The Childfree Movement

^^ Right, because that happens all the time....Those people got placed in the homes BECAUSE their children were selfish and didnt want to take care of them.

I see a LOT of anger towards people who choose not to have kids.

The anger tends to surface when childless couples start to blabber on about how wonderful their life is, like having children ends your life forever. If the smug twats would learn to keep their mouths shut then there wouldn't be "a LOT of anger towards people who choose not to have kids"

Make your decision and get on with your life ffs.
I wonder if we are speaking the same language?

selfish[ sel-fish ]
1.*devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.
2.*characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself: selfish motives.
To each their own. And good luck to everyone with their life choices.

All I know is my children are my warrant, and if they aren't the word of God, then God never spoke.
Tough one. I was married, so I could have done the kid thing at the time - I chose not to. That doesn't mean I'll rule it out in the future, although I am aware that "the clock is ticking" for me being in my 30s. I think about it sometimes, then realize that I want to enjoy being child-free a bit more. Enjoy my current lifestyle.

Do I get annoyed by most people's misbehaved kids? Hell yes. I was at a BBQ yesterday and was joking with a friend that had I known someone was bringing their baby, I'd have taken a Bixi bike instead of my motorcycle so that I can drink. Do I get annoyed by the smugness and expectations of mothers to have everyone else bend over and accomodate them? Yes. And this whole "oh look at my baby, isn't s/he so cute" bla bla bla. Sorry, most babies are ugly. But, all this is not a feature of parenthood - it's just the general self-absorbed and inconsiderate characters of those particular people, which outside of their parenthood, would express itself in other day-to-day ways as well.
look at it from the other stand point....I get badgered a LOT when i hint that i dont plan on having kids...the classic....OOOOH YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU"RE MISSING followed by endless guilt tripping for making a conscious decision that has ZERO effect on their lives. Maybe some of the get really sick of it and lash back out?

The anger tends to surface when childless couples start to blabber on about how wonderful their life is, like having children ends your life forever. If the smug twats would learn to keep their mouths shut then there wouldn't be "a LOT of anger towards people who choose not to have kids"

Make your decision and get on with your life ffs.
The anger tends to surface when childless couples start to blabber on about how wonderful their life is, like having children ends your life forever. If the smug twats would learn to keep their mouths shut then there wouldn't be "a LOT of anger towards people who choose not to have kids"

Make your decision and get on with your life ffs.

I always take an interest in my friends' kids (genuine interest, they're nice kids). And my friends are curious about what I do (travel, ride motorcycles). That's how friends behave. People who demonstrate active disinterest in other peoples' lives are narcissistic jerks--whether they have kids or not.
Why do you need to "have a stance" on a personal choice issue? What a load of bollocks the OP spouts.

Yeah, I've kids. They cost me money, they've cost me freedom when they were younger. They stopped me doing stuff I may have wanted to do. My eldest still gives me grief and he's 23. But so what? I've only met one or two childless by choice couples who are half way interesting. The rest of them are boring, selfish twats with very little to offer other than their skewed opinions.

If you'd rather have a jet ski than a kid then that tells me everything I need to know about you.

That goes both ways. I'm pretty sad about the friends I've lost touch with when they had kids and settled into the "lets talk about potty training" conversation crowd. There's a few that haven't done that, but not many.
and please please don't bring them to work, to show them off.

I am trying to make a living.
As for women getting pissy about getting old without children, you can also say that it's because of society. They're expected to have children as it's the norm. To top it all off, childbirth and sex are two of the most defining features of a woman. Studies have shown that the depression that comes with depression is usually from feeling that they've lost a huge chunk of their self-identity. That's more likely a cognitive problem than a chemical imbalance.

Ya, I don't think so. So what, in your opinion, are the two most defining features of a man????

And "cognitive" is not correct for sure in this statement even if you are just guessing. Depression is a chemical imbalance whether that chemical imbalance is due to environmental factors, genetic predisposition or a traumatic life event. A chemical imbalance occurs. It has nothing to do with cognition.

Also, I do believe women getting "pissy" when they grow old and are childless is the result of a chemical imbalance as well.
^^ Right, because that happens all the time....Those people got placed in the homes BECAUSE their children were selfish and didnt want to take care of them.

I see a LOT of anger towards people who choose not to have kids.

Yep, people can be selfish, there's no denying there. I've seen some no good brats who have no respect for their parents.

