Lucky for you, your folks didn't think the same way you do.....or you'd have been the residue in a condom instead of where you are now.
It's either I am old fashioned or I have a strong biological drive. When some people tell me they don't want kids, it goes against all our evolutionary traits and our instinct to survive. Animals have fought for mating rights and for their offspring to propagate. Male lions would actually kill the offspring of competing males, just so their offspring has a better chance.
In short, I find it very unnatural for someone to NOT have kids, and I see a certain group of people extincting (sp?) themselves.
So true.
Re: Dumb people having kids and smart people stopping - Ever seen the movie idiocracy? Lol.
I'm in the personally selfish, no kids thanks, crowd.
In my experience those who have made the choice to not procreate tend to be the loudest with both stories and excuses. Ironically, those who can't conceive on their own silently carry a great deal of personal pain.
To each their own, but I have enjoyed being a father, although that may change now that my son is a teenager...
Probably better having a teenage son than a teenage daughter...
I support the Childfree movement. I have kids, and most parents suck compared to me, so they should have less kids. I rock at parenting.
I think the reason the statistic is capped off at 18 is because then it gets complicated: some people get kicked out, have to start paying rent, ivy league vs community college, etc.Actually it is quite a bit more than that and it does not stop when they hit 18, (university, college, weddings, helping out with moving expenses....). We have two kids; our daughter is now 30, while our son is 23. Being a parent is one of the more difficult jobs and it is definitely not for everyone. We are happy we choose to have kids, even though there have been days when we have wondered out loud why we had them.
This whole "it goes against our survival instinct" is a very hard argument to make when we go against so many other things that we have a biological imperative to do. Racism/segregation is a survival instinct; so is violence and hostility; so is supporting the weaker (welfare, accommodating disabilities or handicaps, etc.).But human beings do have a biological imperative to procreate. Choosing to not have kids is to deny what we are programmed to do. Its why women get "clucky" when they get close to their child-bearing expiry date. Their body chemistry is telling them "hurry up!, you are running out of time".
Why do you need to "have a stance" on a personal choice issue? What a load of bollocks the OP spouts.
Yeah, I've kids. They cost me money, they've cost me freedom when they were younger. They stopped me doing stuff I may have wanted to do. My eldest still gives me grief and he's 23. But so what? I've only met one or two childless by choice couples who are half way interesting. The rest of them are boring, selfish twats with very little to offer other than their skewed opinions.
If you'd rather have a jet ski than a kid then that tells me everything I need to know about you.
Monogomy is an unnatural evolutionary trait for us (quite a few reasons why, feeling sleepy after a shag? Wonder whats happening to missus caveman while you're sleeping to ensure misses caveman gets her eggs fertilized?) As humans though we have quite a bit of self determination that overrides evolutionary traits and some people choose to override the whole spawning process.
My view....there's tons of people in the world, too many. If I want kids later I'll adopt one but I don't think I will as I'm completely content without them.
Don't kid yourself - the ONLY reason people have kids is also for selfish reasons.
+1To each their own, if you are happy to not have kids, enjoy life and its all good. I am all for freedom of choice and I don't really care what others want to do when it does not really impact me.
But human beings do have a biological imperative to procreate. Choosing to not have kids is to deny what we are programmed to do. Its why women get "clucky" when they get close to their child-bearing expiry date. Their body chemistry is telling them "hurry up!, you are running out of time".
And this biological imperative to procreate, whether you really acknowledge it or not, is directly or indirectly why men do a lot of the things they do... Building up those muscles, driving the nice car, going out to clubs, POSING at Timmie's on your bike! etc... It all degenerates to wanting to go out and get laid. That's your body telling you to go and impregnate some unlucky lady. Now, your brain and judgement can interfere (many times for the better but not always) with this imperative which can help you stay married and not go broke by having as many kids as NBA players do but it does not mean this imperative does not exist.
I think as you get older and deny your imperative to procreate, your brain chemistry changes. I have no scientific evidence on this but I imagine that it probably exists. It's why I think a lot of middle-aged to older folks with no kids get kind of wierd and bitter.
Do whatever makes you happy in the end though.
I'll take that one step further. People who don't want kids would suck at raising them anyway. I also rock at parenting and expect to write books on how to be like me.
ARe u sure about that?
I hope your son doesn't read GTAM
You say that like you believe killerkieth to be a real grown-up.
I can say the other way 'round. People who don't want kids DO NOT want to share their lives. They do not want to share their time and they want to save their money for their toys or travelling.
I wonder how it would feel when you're 70-80 and can't take care of yourself, residing at an old age home. With no family to visit you because most of them are dead and none of them are any younger.
That right there is VERY selfish reason to have kids!!! (so that YOU are not lonely when you are about to die)