so after all these threads OP where did you live?
so after all these threads OP where did you live?
A sq. ft.??? Oucheeee...
My guess is that he doesn't want to say because there are faults with that place and he doesn't want the vultures here picking the country apart.
have you seen the deficit and debt in the states? This year's DEFICIT in the US ($455b US) would pay off our national DEBT ($467b CAD, $390b USD).
ya their taxes are low, but the country is paying for it in other ways
Why would that matter? If you are making more money, paying less taxes, insurance etc, thats all most care friends in California remind me all the time, unfortunately most companies seem to have hiring/move/promotion freezes right now.
Why would that matter? If you are making more money, paying less taxes, insurance etc, thats all most care friends in California remind me all the time, unfortunately most companies seem to have hiring/move/promotion freezes right now.
Welcome to CANADA, you don't like it go back to where you were before you came to canada, its sucks but it is what it is. and been like that for years.
work to live, live to ride
yeah, i don't get it, what's the big deal of sharing that info? especially after getting into so much detail about living there, and NOT naming the guess is japan (but that Busa is throwin me off cuz they have a graduated system there and it'd take a while to get up into that CC range, i'd think, taxes are low and the cigs are cheap) i'm sure i'm wrong
c'mon Easy rider, is it that a big deal to share that info? or is it to protect national security?(i wouldn't take anything on this forum personally, btw...)
im beginning to think this place exists in the OPs mind only. :snorting:
It Sucks, But It's What It Is...............
It's amazing that's never been made into made into a bumper sticker isn't it? The funny part is the damn thing would sell sell like half arsed crullers out of 'Hortons.
The attack of the penile insecure. They know their position is indefensible, but with a little support and some injection suddenly a thrust becomes a viable alternative.
Actually I'd be willing to put real money on doubting the credentials of the Pro-Canuckistan people. All-Inclusive holidays and gov't travel advisories does not mean you've travelled. Sowry.
LMAO, it's GTam...............Toronto itself is a bizarre illusory place, where you can be a jerkoff, eat half arse sushi, disobey pedestrian signals, watch CSI Yo'Tard.......and still have an air of superiority on the lil' people.
Arguing with a Libtard from Hogtown is like shooting pool with a piece of rope. Everytime you come up with a decent shot they go limp, shutup and wait to see where the balls end up.
Then they beotch you out for the lousy shot.
Except for the first line..VenezuelaAs for the original post...Easy Rider, which country did you live in that had
Free Housing, Electricity, Gas, Cars/Phones and Cable
No taxes
No Parking tickets, Speeding tickets and other vehicular tickets
No Vehicle liscencing
Free Univeristy/College level education
and no need for any sort of Insurance.
Where is this magical Xanadu...and can we all move there?
I think the bottom line of all of this is that "you've gotta pay to play".
Things feel tight these days, and I'm feeling far broker than I did in 2008. (I think buying a motorbike has something to do with that). But it is of value to live somewhere where you don't have to bear arms and where you can take your safety for granted.
Not that our government is particularly good at spending our money...
Well, the Toronto murder rate is already one of the lowest in the world as far as large and even small cities are concerned. And once you take the gangmember-on-gangmember killings and the domestic homicides out of the picture, the remaining numbers of stranger-on-stranger murders in Toronto is quite small. So yes, compared to most places in the world, Toronto is incredibly safe as far as random stranger-on-stranger violence is concerned.Ya, nobody gets murdered in Toronto lol.
Well, the Toronto murder rate is already one of the lowest in the world as far as large and even small cities are concerned. And once you take the gangmember-on-gangmember killings and the domestic homicides out of the picture, the remaining numbers of stranger-on-stranger murders in Toronto is quite small. So yes, compared to most places in the world, Toronto is incredibly safe as far as random stranger-on-stranger violence is concerned.
Except for the first line..Venezuela
I'd really like to know which country OP was referring to.
Ya, nobody gets murdered in Toronto lol.