In a perfect world thats what you want happen. Your kids to take care of you when you are older. Sometimes that might not happen, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't try.

I'm not putting down people who don't have kids. I'm defending my stance on having kids. Someone mentioned people who have kids are selfish. I'm not sure if he's serious. Go back and read it
Ya, I don't think so. So what, in your opinion, are the two most defining features of a man????.
Spreading the seed around to ensure a strong dynasty of malfunctional families
This whole "it goes against our survival instinct" is a very hard argument to make when we go against so many other things that we have a biological imperative to do. Racism/segregation is a survival instinct; so is violence and hostility; so is supporting the weaker (welfare, accommodating disabilities or handicaps, etc.).

Im not sure you see my point. I am not trying to add to any argument. I am just pointing out that humans like most living creatures have a biological imperative to procreate and simply keep on living. Even creatures with little to no intelligence are wired to do.

I am not even saying that one should follow their biological imperative because as intelligent beings, we are at a point in evolution where we decide what we want to do. My point which is purely opinion since I am no PHD in anything is that if you ignore this biological imperative, there are some consequences that accompany that decision. So far, all I have noticed is it makes you bitter and kind of creepy but it could very well run deeper than that.

To comment on your other observations Racism/seggregation, violence, hostility - IMO These behavioural tendencies are not imperative 'must-do's'.. Our reproductive system has us wanting to mate on a frequent cycle- for men: shoot a load, recharge ballsack, shoot a load and so on.. As guys we either go get laid or we supress it by rubbing one out every now and then. Its a cyclical calling. Personally, I do not see such a cycle for racism or violence. I do not cyclically find the need to go out and beat or kill somebody. If you look at racism on the other hand, the root of it is fear. Fear of what you might ask? Fear that those different looking people are going to harm you and your family thus interfering with your imperative to procreate and keep on living. Like I posted earlier, if you really think about it, the root cause for a lot of human behaviour stems from our natural programming to reproduce.
Spreading the seed around to ensure a strong dynasty of malfunctional families

When people ask me the meaning of life, I give them a biological perspective:

"To have offspring so that my genetics can be immortalized"

Makes me wonder, what happens when a childless couple dies? Does their possessions go to the gov't or to the bank?
You can decide to have kids to keep your lineage going but you can't decide for your children whether they will have kids or not, or your grandchildren.

Does their possessions go to the gov't or to the bank?

Ultimately this happens one way or another. Ever see the opening to Zeitgeist moving forward? "At the end of the game the pieces all go back in the box"
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Yep, people can be selfish, there's no denying there. I've seen some no good brats who have no respect for their parents.

In a perfect world thats what you want happen. Your kids to take care of you when you are older. Sometimes that might not happen, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't try.

I'm not putting down people who don't have kids. I'm defending my stance on having kids. Someone mentioned people who have kids are selfish. I'm not sure if he's serious. Go back and read it

When people ask me the meaning of life, I give them a biological perspective:

"To have offspring so that my genetics can be immortalized"

Makes me wonder, what happens when a childless couple dies? Does their possessions go to the gov't or to the bank?

These reasons for having kids are very common but they are selfish reasons. You are only thinking about you. That's fine and all and I'm not judging because I am in the same boat. Most of us are like that. But it is selfish and vain.
When people ask me the meaning of life, I give them a biological perspective:

"To have offspring so that my genetics can be immortalized"

Makes me wonder, what happens when a childless couple dies? Does their possessions go to the gov't or to the bank?

Dude, just because we don't have kids doesn't mean we don't have extended family, causes we believe in, etc. For us, half the money will go to our niece and nephew, and half to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Maybe you've heard of it--it preserves natural spaces from urban sprawl caused by overpopulation...
Makes me wonder, what happens when a childless couple dies? Does their possessions go to the gov't or to the bank?

Well the bank will ALWAYS get paid regardless of kids or dependents - but only if they don't have a Will do their possessions go to the government.

My father had a good friend who never married (although was with the same woman for over 40 years) and never had kids. With no dependents the largest chunk of his wealth went to paying for care of his DOG until death (I'm talking about tens of thousands went just to his dog) - the rest (and whatever wasn't used by his dog until it died) was split between two charitable causes (one being the humane socienty).
These reasons for having kids are very common but they are selfish reasons. You are only thinking about you. That's fine and all and I'm not judging because I am in the same boat. Most of us are like that. But it is selfish and vain.

how is that selfish?
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