designed over 250 years ago and they won't change. Their constitution is considered a holy document.
I'll agree gerrymandering is almost always done for political gain. It happens in Canada too, just less publicized because it's mostly done in a reverse form by not addressing redistricting unless it's politically disadvantageous - still Gerrymandering. Take PEI as an example, a Liberal stronghold with 4 federal seats for a population 154,000. If right sized PEI would still have a generous advantage but only 2 seats in house (-2 for Liberals). Alberta has 4 PC ridings with more than 154000 residents, if those 4 jumbo PC ridings were resized to the national average for large provinces, PC would gain 2 seats (and if they were sized like PEI - PC would gain 14 additional seats). Electoral reform has been a major platform promise from JT in every election - nothing has been done, redistricting in the obvious areas would hurt Liberals.

With respect to the electoral systems, both Canada and the USA have state/provincial and federal governments. In both countries, more populated states/provinces have electoral influence proportional to their populations - that's the closest to one man/one vote you're going to get in a multi level government.

As for popular vote, both Canada and the US have systems that weigh local and state interests into their federal votes (MPs in Canada, Congressmen and Senators in the USA). Canada's system is weaker when it comes to popular vote for the PM, In the last 2 Canadian federal elections, Conservatives won the popular vote, yet the Liberals collected 33% more seats in the legislature. The US is much closer - about 1/2 the disparity rate you see in Canada.
It could have been staged. No blood till he put his hand up to his ear. Any old school pro wrestler worth his salt could have coached him on a blood pack gag. I wouldn't put it past him.
It could have been staged. No blood till he put his hand up to his ear. Any old school pro wrestler worth his salt could have coached him on a blood pack gag. I wouldn't put it past him.
... and the dead guy on the roof? Are we saying the the secret service is now on Trumps side? They are complicit in this? They would have to be as they are the ones that would have had to allow that to happen.
... and the dead guy on the roof? Are we saying the the secret service is now on Trumps side? They are complicit in this? They would have to be as they are the ones that would have had to allow that to happen.

Did he die? No. Trump is a coward. He reminds me of Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone (Stephen King agrees). That whole fist pump shtick looked OTT and planned.

And you do remember that all the Secret Service agents phones were all wiped for "routine maintenance" right after Jan 6, right?
Did he die? No. Trump is a coward. He reminds me of Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone (Stephen King agrees). That whole fist pump shtick looked OTT and planned.

And you do remember that all the Secret Service agents phones were all wiped for "routine maintenance" right after Jan 6, right?
Yes and Hillary's phones were smashed for some reason as well to hide things. Great. Has nothing to do with today.

Ok, so is the story that no shots were fired or that the shooter missed intentionally? Because we do have a dead civilian here.


I was going to break it down, but suffice to say, this would have been a challenging shot to make.
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