Trump Guilty | Page 7 |

Trump Guilty

Oh this one’s an absolute doozy….google who he is married to!

This is surprising? He is from Tennessee. They're not even cousins.
Trump is now claiming to be a political prisoner. Uh, you're at home at Mar A Lardo. You can go down the street to Mickey D's and get a Happy Meal (supersized, of course) any time you please. You are NOT a prisoner. Not yet, anyway. Your sentencing is next month.
Orange man bad is locked.

Trump says democratic states are passing laws to allow murdering babies after birth. Obviously zero truth there. The man is a horrible human.

Orange man bad is locked.

Trump says democratic states are passing laws to allow murdering babies after birth. Obviously zero truth there. The man is a horrible human.

Horrible without a doubt. Yet he still has followers. So did Hitler.
The demented fool is on a retribution and revenge tour of the US. Highlights from the last week were the revelation that he was waving to no one outside a hotel trying to pretend there was a massive crowd, and a pile on by more than a few republicans not towing the MAGA line and starting to really understand what they hitched their horse to.
Looks like Biden Jr. got convicted today.

Sentencing guidelines suggest 15-20 months in the clink, no where close to the max 25 year prison term that could be imposed.

He might not be so lucky on the next trial he faces (tax evasion). If convicted in that one, he's gets sentenced as a convicted felon, so the penalty could be up to 5 years per charge.

If all goes well, he can help Trump navigate the prison shower system.
Looks like Biden Jr. got convicted today.

Sentencing guidelines suggest 15-20 months in the clink, no where close to the max 25 year prison term that could be imposed.

He might not be so lucky on the next trial he faces (tax evasion). If convicted in that one, he's gets sentenced as a convicted felon, so the penalty could be up to 5 years per charge.

If all goes well, he can help Trump navigate the prison shower system.
Does dad pardon him on the way out? One last save for the entitled rich kid?
I don't think dad pardons junior.
He’ll have to win the election first, the second trial won’t likely see sentencing before he leaves if he loses.

I was thing it might be a shrewd move for Trump to promise pardoning Hunter. I good show of principal by shouting down political persecution.
He’ll have to win the election first, the second trial won’t likely see sentencing before he leaves if he loses.

I was thing it might be a shrewd move for Trump to promise pardoning Hunter. I good show of principal by shouting down political persecution.
BLOTUS wouldn't pardon younger Biden at gunpoint - sociopathic idiots don't do things like that.
Looks like Biden Jr. got convicted today.

Sentencing guidelines suggest 15-20 months in the clink, no where close to the max 25 year prison term that could be imposed.

He might not be so lucky on the next trial he faces (tax evasion). If convicted in that one, he's gets sentenced as a convicted felon, so the penalty could be up to 5 years per charge.

If all goes well, he can help Trump navigate the prison shower system.

Normal sentence for this kind of case with a first time offender is non-custodial. It’s usually only custodial if the gun was used in a crime.
BLOTUS wouldn't pardon younger Biden at gunpoint - sociopathic idiots don't do things like that.
And in a real democracy, you don’t weaponize your judicial system to go after your opponents
And in a real democracy, you don’t weaponize your judicial system to go after your opponents
The U.S.A. has never been a true democracy - its an enlightened oligarchy like most 'Western' countries.
And their judicial system is so flawed as to often be painful.

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